Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 911: The Blood Pool Out of Sight

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (vertex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Pfft!"

With a sound, regular circular cracks appeared on the ground.

Holo raised her hand, like cutting a cake, cut out a cylinder with a diameter of two meters and a depth of about one and a half meters from the soil, and then gently placed the cylinder on the ground next to it without damaging its structure. .

After finishing this, Holo pointed at the soil, and said, "Look, there are not only no animals around, but even the soil. The most common earthworms and some reptiles don't exist, and they all disappeared inexplicably. "

"So, this is an empty forest?" Popo Bovich asked.

"The empty forest won't kill people one after another." Holo disagreed, turned to look at Li Cha who hadn't spoken, and asked, "Wizard Li Cha, what do you think?"

Li Cha rubbed his chin, pondered for a while, and said the feeling he had since entering the forest: "I think this forest is not empty, and the animals are not all running away, but are deliberately avoiding us. In other words, where we appear, the animals leave and move to another place."

"Why do you do that?" Holo asked puzzled.

"Because they don't want us to find out, on the contrary, they want to figure out everything about us so that they can attack us at our weak points." Richard said with a slightly serious expression, "I have a guess, maybe they... have been Watching us in the dark."

"Surveillance?!" Holo and Popovich said at the same time, and then their expressions sank. Obviously, their perception is more or less aware.

At this moment, there was a sound of "brushing" in the grass in the distance, and a black image felt that he was exposed, and suddenly jumped out of the grass, and flew towards the depths of the forest as if flying against the ground.

Li Cha, Popo Bovich, and Holo looked at each other, exchanged glances quickly, and figured out their respective thoughts.

The next moment, without any hesitation, the three jumped up at the same time, bursting into three colors of gray, blue and purple respectively, chasing after the black shadow. In the process of chasing, constantly applying various defensive spells to his body to defend against possible sneak attacks, so as to be prepared.

The black shadow was very fast, and the three of them chased after them vigilantly, but they couldn't close the distance at all for a while. Even in the complex terrain of the forest, he was pulled away by the opponent a little bit.

"Don't run! Cover me!"

At this time, Holo first uttered a voice to the fleeing black shadow, and then sent a request to Richard and Popovich. The purple light on her body flashed at a high frequency, bursting out at a higher speed, and chased after the black shadow.

Sensing the danger, the black shadow ran to a large open space after passing through more than a dozen trees. He jumped up and slammed into the soil, as if he was about to use some kind of earth magic to transfer.

By the time Holo approached the clearing, the shadow was mostly in the soil.

"Stop it!"

Holo yelled hastily, raising her right hand to stop it.

As a result, the left hand moved faster, and a golden energy ball was born in the palm, aiming at the position where the black shadow drilled into the ground, and threw it directly.


A huge roar sounded, and after the energy ball touched the ground, its volume expanded rapidly, turning into a huge fireball and exploding. Immediately afterwards, the extremely destructive shock wave spread, completely rolling up the ground, breaking off many nearby trees, and igniting them.

When Li Cha and Popo Bovich arrived a little later, the entire open space was enveloped in flames, the broken trees swaying around were burning like big torches, and the scorching air around them was like a demon with thorns. The tongue, the skin of the person who licks hurts. Holo was at the very center of the fire, trying to dig up the remnants of the previous shadow with magic, trying to find some clues.

After digging for a while, Holo looked at Richard and Popovich, shook her head in disappointment and said, "There is nothing. I thought that after the attack, even if you can't catch a living one, you can catch it." dead. But now, neither alive nor dead,

Not even blood or debris could be seen. "

"What the hell is the other party? Why is it so weird?" Popo Bovich asked.

"Actually, this is the question I want to ask." Holo said, spreading her hands, "But, I don't know."

After finishing speaking, Holo looked at Li Cha and asked, "Wizard Li Cha, do you have an answer? Have you seen him clearly?"

"I haven't." Li Cha shook his head and answered truthfully.

"Then what should we do?" Popobovich asked with a frown, clearly feeling the pressure of this seventh-level mission.

"My suggestion is, don't give the other party too much time to prepare. No matter what the other party is, since we have discovered it once, then hurry up and try to enter the core area of ​​the forest before the other party reacts." Richard Said, "This may disrupt some of the other party's deployment and allow us to take a certain initiative."

"A good suggestion." Popo Bovich commented, "Although there is a lot of danger, logically speaking, it is indeed a good suggestion, and I agree."

"I also agree with Wizard Richard's suggestion." Holo said.

"Okay then, let's move on." Richard said, and the three of them walked deep into the forest.

After walking a few steps, Holo suddenly thought of something, stopped and said, "Wait a minute?"

"What?" Li Cha asked.

Popo Bovich took a few steps away, then looked at Holo and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I forgot to put out the fire." Holo said, turning her head to look at the many burning trees behind her, and with a wave of her hand, several milky white heavy ice bullets exuding cold air were thrown out.

"Bang bang bang!"

Ice bombs fell on the fire site and exploded one after another, causing the temperature to drop suddenly.

The burning flame seemed to be slapped by a giant's hand, and it was extinguished immediately. After that, a crystal layer of ice quickly formed on the dark red tree trunk with residual heat, preventing any possibility of re-ignition.

After finishing all this, Holo explained to Richard and Bobo Bovich: "In this forest, if you use fire spells, if you don't deal with them properly, it is easy to cause a big fire. Although in most cases, the fire is not harmful to us. What kind of impact, after burning for a certain period of time and burning the surrounding trees, it will be extinguished by itself. But in a small number of cases, it may be detrimental to us, so we should try our best to avoid this from happening.”

"Minimize the unfavorable factors." Richard ended Holo's words.

"Yes, that's it." Holo said.

"Okay." Popo Bovich shrugged.

After that, the three of them stopped talking nonsense and set off again, heading deep into the forest.

What the three of them didn't know was that a few minutes after they left, the scorched trees that had been covered with ice suddenly oozed a lot of blood from under the bark.

The blood was bright red, flowing on the surface of the trunk, and then fell to the ground "pattapatta", forming a small tan.

Very weird.

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