After the hedgehog landed, its whole body rolled up, and the spikes all over its body flashed a dazzling purple light, and then these spikes shot around like a storm.


A series of screams sounded.

The spikes of the hedgehog are obviously very poisonous. As long as the wizards of the nearby Truth Society are shot, they will twitch and fall to the ground in just a few seconds.

When the wizards of the Truth Society finally reacted and successfully propped up the shield, half of their companions were killed, leaving only two core members and one peripheral member.

It all changed so fast, it was like a dream.

The bald leader looked at the corpses of his companions around him, gritted his teeth uncontrollably, and prepared to cast a spell to kill the hedgehog with a wave of his hand, only to find that the hedgehog had long since disappeared.

"Damn it!" the bald leader roared through gritted teeth.

"Calm down, team leader!" Another core member wearing a green robe said solemnly, "It's useless to lose your temper now, the key is to leave here, bring the news back, and tell the branch how dangerous this forest is. Hell, what did you say here is the fourth level of dangerous difficulty, and now it is absolutely more than that, and the level must be raised."

"Okay, listen to you." The bald leader took a deep breath, suppressed his emotions, and said, "Let's retreat." Waving his hand, while maintaining the shield, he and his companions retreated out of the forest.

In the end, within a few tens of meters, the only surviving peripheral member wearing a gray robe seemed to hear something on one side of his ear and asked, "What sound?"

"Huh? What sound?" The bald leader was puzzled.

"Listen!" The gray-robed peripheral members pointed to the right and said seriously, "It's like the wind."

"Wind sound?" The bald leader and another core member of the green robe frowned, turned their heads to look to one side, then opened their eyes wide, and saw the white wind passing through the forest, heading towards They blow straight.

wind! The wind composed of incomparably powerful wind blades blows in front of him in just the blink of an eye.

The bald leader roared: "Defend, block!" After saying that, he and the other two companions put up their shields with all their strength and went forward.


The gust of wind blades slammed into the shield heavily.

Suddenly, a huge noise erupted, like a thousand or ten thousand birds screaming.

The noise lasted for more than ten seconds, and then disappeared without a trace like the sea at low tide.

In the forest, the repetition returned to silence, as if nothing happened.

But more than half an hour later, at the edge of the forest, a figure covered in blood stumbled out.

This person is not the bald leader, nor is it another core member of the green robe, but the weakest surviving peripheral member of the gray robe.

At this time, the peripheral members of the gray robe had their eyes wide open, revealing a strong desire to survive.

Walking a few steps quickly, beside a big tree at the edge of the forest, knelt down feebly, gasping for breath.

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

After panting for a long time, he turned his head and glanced behind him, and found that there was nothing catching up. He breathed a sigh of relief, and his face showed the ecstasy of the rest of his life: "Haha, it's not easy, it's really... not easy, finally... finally escaped!"

After speaking, he gritted his teeth and stood up again, squeezed out the little energy left, and fled towards the outside of the forest, preparing to leave this fierce place completely.

But the next moment, there was a sound of breaking through the air.


The escaped gray-robed peripheral members shook their bodies, looked down at their hearts in disbelief, and saw that a strangely shaped animal tooth had pierced his body, and blood was gushing out from the wound.

The peripheral members of the gray robe began to twitch, and then fell to the ground with a "plop".


Afterwards, a black figure appeared. It couldn't be seen in detail, but it was extremely sensitive. It quickly dragged the peripheral members of the gray robe into the forest and disappeared.

Only then did the forest regain its true tranquility.


In the Deland branch, Rommel, the supervisor, once again received bad news from Horus,

The mood is ruined for the second time.

Frowning, Rommel stepped into the office of Canon in charge, preparing to assign several new tasks to Canon according to his original plan.

Only this time, he missed it—Kanon was not in the office, and went out on a temporary basis.

Canon is not there, but the big white rabbit is.

Canon's personal pet, the demonized white rabbit, saw the door open and thought it was Canon coming back. He quickly jumped out of the corner, jumped onto the desk, and was about to jump on the people passing by.

As a result, at the next moment, I suddenly discovered that the person who came in was not Canon at all, but Rommel.


The big white rabbit had already lifted its two front legs, danced in the air, and landed awkwardly on the office desk again. The red eyes looked at Rommel for a few seconds, the three-petal mouth opened and closed, and turned around stiffly. After that, I tried my best to look unobtrusive, and prepared to return to the corner to hide.

But it is too difficult to achieve this.

After all, there are only two living creatures in the huge office now, one is it, and the other is Rommel, who has the strength of a fourth-level wizard.

Rommel's eyes fell on the big white rabbit, staring at it for a moment, his frowning brows slowly unfolded, and then he raised his eyebrows.

"A rabbit? A demonized rabbit?" Rommel had a playful expression on his face, "So the pet hidden by Kanon is a demonized rabbit. Oh, last time I ignored you, but this time you jumped out by yourself gone."

Hearing Rommel's words, the big white rabbit suddenly felt that something was wrong, and with the strength of its hind legs, it was about to jump up and run away.

But as soon as the whole body was off the table, it was found that its body was out of control, like a bubble, slowly floating towards Rommel.

No matter how hard he struggled afterwards, he could only watch as he got closer and closer to Rommel, and then fell into Rommel's arms with a "plop".

The moment he touched Rommel's body at close range and felt Rommel's terrifying aura, the white rabbit seemed to be petrified and dared not move. Because in its feelings, Rommel is hundreds of times more terrifying than its natural enemies, and if Rommel feels any discomfort, he can easily kill it.

Rommel laughed.

"Oh, are you scared?"

As he spoke, he stroked the hair of the big white rabbit with his hand.

The big white rabbit became more frightened, but he didn't even dare to tremble, and just kept motionless.

Rommel didn't seem to understand the big white rabbit's mood at all, and stroked it with his hands again and again.


A few minutes later.

With a "squeak", the door of the office opened, and Kanon hurried in. As soon as he entered the door, he stopped.

I saw that Rommel was sitting on his seat, stroking his pet white rabbit for a while, maintaining a thoughtful expression, not knowing what he was thinking.

Canon froze a little bit, opened his mouth, tried several times, but didn't know what to say.


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