Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 929 Resurrection and Waiting

Halfway through the speech, Popobovitch heard a voice above his head and looked up quickly. The next moment, his eyes widened slightly, and he saw Li Cha slowly falling from a high altitude.

At this time, Li Cha was wearing the armor of Achilles, and the surface was covered with dense cracks. The armor of Achilles should have been golden yellow, shining like gold. Now it is dimmed into a cloudy off-white color, like poor-quality translucent plastic, which looks like it will be shattered at any moment, on the verge of collapse.

There is no way.

Just now, after Li Cha destroyed the giant tinwood tree with the Mieshi gloves, the energy storm got out of control and broke out. He had no chance to escape to the surroundings, but could only escape upwards.

In the process of escaping upwards, using the highest speed, he still received an energy shock. Two pieces of Achilles Armor in a row were destroyed, and the third piece of Achilles Armor barely survived.

Fortunately, this is the final result, and there will be no more variables.


With a soft sound, Li Cha's feet fell to the ground.

Popo Bovich glanced at Li Cha, and asked quickly, "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine." Richard replied, glanced at Popovich, then at Holo, and said, "Now that everything is over, this mission is considered complete."

"Huh—" Popo Bovich let out a long sigh of relief, "It's finally over."

"To be honest, the difficulty of this task is greater than I thought." Popo Bovich said, "If I knew ahead of time to deal with a long-lived strange species, I wouldn't come here if I was killed. This wooden lump is too strong Now, gather a dozen third-level wizards to be able to suppress it steadily. This time, we are taking a very big risk, otherwise my hair will not be the same as it is now." At the end, Popobovic couldn't bear it. He shook his head, looking sad.

"Actually, if we think about it more comprehensively, we don't necessarily have to kill this long-lived strange species." Richard suddenly said to Popo Bovich, his eyes swept Holo, "It is a life with wisdom. , and the position is difficult to transfer. With this, we can negotiate, cooperate with it, and take the initiative. Ideally, we can pay a small price in exchange for its huge concessions and earn huge benefits. In the future If there is a change in thinking, then you know it well enough to muster enough strength to clear it away."

Bobobo Weiqi listened, thought for a while, and raised his eyebrows: "This is indeed a good way! We shouldn't be in such a hurry to eliminate the opponent, anyway, we already know the opponent's location, so we can go back first and call more Some people put pressure on the other party and force the other party to give in. At that time, they will use the ability of the other party as a long-lived species to serve us. If the other party is not obedient, hum, first break the other party's branches before talking."

While Popovich was speaking, the corners of his mouth turned up, as if he had seen what he said come true.

Afterwards, he realized that there was no scum left in the giant tree tin wood, and the corner of his mouth pulled down, becoming disappointed.

"Ah," sighed Popo Bovich. "You really shouldn't be in such a hurry, should you, Wizard Holo?"

"No." Holo said, giving different answers, "We are not in a hurry, what we did before is completely correct, we shouldn't have any cooperation with strange species, especially long-lived strange species. The only thing to do is to eliminate the other party as soon as possible.”

"Is it that serious?" Popo Bovich slightly tilted his head to look at Holo.

Richard also looked at Holo.

"Wizard Richard, Wizard Vicky, you haven't entered the core layer of the organization yet, so you don't know enough about some things. Here I want to tell you one thing in advance-that is, to eliminate the strange species, there must be no benevolence. Carry out this matter thoroughly.”

"But..." Popobovitch frowned, a little puzzled, and wanted to defend himself.


Holo took a deep breath, looked at Popo Bovich and said seriously: "I know you may not understand, but you must be clear that strange species are not ordinary demonized creatures.

They are strong, weak, treacherous, or dull. They are all kinds of strange things. The only thing they have in common is that they are unpredictable and highly dangerous.

Remember the example of the short-lived super-living species—the skeleton ant—that I gave you before? That is because of the initial contempt, the disaster that resulted was a blood lesson. We absolutely must not allow the same thing to happen again.

So once you encounter or discover a strange species, you must do everything possible to destroy the other party in the shortest possible time, forever, so that the other party disappears from this world without any trace. For us, the dead strange species, the extinct strange species, and the strange species that have disappeared in history are the best strange species.

We must guarantee that all strange species that we discover must die. It cannot be allowed to exist anywhere in the world in any way. This is also one of the tenets of our organization-you will know when you really enter the core layer-I believe that with your performance, it will not take long. "

"Is that so?" Popobovitch looked at Holo and nodded, no longer arguing, it seemed to agree with Holo's words.

Li Cha turned his head, looked at Holo and asked, "So, the organization will attack any strange species, no matter how the other party behaves, they will try to kill the other party in the cradle, right?"

"Yes." Holo opened her mouth and only spit out one word.

"Then what if someone or an organization opposes this, like what I thought just now, and plans to cooperate with strange species, or even raise strange species?" Richard looked at Holo and asked.

"From the perspective of the organization, strange species are the source of danger for the instability of the current world. No one or any organization should protect strange species. If someone or an organization does this, then it is against us." Holo Word by word.

Li Cha heard that his expression didn't change, and nodded his head slightly: "Then, for the sake of safety, should we search the surrounding area to prevent the giant tree from dying completely, and some remnants remain, leading to rebirth? "

Holo looked up at the deep pit left by the giant tinwood tree, then scanned the surroundings, looked back and shook her head: "It should not be used. According to my understanding, ancient tree species cannot be revived by leaving just a part of them. There must be a relatively complete heart of the tree. Judging from the current situation, the heart of the tree should have been destroyed by your attack, Wizard Richard, and even if it was not destroyed, it would also be shattered in the out-of-control energy storm afterwards-this is also self-inflicted. Let's leave the forest now and go to the branch to submit tasks and receive rewards."

"Alright then." Richard said.

"Let's go." Holo said, jumped up and flew out of the forest, Li Cha followed.

Bobobo Weiqi stepped on his feet and wanted to follow. Suddenly, from the corner of his eyes, he saw something on the nearby ground that was pressed by the soil, and a corner was exposed.

As soon as the movement stopped, Bobobo Weiqi walked a few steps and leaned over, bent down to pull the surface dirt away, grabbed a corner of the thing, and lifted it up with a little force. Looking at it, he saw that it was a dusty bearskin hat—it was the one he took off from his head and threw it away because of his anger when he had a conversation with the giant tree Tinwood.

Afterwards, it should have been blown here by the aftermath of the battle, covered by dust, and finally exposed again due to an out-of-control energy storm.

Seeing that the hat was lost and recovered, Popo Bovich was a little pleasantly surprised.

Shaking the dust off the bearskin hat vigorously, he put it on his head carefully, his mouth parted slightly, and he was happy.

After all, this kind of thing is rare for him.

Putting on his hat, Bobobo Weiqi looked at the big hole left by the giant tinwood tree, raised his head slightly, showed his nostrils and said, "Hey, old wood bump, now I found my hat, I have nothing but hair I lost nothing, but your life was lost. Tell you to provoke me, tell you to say that I am bald, this is your fate. Tsk tsk, goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, Popobovitch turned around and flew towards Holo and Richard, trying to catch up.

"Hey, wait for me, wait for me!"

Behind Popo Bović, the big pit left by the giant tree Tinwood, like a huge eye with life, stared at the back of Popo Bović motionlessly until he disappeared ...


About the same time.

In a small, isolated space, in darkness without any light, in an environment with thin air.

An object more than ten centimeters long and five or six centimeters thick suddenly lit up, emitting light green fluorescence.

From the looks of it, the shape of the object resembles an irregular prism, and its texture is like ore. At this moment, tiny cracks appeared at one end of it, and milky white, hair-thin fibrous roots protruded out.

The fibrous root swayed, and a faint electric arc was born at the end, like energy generated out of thin air.

After that, the fibrous roots tried to penetrate the "ground", but they couldn't penetrate at all. After trying a few times, I noticed that there seemed to be some movement in the space, so I quickly retracted the fibrous roots, and the light green fluorescence also converged, and it returned to the state of the dead thing before, silently waiting for an opportunity.

Wait, keep waiting.

It is a long-lived strange species with a long lifespan, and it waits patiently.

Even if it is decades or hundreds of years.


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