Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 910 Ancient Breath

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements! Of course, the external performance is the same, but the internal mechanism may not be the same. The opponent's left hand may really be cursed... Li Cha continued to think .

But no matter what, if one hand cannot be fully controlled, there will be a lot of variables in the battle, and it is a deduction option for the wizard's combat effectiveness.

There have been three groups of people who have failed the mission of the Dead Forest. The Horus branch should be very clear about how dangerous the Dead Forest is. Under this premise, Holo, who has a huge flaw, was allowed to come. I am afraid that Holo is not as simple as a third-level wizard introduced by herself before.

Maybe there is a big hole card.

Li Cha pursed his lips, paying attention in his heart.

At this time, the female wizard Holo said again: "My left hand is really out of control, so what it did was not what I thought in my heart. It did something bad. I can only express my apologies. Can understand."

"It should." Richard said.

"Maybe." Popo Bovich was noncommittal, obviously because of his previous experience, he had a grudge against Holo. While speaking, he took a big step to the side, trying to distance himself from Holo as much as possible.

Holo looked at it, knowing that continuing to explain would not change Popo Bovich's mind, so she didn't say any more. After giving an apologetic smile, he changed the subject and got down to business.

"Let's talk about the mission we are going to cooperate with this time. The two of you should already know some basic information about the withered forest, so I won't go into details here." Holo said, "But some latest news, I will Hope to chat with you two.

The first one, there are many rivers in the dead forest, one of the rivers flows out of the forest, and one of our teams found some strange crystals downstream of it. Most of these crystals are dark blue and have high-energy reactions, but they are very unstable. Any contact method will cause the crystals to evaporate within a few hours, so we have not obtained samples so far. "

"Crystals of high-energy reactions?" Li Cha raised his eyebrows, a little interested, but he didn't show it too eagerly, and patiently listened to Holo's continuation.

"Secondly, several members of our team excavated a strange magical vine in the dead forest a few months ago. Our branch didn't pay much attention to this magical vine at the beginning. , just as a mutated individual. But just recently, we extracted a liquid ingredient from the demonized vine, which is very special.

This liquid composition can greatly increase the combat effectiveness of a creature in a short period of time, but it will cause the creature to die with a high probability. It can be said that this is a desperately used ingredient. If the part that causes the death of living things can be purified, it can be used as a deadly poison. "

"Didn't you think about slowing down or neutralizing the side effects of this ingredient, so that it can be used to configure strengthening potions?" Popo Bovich couldn't help but listened to Holo's words, out of the quality of a potion wizard. Leaning closer to Holo, he said, "This should be worth more, right?"

Holo listened to Bobobo Vitch's words, and smiled slightly: "Wizard Vitch, in fact, our branch has tried your suggestion. But according to the wizards in our branch who specialize in research, it really achieves this goal. , the difficulty is a bit high."

"What's the height? I've thought of at least three ways to neutralize the side effects." Bobobo Wei said confidently.

"Really?" Holo confirmed.


"Then how about this?" Holo suggested constructively, "When the mission is completed, you, Wizard of Vicky, stay in our branch and cooperate with us to conduct related research. If it is really successful, we will report to Longmi Report to the manager in charge and give you enough reward points."

"It's easy to talk about." Popo Bovich couldn't help laughing when he heard that there were points to be won.

"That `s a deal."

"It's decided." Popo Bovich smiled brighter, but with a smile, his expression froze,

He frowned and said, "It's a bit wrong."

"Why not?" Holo asked strangely.

"I don't know what's wrong." Popovich looked at Holo, who was close at hand, and frowned deeply. "I had a good time talking with you, but I always feel like I've forgotten something. It's dangerous to forget something. The more I think about it, the more entangled it becomes, let me..."


Suddenly there was a crisp sound, and Holo's left hand swung out like lightning, and slapped Popovich heavily on the face, interrupting Popovich's words.

Bobo Bo Weiqi was stunned at first, then he let out a sigh of relief, nodded his head lightly and said, "Huh——, I know what it is, now it's right."

Holo tried her best to retract her left hand, looked at Popo Vicky, and said a little embarrassedly: "Wizard Vitch, I said that I really didn't mean it, do you believe it?"

"Of course I believe it." Bobobo Weiqi said, but the expression on his face said: Believe you, there will be ghosts.

At this point he had Holo completely as a beauty snake, attractive--attractive in every way, but also deadly--willing to slap you in the face at any time.

Sure enough, he was still hit.

Popobovitch distanced himself from Hero step by step, thinking with a stiff face.

Holo looked at it, gave a helpless wry smile, and said, "I'd better continue telling the news about the withered forest..."


Blink of an eye the next day.

After a night's rest, three people, Li Cha, Popovich, and Holo, who had fully exchanged information, appeared at the edge of the dead forest.

At this moment, Li Cha's face was calm, while Popovich was full of vigilance, more than half of which was on Holo, always paying attention to Holo's movements, so as not to close the distance unknowingly Being slapped——thinking about it in hindsight, slapping the face is still good, but only attacking the upper body, if it is attacking the lower body, the threat is greater, so I will be afraid after thinking about it.

Thinking to the end, Popo Bovich took a deep look at Holo.

Holo smiled wryly at this, and returned an apologetic look to Popo Bovich, without saying anything, and took the lead into the lonely forest.

After entering, you can see that the ground in the forest is covered with thick fallen leaves, some are dry, and some have rotted and melted into the soil. Because it contains too much humus, the soil in the forest is nutrient-rich dark brown, and the trees grow extremely tall, piercing the sky like spears.

Li Cha stepped into it, sniffed lightly with his nose, and could smell the slight acidity in the surrounding air, like fermented vinegar, and there was also an old and decayed smell that made people uncomfortable.

"This forest should have existed for a long time, right?" Li Cha asked casually.

"According to the records, it's at least three hundred years old," Holo replied.

After that, Holo didn't speak any more, and Li Cha didn't ask any more questions. The voice floated out and dissipated after hitting the trees. The forest was eerily quiet.

Li Cha and Holo glanced at each other, both aware of the situation.

Bobobo Weiqi also noticed it, and said in a serious voice first: "Is this forest too quiet? Although it has the name of 'Desolation', it is not a dead place. But now, there is no sound of any animal here, no matter Whether it's the chirping of birds and the chirping of insects, or the howling of wild animals, it doesn't matter."

"I have a feeling," Holo said.

"How does it feel?" Popo Bovich asked, taking a big step away from Holo.

Holo didn't pay attention to Popo Bovich's actions, and replied, "I feel like all the animals in this forest have escaped."

"How do you prove it?" Popo Bovich took another big step, away from Holo, and asked aloud.

"Look." Holo said, bent down, and put one hand on the ground. The lips parted slightly, the spell was spoken silently, and the spell was released.


A flash of purple light burst out from under Holo's hand, and quickly spread along the surface, like ripples in the water. However, this "ripple" only spread for less than half a meter, and the speed began to decrease. When it reached about one meter, it completely stagnated and plunged into the ground suddenly.

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