Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Eight hundred and fortieth eight chapters God's family

Chekav kept reading the document, took out a copy from time to time, and kept it at hand.

After a while, Chekhav raised his head, picked up a dozen or so documents in his hand, and said to Kanon, "Manager Kanon, I think the documents on your desktop should be backed up according to regulations, so I won't Borrow these politely for the time being. I am going to investigate now, the situation in these documents, and we will talk after the investigation is completed."

After speaking, Chekav nodded to Rommel and Kanon respectively, as a farewell. Afterwards, without any fuss, he quickly walked out of the room and left the base, not knowing where he went.

There was silence in the room.

After a while, Rommel stepped out of the room and wanted to leave. When he walked to the door of the room, he stopped for a while, turned his head, thought for a while and told Kanon: "Kanon is in charge, after all, inspector Chekav was sent by the head of 'Grey Fog', if he is only investigating hidden dangers in the area , then try to cooperate with him.

And if he is doing some other things while investigating the hidden dangers in the area, then... within the organization's regulations, he must... Well, try to cooperate with him.

After all, we are all servants of the true God, and we...have no selfish motives. "

After speaking, Rommel disappeared outside the door.

Kanon stood alone in the room, and the sound of "clicking" sounded from behind, and the demonized white rabbit hiding in the corner jumped out and jumped into his arms.

Kanon stretched out his hand and slowly rubbed the soft hair of the big white rabbit, looked outside the door, his eyes were a little lost, and he said to himself: "Aren't you selfish..."

If it was true that there was no selfishness, then there would never be such a sentence at all, and it was already the second time I said it.

In fact, in the organization, everyone still has some selfishness more or less.

This selfishness is not vulgar wealth or power, but in a sense, it is more tempting than wealth and power, that is... God's favor.

Yes, God's favor.

A person who has more gods, can have more contact with the true god, and can be closer to the true god.

Every member of the core layer of the organization is willing to contribute to the true God, but the dedication is after all how much or how little.

At the lower level, these differences are reflected in the points and the number of resurrections; at the higher level, it is reflected in the gods.

Most people can't tell exactly what the gods are, but one thing is clear, with enough gods, they can do almost anything.

For example, the director Rommel used a small scroll to destroy the entire White Rock City. This did not come from his real power. Instead, it consumes the gods, communicates with the true god, and is the divine punishment sent down by the true god.

It is said that if there are a certain number of gods, they can be exchanged for the qualification to enter heaven.

That is a country that is governed by the true god, managed by the silver priest, and guarded by angels. Death and pain do not exist there, as long as you guarantee absolute loyalty to the true God, you can get eternal life.

It is even possible to go one step further, to completely cast off the shackles of the flesh, to become a pure angel, or to become... an incomparably holy, invincible silver priest who is second only to the true god.


Taking a deep breath, Kanon, the steward, tried to calm down, imagining all kinds of things that the inspector Chekav might do now, and said softly: "There is no selfishness, um, everyone in the organization has no selfishness."

After speaking, he closed the door, sat down in his seat, and began to read the documents, as if nothing had happened.


In a blink of an eye, nearly half a month has passed.

During this period of time, for the small town of Shambhala, it was undoubtedly an earth-shaking change.

More than one-third of the mines outside the town changed hands, and the mine owners all turned into waltzes.

Waltz, who was once impoverished, has now become the most influential person in the entire town of Shambhala. More than half of the miners in the town work for him, and the scale of the mine under his hands is still expanding without any stop. signs.

While expanding, it produces a large amount of ore and sells it to various places.

While building various novel buildings, improving the efficiency of mining.

At present, the alchemy props used to break ore have become less mysterious and known by many people. In their view, this is actually just a relatively powerful gray powder. After a series of special configurations, it can release powerful power.

If it's not the most critical ingredients, and I don't know how to make them, any craftsman can copy them. Of course, most of the artisans in and around the town of Shambhala have entered the factories in the mining area, and with high salaries, they are responsible for assembling alchemy tools with gray powder and supplying the demolition team led by Didak use.

In addition, some railroad tracks urgently built by blacksmiths in the mine are being laid. A few people pushed the mine cart that had been modified many times, running on the rails, experimenting with something. Some people don’t understand why after reading it, some people dismiss it, but some people are curious about it, and some people think more about it, vaguely feeling that this may change the current mining process and greatly improve efficiency.

In short, the mine under Waltz is changing all the time. Although the various changes look rough, they have strong vitality. It seems that the entire mine is going to be transformed into a terrifying existence bit by bit. .

In a sense, this is a social experiment.

The person who initiated this experiment, Li Cha, was also a little curious about what the entire mine would look like in the end.

Will there be a chain reaction, will it revolutionize the entire mining industry?

Of course, it doesn't matter if it doesn't have the desired effect. Because his real purpose of doing these things is to mine uranium ore so that it can be used in the research and manufacture of nuclear weapons.

The reason for making such a big splash is, on the one hand, to conceal his real purpose.

After all, using a lot of manpower and paying a lot of wealth just to mine some seemingly useless ores is too easy to arouse suspicion.

As it is now, it becomes more secretive to fully exploit the mineral resources near the small town of Shambhala for sale, and to secretly mine uranium ore while earning high profits.

Even if someone doubted it, their eyes immediately fell on the several technologies that changed the mine, such as rail transportation, such as explosives, such as more things that may be available in the future.

And this is exactly what he deliberately left for the other party.

Because he knows one thing very well, that is, it is very difficult to conceal something so that the other party has no doubts. Even if it can be done, it will consume a lot of resources and energy, and if it fails, all will be lost.

In this case, it is better to mislead the other party from the beginning and let the other party have appropriate doubts within the controllable range.

In this way, even if the other party really made an inquiry, he would only be settled by the answer he had thought up long ago, unable to figure out the real situation.

Of course, if the other party does not explore, it is better.

Will it happen?


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