Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 912 Bubbling Potion

Genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements! Richard, Popovich, and Holo went deep into the forest. They didn't encounter anything until noon.

As powerful wizards, the three of them didn't feel too tired, and continued to move forward with vigilance. Suddenly, Holo raised a hand in front of them, signaling Popo Bovich and Richard to stop.

Seeing that Holo raised her left hand, Bobo Bovich took a big step to the side like a conditioned reflex, half vigilant, half puzzled and asked: "What's the matter? You... you want to What are you doing?"

"I..." Holo herself was also a little puzzled. She stopped and looked at her left hand, her eyes were a little confused, "I don't know. It seems that my left hand is warning me. Maybe there is something wrong around here."

"Is something wrong? Is there?" Bobobo Weiqi looked around, fully let go of his perception, and said after a few seconds, "there are a lot of free energy elements of the thunder system around here, but there is nothing to be careful about. ,unless……"

After talking about it, Popovich thought of something, looked at Holo and asked for confirmation: "Hey, according to the previous information, did the guy who escaped from this lonely forest have been attacked by lightning?"

"Yes." Holo nodded, her face tensed slightly, at this time her left hand had been slowly lowered, but her eyes became serious, "It is very possible that the attacker who appeared before is nearby, and the victim Their interference has led to an increase in the free energy elements of the surrounding thunder system. We must find a way to find them and find a way to eliminate them, otherwise it will be troublesome if we are accidentally attacked. If it is not a sneak attack, but an ambush, it will be even more trouble."

"But how do we find them?" Popovich asked.

"You don't need to look for it." Li Cha suddenly said, looking at a position on the front right, he said slowly, "They're already here."


Popo Bovich and Holo startled slightly, and then there was a thunderclap.


Thunder came from the front right, as if a powerful explosion had occurred, shaking the trees for a while.

"Da da da da..."

Intensive hoofbeats followed, the air surged, and a large black shadow was like the wind. In just a few seconds, they reached a place more than ten meters away from everyone.

Looking at it, I saw that it was a group of reddish-brown demonized moose.

Yes, the moose is somewhat similar to the reindeer that pulls Santa Claus's sleigh in the legend of the earth, but the body is taller.

Roughly estimated, the height of the opponent is 2.2 meters, taller than a healthy adult. Coupled with the other party's thick limbs, antlers like interlaced swords, huge eyes, and the sharp gaze in the eyes, it is almost like the guardian of the forest, which makes people vigilant.

The most alarming thing was the flickering and jumping electric arcs on the opponent's antlers, obviously this was where the opponent launched the attack.

There were more than 30 red-brown demonized moose running out of the forest. They were staring at everyone, their front hooves gently pawing the ground, as if they were waiting for something.

A few seconds later, the leading demonized moose neighed and issued an order. The antlers of all the moose suddenly lit up, and the electric arc flickered, shaping into blue and white electric balls, which were shot out quickly, like dense raindrops hitting the three of Li Cha.

Seeing this situation, the three of them quickly set up their shields without hesitation.

One red, one green, and a basket of energy shields of three completely different colors appeared on the scene.

The electric ball hit the energy shield, causing the shield to shake, and then disappeared one by one. The three of Li Cha successfully blocked the first wave of attacks.

The demonized moose saw it, and didn't give up. Amidst the leader's roar, he continued to fire electric balls, causing the shield to shake violently. Obviously, it was only a matter of time before the shield broke.

Li Cha and the three of them were not prepared to defend passively all the time. They exchanged glances with each other and wanted to fight back. Among them, Holo moved the fastest.

In other words, Holo's left hand moved the fastest.

Holo's left hand was suddenly stretched out,

Hitting the red shield shaking in front of him, with a "pop", the shield was forcibly dissipated.

Then the left hand led Holo's body to rush out, causing Holo to jump high, crashing into the left side of the moose herd like a shooting star. Seeing that the momentum is huge and incomparable for a moment, when it lands, it is silent, like a weightless ghost.

Holo raised her left hand mischievously, and patted the demonized moose next to her who hadn't reacted, as if to deliberately remind him of her arrival.

Because of the height problem, this slap was only slapped on the demonized moose's thigh.

The demonized moose was startled by success, turned around quickly, pointed the antlers towards Holo, and shot out a blue-white electric ball.

Holo stretched out her left hand, grabbed the electric ball, squeezed it like mud, and reshaped the electric ball into a short arrow. The colors have also changed, with blue and white mixed with a dreamy hint of purple.

Holo backhanded the short arrow and hit the demonized moose, which screamed.

After eating the pain, the moose was furious, pawing the ground with its limbs, lowering its head and slamming into Holo as fast as a train.

At this moment, Holo's body flashed, and she dodged behind the moose like a ghost.

The moose lost its target, and under the action of inertia, it continued to move forward and hit another moose with a "bang", causing confusion among the moose camp.

"The reaction is a bit slow..." Holo commented, her body flickered again, pulling out a crimson light, passing through a moose next to her like a phantom.

The moose trembled violently and fell to the ground in convulsions, as if suffering severe internal trauma.

After that, Holo flickered frequently, "surrounded" about a third of the moose, and began to hunt them one by one.

During this process, her uncontrollable left hand was extremely eye-catching, almost every time an electric ball attack came, she could easily block it. Then grab, reshape and counterattack back, leaving the attacker hard hit.

Therefore, on the one hand, the left hand is a shortcoming, which will weaken the combat effectiveness, and on the other hand, it is an advantage, can it strengthen the combat effectiveness... Li Cha looked at the side and thought.

At this moment, Popo Bovich also made a move. Taking advantage of the moose herd being attracted by Holo, he removed the energy shield, and quickly took out a bottle of bubbling dark gray liquid from his bosom.


Popo Bovich opened the stopper of the potion and drank it down.

As a potion specially formulated by Popo Bovich, the effect is not to mention, but the taste is very good. After finishing drinking, Popo Bovich had a satisfied expression on his face, as if he had poured down a large can of ice water in the hot summer. After that, his upper body shook, and he opened his mouth to let out a loud belch.


Li Cha couldn't help taking a deep look at Popo Bovich.

Popovich was a little embarrassed, and quickly explained: "This is a side effect of the medicine, don't be surprised, it's normal, um, it's normal."

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