Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 927: Hit the Body


Popo Bovich's whole body slammed into the face of the giant fist, causing the giant fist to stagnate.

But in less than a second, with a "snap", Popovich flew out with a huge fist, like a meteor hammer with a broken chain, flew tens of meters, and directly embedded in a tree. inside the tree.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

The tree snapped in half from where Popo Bovich was embedded, and the upper half fell to the ground.


Popo Bovich also fell to the ground in embarrassment.

The giant tree Ximu looked at it, and commented in a buzzing voice: "Ugly and useless bald head."

After saying that, he punched Richard and Holo.

Halfway through the punch, Popo Bovich, who landed on the ground, bounced up, his whole body seemed to be on fire, pulling out a crimson afterimage, roaring and rushing towards the giant tree's fist. When he got close, he bowed his waist, lowered his body, raised his hands, and suddenly blocked the fist of the giant tree.

"I told you, I'm not bald!"

Popovich yells, struggles to identify himself, and wrestles fists.

But the wrestling only lasted for a second, and with a "bang", Popovich was blown away by the giant tree's fist again.

"In my opinion, you are bald." The giant tree said in a toneless voice.


Bobobo Weiqi, who was sent flying again, was about to go crazy when he landed. He couldn't help pulling his hair, but he couldn't pull it, and all he touched was a slippery bald head.

Popobovich's face became extremely gloomy, staring at the giant tree, and took out a bottle of potion from his arms.

The potion bottle has two layers of glass, which has been specially reinforced, and it contains a golden potion, which keeps rolling like molten magma.

"You ugly and thick lump, is it so difficult for you to admit that I'm not bald?" Bobobo Weiqi gasped and shouted, without waiting for the giant tree's answer, he gritted his teeth and continued, "Originally I I don’t want to be as knowledgeable as you, but you have completely pissed me off, well, I’m going to show you the power of my latest potion. I’ve decided, I’m going to burn your lump of wood into charcoal!”

After finishing speaking, Popobovic opened the bottle vigorously, and quickly poured the golden potion inside into his mouth.

After pouring it all out, he jerked his neck up and swallowed it all in a few mouthfuls of "gudong gudong", and his body quickly responded.

"Puff puff!"

A large stream of scorching white steam spewed out from Popobovic's pores, and Popobovitch's exposed skin became fiery red. Especially the face, red and purple, like a high fever over forty-two degrees, the blood vessels under the skin and flesh are bulging, like twisted earthworms.

"I'll see if you still want to call me bald!"


exclaimed Popo Bovich, exhaling violently a cloud of white steam. Stepping on the foot, the whole body sprays steam, like a punk-style steam mech crashing into the giant tinwood tree.

The giant tree Tin Wood didn't pay too much attention to it, but just waved its energy arm and hit Popovich as before, trying to blow Popovich into the air.

The next moment, there was a "crash".

Popo Bovich, who sprayed high-temperature white steam all over his body, collided with the energy arm, and violently smashed the energy arm, turning the arm into the most fundamental energy form.

The giant tree was amazed, he didn't expect Popo Bović to suddenly improve his combat power so much.

Taking advantage of this gap, Popobovich didn't hesitate, and rushed into the energy storm surrounding the giant tree with wide eyes, trying to go deep, trying to attack the giant tree itself.

Popovich thought clearly at this moment. He was just fighting with the energy arm shaped by the giant tree. It would be embarrassing to lose, and there would be no benefit if he won. It would not cause obvious injuries to the giant tree.

If you want to defeat the giant tree and turn the opponent from a lump into charcoal, you still have to hurt the opponent's body.

Thinking of this, Popo Bovich erupted with all the strength in his body, and stream after stream of white steam spewed out from the pores, resisting the repulsion of the energy storm, rushing towards the deepest part of the energy storm,

It is getting closer and closer to the giant tree itself.

Popo Bovich raised his hand with difficulty in the storm, and began to prepare to attack spells. A ball of black light gathered in the palm of his hand, and he was about to launch an attack on the giant tree itself.

The giant tree looked at it and became vigilant. It was re-condensed into an energy arm, thicker than before, deeply grasped into the energy storm, and slapped the attacking Bobo Weiqi out.


With a trembling muffled sound, Popo Bovich flew out of the energy storm and fell to the ground like a dead object.

After falling down for the first time, it bounced up under the action of strength, fell down again, bounced up again, repeated several times, and rolled tens of meters before stopping.

"Puff puff……"

The pores on the surface of Popo Bović's skin continued to emit white steam, but the amount was much smaller, and the temperature was no longer scorching hot.

Popo Bovich looked a little embarrassed, his clothes were almost torn, and his chest was obviously sunken. However, Popo Bović's expression didn't have much pain, but more unwillingness and disbelief. He stared at the giant tree, staggered and was about to stand up, ready to fight again. As a result, it only stood halfway. , with a "snap", he sat down on the ground with some collapse.

Unwilling to admit defeat, Popo Bovich tried a few more times, only to find that he really couldn't stand up in a short period of time. He pursed his lips, knowing that hard work was meaningless, so he simply adjusted his posture to make himself more comfortable sitting on the ground.

Stretching his thighs apart, facing the giant tree, and lifting his fingers vigorously, Popobovich shouted: "Hey, old wood lump, don't be complacent, I haven't lost now, but I just don't have the strength That's all. Let me rest for a while, and I will definitely knock out your brain in a while."

The giant tree glanced at Popobovich, and didn't argue with Popobovitch about whether it had a brain or not. With a flick of the energy arm, the five fingers on the arm will automatically detach, turning into a terrifying energy missile and flying towards the place where Popo Bovich is, trying to blast him to death.

Seeing the energy missiles coming, Popo Bovich's expression changed, and he turned around and was about to roll and dodge.


At this moment, a large piece of crimson emerged, blocking the airspace in front of Popo Bović, blocking all the energy missiles, and shattering them with a "crash".

Holo struck.

Popo Bovich glanced at Holo gratefully, and said, "I owe you a favor!"

Holo was speechless after hearing this, her eyes quickly swept over Popo Bovich, and then fell on the giant tree. The whole person bounced up, and rich crimson gushed out, rushing towards the depths of the energy storm like a shadow.

Her idea was the same as that of Popo Bovich. She also forcibly broke through the energy storm and attacked the giant tree itself.

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