Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 928: Life and Death

The giant tree sensed Holo's purpose and controlled the energy arm to block it.

Holo curled up slightly, narrowly dodging the fingerless energy palm, her speed increased suddenly, pulling out a series of afterimages, and continuing to rush towards the depths of the energy storm.


The energy storm fluctuates, and the energy storm fluctuates violently.

The deeper Holo went, the stronger the energy storm surged.

In the end, Holo successfully pierced through the energy storm, and with a "boom", a large group of crimson burst out, turning into an energy spear and attacking the giant tree itself.

"Pu Chi Pu Chi Pu Chi!"

The body of the giant tree was hit by the energy spear, and all the branches shook wildly, as if in pain, and then roared out a word angrily and hoarsely: "Tolu!"


The violently fluctuating energy storm suddenly solidified, erupting with a powerful repulsive force.


Holo, who was preparing for the next round of crimson energy spear attack, had almost no chance of resisting. It was like a stone was thrown out and fell heavily on the ground, only a few meters away from Popo Bovich.

At this time, Popo Bovich regained a little strength, stood up hard, staggered towards Holo, stretched out his hand and prepared to pull Holo up, and repay the kindness of saving his life before.

As a result, Holo slapped her hand on the ground lightly, and stood up early as if she had no weight. Obviously, the injury was much lighter than his.

Popo Bovich's hand stopped in mid-air, a little embarrassed.

Holo looked at Popo Bovich with scrutiny.

The corner of Popo Bović's mouth twitched, and he raised his hand to cover up his hair, but only touched his scalp.

"I hate bald heads!" Popobovich yelled in his heart, stomping his feet and swearing to himself, "Never be a bald head, absolutely not!"

At this time, the giant tree made a sound.

His eyes swept over Popo Bovich and Holo, who had failed in their shots, and Li Cha, who had not caused any damage to it. Feeling that he had figured out the fighting power of the three, the giant tree said: "You three, let me I'm a little disappointed. Originally, I thought that you would be very strong, but now it seems that you are only a little stronger than the previous group."


The giant tree sighed, and said with a sigh: "In this case, I will kill you next and say goodbye to you. Although I can't bear it a little bit and don't want to kill you, there is no way.

As you said before, for a life like mine that is completely different from yours, the stronger it is, the more damned it will be. In turn, you are the same to me. In order to ensure my safety, in order to ensure that I can continue to survive, I must kill you who may leak the secret. So, goodbye! "

As soon as the words fell, the energy storm surrounding the giant tree spread rapidly to the surroundings, and energy arms emerged one after another, and energy tentacles were also born at the same time, waving wildly like a madman.

Dazzling lightning filled the center of the energy storm, and electric balls of various colors flew out from the edge of the energy storm and fell towards the nearby trees, quickly destroying them.

The breath of destruction appeared in the deepest part of the storm, and the three of them could feel that the giant tree Tinwood was brewing a powerful eruption.

Once successful, with the strength of the three of them, it is really hard to resist.

what to do?

The faces of Holo and Popovich changed slightly, and they already had the idea of ​​retreating temporarily.

At this moment, Li Cha jumped up, kept a cold expression, and rushed towards the energy storm.

At this moment, through previous calculations, he has already collected more information related to the energy storm and the giant tree Tin Wood through the previous calculations, and the attacks of Popo Bovich and Holo on the giant tree, and he has clarified the winning rate of the battle, indicating that there is no Take action without hesitation.

Li Cha jumped up and quickly approached the giant tree. The giant tree noticed that the energy storm became violent, and a large number of energy arms and energy tentacles rolled in, wanting to grab and crush Richard.

Li Cha was not afraid, tilted his left arm, and a crimson one-hit kill staff appeared, blasting towards the energy arm and energy tentacles rolling in front of him.


Crimson energy gushes out,

He slammed into the energy arm and energy tentacles ruthlessly, not smashing the energy arms and energy tentacles, but successfully blasted a gap.

Li Cha twisted his body, slipped through the gap, reached the edge of the spreading energy storm, and then raised his right hand.

At some point, his right hand had already worn a strangely shaped metal glove—the glove of extermination.

Lifting the middle finger and index finger, aiming at the energy storm, the glove shook, and two extremely powerful penetrating forces erupted, like a strong man tearing his upper body clothes, violently tearing a large piece of the energy storm.

Visible to the naked eye, an obvious hole appears at the center of the energy storm.

The giant tree looked at Li Cha's performance, and was a little shocked. Looking at Li Cha's slowly raised right hand, he felt a sense of death fear inexplicably, and said in horror: "Damn, what do you want to do?"

Li Cha didn't answer, but silently pointed the metal glove on his right hand at the hole in the energy storm, and pointed it at the giant tree Tin Wood behind the hole.

With a thought, there was a "crash", and the metal glove cracked, turning into hundreds of fragments, passing through the hole in the energy storm, and falling on the surface of the giant tree.

Then the fragments erupted with incomparably bright golden light, enveloping the entire giant tree, shining like a sun falling into the forest.

A hundred meters away, Popo Bovich and Holo looked at all this in astonishment. They didn't know what spell Richard had cast, but they were sure that the giant tree must have been severely injured, or even killed.

was killed?

As soon as this thought flashed through Popo Bovich and Holo's mind, they saw the energy storm surrounding the giant tree suddenly go out of control.

The energy storm was blasted out of a hole by Li Cha, and it still had terrifying power. It was originally aimed at the three of Li Cha, but now it erupted indiscriminately in all directions.



Popo Bovich and Holo looked at it, their faces changed drastically, they warned each other, and quickly set up their energy shields.

The next moment, an out-of-control energy storm arrived, blowing the two of them away like baseballs being blown away.

In the air, the two of them used all their strength to maintain the energy shield and flew several hundred meters. Their strength was almost exhausted before they felt the aftermath of the energy storm weaken and they were able to land and stop.

After stopping, he raised his eyes and saw an open space with a radius of several hundred meters in front of him. The trees in the area were all cleared, and the ground was covered with cracks, like tortoise shells crushed by a hammer.

The most frightening thing is that where the giant tree used to be, the entire giant tree disappeared completely, and turned into a huge crater, tens of meters deep, as if it was hit by a meteorite.

"Gudong!" Bobobo Weiqi swallowed and sighed, "It's kind of scary!"

He could think that if he was in the core area just now, he would definitely be dead.

Then I thought of one more thing.

"Hey? Where's Li Cha? He won't..."

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