Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 849 Accompaniment

In the evening after half a month.

Outside the small town of Shambhala, near the site of the original No. 13 mine.

A camp had just been put into use, and in one of the spacious rooms, the old Lich, Afu, was sitting on a seat, sipping a cup of tea.

The tea is sweet tea, the overall color is muddy yellow, and there is a lot of beige powder at the bottom, which is the sugar that has not completely melted. In addition, an excessive amount of honey is added to the tea, which makes the tea taste sweet enough to kill a lot of people.

But Ah Fu, the Lich old man, didn't feel uncomfortable about it at all. Instead, he took a deep sip, showing an extremely satisfied expression.

He really slept for too long, and the newly acquired body was an old man in the aging stage, which made him extremely insensitive to many stimuli. Only with more than three times the strong taste stimulation can he enjoy the normal sweet and delicious feeling.

Fortunately, he now has such a rich patron as Li Cha, so he doesn't feel bad at all if he drinks tea with more sugar or honey.

Thinking about this, Old Lich Afu began to plan that after drinking this kind of sweet tea for a few more days, he could try the taste of salty tea—adding a lot of more expensive pepper and cinnamon powder would definitely have a different flavor.

Taking another sip of the tea, touching the smooth and white teacup, feeling the touch like a girl's skin, the Lich old man Ah Fu let out a long breath, very satisfied with his current life.

Of course, it would be even better if there was more... something.

Taking another sip of tea, Old Lich Afu rolled his eyes and walked out of the room.

Walking outside, you can see the camp where he is located, located on a small hill, and you can clearly see many miners who are off work nearby, walking in twos and threes.

Some miners are walking towards the current camp, some are walking towards other camps farther away, and some are walking towards the small town of Shambhala - because the time is too short, the camps established near the current mines are far from being able to Meet the accommodation needs of all hired miners. Therefore, most of the miners continue to live in the small town of Shambhala, and it will take several months for this situation to change completely.

The old Lich didn't care much about this, but just stretched out his hand to meet the night wind blowing.

Eyes closed, feeling the night wind flowing in the palm of his hand, feeling the air passing between his fingers, Lich Lao sighed.

"Well, I really should have something." The lich old man Ah Fu's thoughts became stronger, "Only if you have something, can it be considered a real enjoyment."


Turning his head, the old Lich looked to the side and saw two people walking into the camp where he was.

Because of the relatively high-end configuration of this camp, generally only the core members of the mine can stay, at least the team leader. The two people who came, one tall and strong, the other thin, were Didak and Bofei.

The old Lich looked at the two of them, waved his hand, and said bluntly: "Hey, you two, yes, it's you, come here."

Didak and Bofei were talking at first, but when they heard the old Lich's call, they turned their heads and tightened slightly.

In the eyes of the two of them, Old Lich Afu is a very special and mysterious existence.

The other party came to this mine half a month ago. He didn't do any work at all, but his status was so high that even the mine owner Waltz couldn't command the other party.

There were rumors that the other party was very similar to a beggar named Ford who died in the mine, but Didak sneered at it.


How can it be?

Looking at the other party's temperament, you can understand that this rumor is not reliable at all. The clothes and decorations worn by the other party, as well as the usual food and tea, are simply not something a beggar can afford.

Didak felt that the other party might be an elder of mine owner Waltz. Therefore, the other party can do nothing and be served by Waltz.

Correspondingly, if the other party makes some demands on him or other workers, he has to serve and try his best to meet them.

Hearing the old man Lich's shout, Didak stopped the conversation in time, and quickly walked to the old man Lich with Bo Fei, and asked cautiously, "This... my lord, do you have any orders?"

"There is indeed an order." The old Lich said, "You two think about a way and see if you can help me get it done. If not, go tell your mine owner Waltz and let him get it done for me."

"Uh, what is it?" Didak asked looking up.

"This..." Old Lich hesitated, thought for a while, looked at Didak and Bofei, and said faintly, "You should be able to see that I am not young.

"Yes." Didak nodded.

"Yes." Bo Fei agreed, but he didn't understand what the old Lich meant.

The old Lich said: "As people get older, they tend to feel...well, lonely, and want to have...well, company."

"Ah..." Didak opened his mouth, a little stunned, trying to think about what the old Lich wanted. Recently, he has been tossing explosives to destroy the ore, and his brain really can't react.

The old Lich didn't care about this, looked at Didak and continued: "I'm not very picky, but I have a few small requirements for company. The first one is that the hair must be golden, don't have any Mottled. Secondly, you must be young, energetic, and docile. Do you understand?"

"Ah... this..." Didak still couldn't react.

But Bofei tugged at Didak's clothes and helped to answer: "We understand, we understand, my lord."

The old Lich smiled and said encouragingly, "It's good if you understand, help me make arrangements, I'll wait for you here, don't make me wait too long."

"Yes, my lord." Bofei nodded again and again, pulling Didak away.

When the two walked out of the camp, Didak frowned and looked at Bofei, and asked, "Bofei, do you really understand what that lord wants? Why haven't I understood it until now."

"Brother Didak, why are you so stupid!" Bo Fei exhaled, rolled his eyes and said, "It's obvious what the other party wants."


"Of course it is..." Bo Fei didn't continue, but just made a "you understand" look in his eyes, and pressed his hands on his chest.

Didak's eyes widened suddenly: "You mean... a woman?"

"Otherwise?" Bofei shrugged.

"No, no." Didak shook his head again and again, looked at Bo Fei and said seriously, "You guessed wrong, it must not be a woman. Don't even think about it, how old is that adult, how can he still miss women? .It should be something else."

"This..." Seeing Didak's resolute expression, Bo Fei couldn't help but waver, "Are you sure, Brother Didak? Then what do you think the other party wants?"

"This... I don't know, but it must be a woman, it may be..." Didak suddenly stopped in the middle of speaking, and heard a few dogs barking next to him.

"Wow woof!"

"Hmm!" Didak and Bo Fei were stunned for a moment, then turned their heads to look at a clump of withered grass next to them. Then I saw a big dog coming out, its whole body was golden without any stray hairs.

"This..." Didak and Bo Fei quickly exchanged glances.

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