Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 930: Containing the secret place


Drizzt was wearing a pure black cloak covering his whole body, standing in front of a huge black door that was tens of meters high, patiently waiting for the huge door to open completely.


In the ear-piercing sound, it can be seen that the giant door is rotating at an angular speed of less than one degree per second, and it is estimated that it will take more than a minute to fully open.

Behind Drizzt, there are more than a dozen people dressed in the same clothes as him, all of whom are his companions. In addition, there is still a big black ship parked on the ground. The big ship was more than twenty meters long and about five meters wide, with many magic lines engraved on its surface, and three silver-white metal coffins, one large, two small, and three were placed horizontally on the deck.

From the cracks in the coffin, faint white cold air emerged, and as soon as it came into contact with the air, it immediately froze the moisture in the air into ice crystals. After a while, the coffin showed signs of being gradually covered by hoarfrost.

Wait, keep waiting...

"Crack, click, click... click!"

Finally, the giant door was completely opened, and a man wearing a pure black cloak and a pair of round-rimmed glasses came out of the giant door, holding a stack of thick paper documents in his hand, which was filled with densely written documents. Text.

The man who came out glanced at Drizzt and the others, lightly adjusted his glasses and asked slowly, "What's the matter?"

"Can't you see?" Drizzt really wanted to sneer like this, but his character is still a relatively safe one, and in the end he just stretched out his hand and pointed at the big black boat parked on the ground next to him, curling his lips and said: "Take three The sealed item was sent for containment."

"Wow!" The man with glasses looked down at the document, finally stopped on one page, read it for a while, nodded slightly, and looked at Drizzt again, "It is true that there is an application record for sending the sealed item for containment, but In order to ensure safety, according to the usual practice, I will ask for your password."

"What do you want! You can tell if it's true or not! Besides us, is there anyone else who does this kind of thing?" Drizzt muttered in his heart, but on the surface he pursed his lips dryly. Dao: "God is light, the only one, destiny, and truth. All of us move forward under his guidance."


The man with glasses closed the file, raised his chin and nodded lightly: "Yes, the password is correct, you can come in. But before that, I need to know what kind of sealed items you sent for containment. Take you to where you should go."

Is this a problem, not as idiotic as before... Drizzt glanced at the man with glasses, and said: "There are three in total, namely the one thousand and sixty-seventh class, the three hundred and twenty-fourth class and the third class." One hundred and three classes."

"The one thousand and sixty-seventh class, the three hundred and twenty-fourth class, and the one hundred and third class." The man with glasses repeated what Drizzt said in a low voice, and thought for a while, "Then it's the Gnostic Spirit Crocodile, Luke Three-Eyed Leopard and Yam Dark Mouse, two abnormal species and one superborn species."

While talking, the man with glasses glanced at the cold coffin on the big black ship, and frowned slightly: "Are they all short-lived species? I thought there was at least one long-lived species this time, for example, the one in the large container is a bit picture."

"Do you think there is at least one immortal species? Why don't you think that there is a giant dragon stuffed in every container!" Drizzt shouted in his heart, but he breathed out and said, "Well, they are all short There is no way, after so many years of containment, the immortal species has completely disappeared, and the long-lived species are becoming more and more rare. Only the short-lived species are relatively easy to find. However, if the current situation continues, it will not take long. The short-lived species The rare species will also become rare—after all, two of the current three types are found from the remote northern wilderness of the main mainland."

"Is that so, that's fine, come with me." The man with glasses stopped talking, turned around and walked towards the huge black door.

Drizzt raised his hand and waved at the big black boat next to him, the spell was released, and many magic patterns on the surface of the big boat lit up, and slowly levitated, holding three coffins, heading towards the giant gate.

Drizzt and a dozen companions followed quickly, and disappeared completely inside the door after a while.


Behind Drizzt, the gate closed ten times faster than it opened, and finally with a sound, it turned into a stone wall without gaps.


Inside the door is a huge, crowded, and dark world.

Here, the flat and solid ground extends to the infinite distance, like the end of the earth. There is no physical barrier at the top of the head, but the darkness becomes thicker as you go up, until finally the darkness is as thick as ink, as if it is connected with the starless night sky.

Huge and regular black buildings stood here, like horizontal tombstones, each of which was tens of meters wide, hundreds of meters high, and several thousand meters long.

These "tombstone"-like buildings are intertwined with each other, densely packed, like a wall, which makes people feel indescribably depressed, and they can't even breathe smoothly.

After Drizzt and his party followed the man in glasses, they fell into an endless silence. No one said a word, they just walked around. What can be heard, apart from the "rustling" footsteps, is only the slightly heavy breathing of "huchihuchi".

After walking like this for more than ten minutes, Drizzt couldn't help it, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he couldn't help asking the man with glasses how long it would take to get there.

At this time, the man with glasses who was walking in front suddenly stopped, glanced at Drizzt, pointed to a "tombstone" building next to him and said, "Here we are, this is it—to house the Norse spirit-absorbing crocodile and the three-eyed Luke." The place of the evil leopard."

As he spoke, the man with glasses walked up to the "tombstone" and pressed it with one hand.


The "tombstone" shook, and where the man in glasses touched, a black hole suddenly burst open, and it was pitch black to nowhere.

The man with glasses waved his hand lightly, and said to Drizzt: "You guys put the container containing the Norse crocodile and Luke's three-eyed evil leopard in it."

"Understood." Drizzt said, with a wave of his hand, he and his companions walked towards the suspended black ship, lifted two silver-white coffins, one large and one small, from above, and sent them to the black hole that the "tombstone" opened.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka..."

After the coffin entered the "tombstone", the tombstone made a series of gear rotation sounds, swallowing the coffin quickly.

After that, the silence was restored, and the split black hole was also closed.

"Then we're left with Yam Darkrat." The man with glasses looked at it and said to himself, "Well, the place where this super-born species is housed seems to be a bit out of the way."

While talking, the man with glasses took a step forward, and started off again without even saying hello to Drizzt.

From behind, Drizzt gave the man with glasses a hard look, but in the end he didn't say anything, and followed with his companions.

This time the walking time was even longer. After walking in the world inside the door for half an hour, I arrived at a "tombstone" that looked taller.

"Ka Ka Ka Ka..."

With the same operation, "Tombstone" opened the black hole, swallowed the coffin containing Yam's dark mouse, and then returned to calm.

The man with glasses nodded slightly, turned his head to look at Drizzt's group, and said, "Okay, this time the containment mission is considered complete, and now I'll send you out. By the way, let me remind you that this place is a bit close to the danger zone, so it's best to It’s best not to look around, or if something happens, I won’t be responsible.”

"Danger zone?" Drizzt's heart moved, subconsciously tilted his head, and looked into the distance.

Looking past the huge "tombstones" one by one, I saw a few huge black shadows looming in the extreme distance. The shape of the black shadow is unrecognizable, but its volume is as huge as a mountain range. From such a distance, if you feel it carefully, you can feel the breath that makes your soul tremble.

Just looking at it, Drizzt quickly lowered his head, his heart was beating at a high speed, and it took him a while to calm down. Then a needle-like stabbing pain emerged deep in his head, making him grit his teeth uncontrollably.

Damn, this is soul trauma... Drizzt thought.

Then he heard the man with glasses sigh lightly, and said pointingly: "I told you not to let you look around, you have to find trouble yourself."

Drizzt endured the pain and looked at the man in glasses, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Who are you talking about?"

"Of course it's you." The man with glasses replied.

"I didn't look around." Drizzt paused, "Don't talk nonsense if you don't have evidence."

"Is there no evidence, heh!" The man with glasses smiled lightly, leaned close to Drizzt, raised his glasses and said slowly, "Do you know, the glasses I'm wearing now, in addition to giving me extraordinary vision, insight into In addition to invisibility, detection of invisibility, and ability to identify camouflage, there is also a relatively unique ability, which is to read the mind. In other words, as long as I look at you, I can hear what you are saying in your heart, understand?"

"Mind reading?" Drizzt's complexion changed slightly, and then thinking of the words he said in his heart before entering the door, his complexion became extremely ugly, and his headache even worsened.

"Heh!" The man with glasses chuckled again, as if nothing had happened, and walked forward.

A few seconds later, Drizzt and his companions followed in a panic.

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