Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 903: The Attacker in the Dark

Just when Canon didn't know what to say, Rommel spoke.

Raising his head, Rommel looked at Canon and said, "Are you back?"

"Um, yes." Canon nodded, still not knowing what to say.

"Do you know, another accident happened in the Horus branch." Rommel said.

Kanon's eyelids twitched, and finally he could speak, frowning slightly: "Is it a continuation of the last question?"

"Yes." Rommel said, "The disturbance caused by the forest last time was even worse. Horus raised the danger level and sent an elite team to investigate, but they still lost contact and none of them came back. .

After losing a large number of manpower in a row, the operation of the Horus branch has problems, and I am applying to me to mobilize some members from your branches to supplement it. This will allow them to form a stronger team and thoroughly understand the details of the forest. "

Canon listened, his expression tightened, and he subconsciously wanted to refuse. After all, the number of members in his branch was not very large.

But Rommel took the lead and said: "I promised them, you will find a way to squeeze out a small team in the near future, and mobilize them when the time comes."

"I..." Kanon adjusted his mouth, looked at the big pet rabbit obediently lying in Rommel's arms, and said helplessly, "Okay, I'll do it now."

"Yeah." Rommel nodded, and asked again, "By the way, what's the situation in your branch? What happened to the Richard you told me about last time?"

Kanon's expression became a little serious: "Director, I was just about to report to you. Since Wizard Richard used his points to exchange a large amount of spell materials last time, it was calm for a while, and then a few days ago, it was another time. The same operation was repeated."

"What did he exchange this time?"

"The exchange is still spell data, but the scope is no longer as general as before. It focuses on the spells of the evocation category, especially the light spells." Kanon said, thinking for a while, "If I remember correctly, does he use it? A few points were exchanged for the spell 'Teda Glorious Glory'."

"'Teda Glory'?" Rommel frowned and thought, stopped stroking the big white rabbit, and said after a while, "Isn't this a broken four-ring spell? What's the use of him exchanging this thing?"

Canon shook his head.

"Okay, I got it." Rommel thought for a moment and made a decision, "If you have time, you can ask him, and by the way, tell him for me: the spell 'Teda Glory' has reached the level of a fourth-ring spell in its incomplete state. Difficulty, it is impossible to restore it completely. After all, the ancient civilization has lost too much knowledge. If he is smarter, it is better not to waste points on this, it is better to do some other meaningful things .”

"Yes, I must tell him." Canon said.

"En." Rommel said, stood up from his seat, then put the big white rabbit in his arms on the table like a decoration, and walked out without saying anything.

Kanon watched Rommel leave, turned his head to look at the pet white rabbit on the table, and saw that the white rabbit dared not move until now, and looked at him with extremely aggrieved eyes.


Kanon sighed, hugged the white rabbit and began to comfort him.



A team of ten,

Entering the lonely forest, this is the third exploration that the Truth Society attaches great importance to.

In the team, the weakest member is also a high-level first-level wizard, most of the members are second-level wizards, and there are two third-level wizards in charge.

Such a force, even if placed on the main continent, is enough to destroy a small country, but now it is exclusively used to explore the forest.

After the group entered the forest, they all maintained a high degree of vigilance and cast spells constantly to ensure that their bodies were always in a state of defense to prevent sudden attacks.

But I don't know why, this time the lonely forest is extremely peaceful, and nothing happened, allowing the group to go deep smoothly.

It was late at night in a blink of an eye.

The team of wizards who had entered the depths of the forest stopped in a clearing to recuperate.

A large bonfire was lit, and six wizards ate and meditated silently, while the other four wizards sat in four directions to watch the night.

This situation lasted for a long time, until half an hour later, a wizard who was watching the night suddenly opened his eyes wide, looking sharply at a direction in the night.

Afterwards, he turned his head slightly, looked at his night watch companion in another direction, and found that the other party was also aware of it and looked over. The two looked at each other, exchanged a glance quietly, and slowly pressed one hand on the ground. The invisible power was released and passed quickly under the soil, and the flames of the burning bonfire stagnated.


After that, faint voices sounded all around, and many hidden attackers were approaching in the darkness.

Not long after, the sharp sound of "咻咻咻" pierced the night, and a large number of wind blades appeared, whizzing towards the wizard in the open space.


There was a sound, and at the same time as the wind blade appeared, all wizards, whether they were vigilant or resting, jumped up and quickly set up the energy shield to block the wind blade.

The subsequent wind blades not only came out, flew, and kept hitting the shield, but they couldn't hurt anyone at all.

The attackers hiding in the dark seem to realize that this group of enemies is different from the previous ones, and they are very difficult to deal with.


A strange whistling sound spread throughout the audience, the wind blade disappeared instantly, and then the "srustling" sound quickly went away, as if the attacker was about to retreat.

"Want to run?"

A voice sounded, and a middle-aged male wizard in the team stood up. His name is Gotha, and he is the team leader this time. He has the strength of a third-level wizard and intermediate level, and his ability is outstanding. The only shortcoming may be that he is a little impulsive.

With a wave of the short staff in his hand, a huge ball of light lifted into the air, exploded violently, and illuminated everything within a radius of 100 meters. After confirming that there is no danger, the whole person jumped high, cast many defensive spells on the body, and flew towards the fleeing attacker, preparing to see what kind of existence he was dealing with. This is also the purpose of exploring the forest this time. Purpose.

The rest of the wizards were a little slower. Seeing Gotha disappearing into the forest, they quickly looked at the remaining third-level wizard and asked, "Vienne, deputy leader, what should we do?"

"Of course I'm following." Vice-leader Wayne said, without any hesitation, he waved his hand and led the rest of them to chase.

As a result, just as he was about to make a move, there was another "咻咻咻" sound from all around, and more dense wind blades flew towards him.

Wayne's face changed drastically: "Everyone be careful, there is a second group of enemies, defend quickly!"

This time, everyone in the team was absolutely elite, and they reacted extremely quickly. Before Wayne could finish speaking, they had already set up their spell shields and faced the wind blade.

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