The tall and thin soldier withdrew his gaze from the carriage entering the city, and walked towards the rest of the carriages behind, preparing to continue the inspection.

After walking a few steps, he stopped suddenly, turned his head suddenly, looked at the carriage of the man in gray clothes before him, looked at the deep ruts made by the carriage, and murmured to himself suspiciously: "

Why is the carriage so heavy if it is only for transporting cloth and cotton? Moreover, the two grooms looked very energetic, but their craftsmanship was a bit too bad. They were so ruthless that they beat the horse to bleed. The clothes he was wearing and the horsewhip he was holding were all new. One groom was enough for a car, but he used two of them. This shows that he is too rich...Stop it! "

"Stop!" The tall and thin soldier figured out something, quickly shouted, and called his companions at the city gate, "Stop them!"

After listening to the words, the companion's expression became serious, without any hesitation, with a "swipe", he drew out his weapon, and stopped in front of the carriage that was about to reach the city gate.

The two grooms driving the carriage pulled the reins abruptly to stop the horse, and frowned at the gray-clothed man in charge.

The expression of the man in charge in the gray clothes changed slightly, and then he jumped off the carriage quickly, and greeted the tall and thin soldier with a smile.

"My lord, what's the matter, my lord? Why did you stop us suddenly? Is there something wrong with us?"

The tall and thin soldier vigilantly stopped the man in charge one meter away, and questioned unceremoniously: "I think there is something wrong with your carriage."

"Carriage? What's wrong with the carriage?" The man in charge asked blankly, "Our carriage is the same as other people's."

"It does look the same on the outside, but why can it make such deep ruts when it is only filled with cloth and cotton?" The tall and thin soldier pointed to the depression next to him and asked.

"This..." The man in charge scratched his head, "This may be because we packed too much goods, my lord, as you saw just now, the boxes in the carriage are stacked one on top of the other. Although each box is light, it adds up to a heavy weight .”

"Then what's the matter with your groom?" The tall thin soldier continued to ask.

"Groom, what's wrong with the groom?"

"The clothes are new, the horsewhip is new, I won't talk about it, but why does the driving technology look new? Besides, it's too extravagant to use two grooms in one car?"

"This—" the man in charge twisted the muscles on his face, and said with a bitter face, "My lord, listen to me, in fact, only one of the grooms belongs to me, and the other one was brought by me to a friend in the city. , The technology is indeed not good, because they are all beginners, and they were farmers in the village before."

"Then you still hire?"

"Because they are cheap." The man in charge said helplessly, "They are not skilled, but the salary they ask for is only one-third of the normal groom's salary, so I put up with it. As for their clothes and riding whips, they are all new. Didn't I think that they would accept my favor and keep working hard and don't run away. After all, it's really hard to find such a cheap groom. "

After listening to the man in charge, the tall and thin soldier did not dispel his doubts. He frowned and thought for a while, then waved his hand to the companion who stopped the carriage and said, "Get in the carriage and check again to see if there is anything strange."

"Okay." The companion nodded, and the two soldiers jumped into the carriage, drove them off, and started the second inspection.

The man in charge looked at it, his expression was a little anxious, but he didn't dare to say anything, he just waited patiently for the inspection to be completed.

Three minutes later, the two soldiers who entered the carriage jumped down, shook their heads at the tall and thin soldier and said, "Captain Fowles, there is nothing strange, the carriage is indeed full of cloth and cotton."

The man in charge looked at the tall and thin man named Fowles, spread his hands and said, "Look, my lord, my carriage is really normal, just let me go into the city, I'm really in a hurry to deliver the goods."

Fowles frowned deeply and said nothing, always feeling that something was missing.

The man in charge looked at Fowles, hesitated for a moment, approached quietly the next moment, and took out a large money bag and handed it to Fowles: "My lord,

This is what I mean, why don't you take a look and forget about it? "

Fowles didn't answer, took a step back, hung the man in charge holding the money bag in the air, looked at the man in charge seriously, and said, "Are you rich?"

"No, no, it's all small money."

"Let me ask you, how much will you pay if you don't deliver the goods on time this time?"

"Ten..." The man in charge swallowed, not knowing what Fowles meant, and said, "Fifteen silver coins."

"Then how much is in the purse you handed me now?"

"This..." The man in charge froze.

"Before the man in charge could answer, Fowles grabbed it, opened it, looked at it, and sneered: "Ten silver coins. "

"It's interesting!" Fowles said, "You are so generous! In order not to pay fifteen silver coins, I would rather pay ten silver coins. It is true that fifteen silver coins are more than ten silver coins, but those fifteen silver coins are not It must be paid. Now if I still believe that your carriage is fine and let your carriage enter the city, then I am a pig."

"I..." The man in charge stood on the spot and didn't know what to say, drops of sweat dripped from his head.

Fowles ignored the man in charge, put one hand on the saber at his waist, looked at the companion who blocked the carriage, thought for a while and said: "Peter, Ralph, you two get under the carriage to have a look. , I suspect that they have something entrained, either silverwood woodwork, or finished refined ironware."

These two things are both expensive and heavy, fully worthy of the word "precious", and the taxes collected are extremely high, and they are one of the tax evasion items that are often found out.

"Okay, captain." The two soldiers whose names were called did not hesitate, nodded, and got under the carriage.

After a while, the brown-haired soldier named Pete came out first, his eyes were wide open, and there was a bit of shock, a bit of fear, and a bit of excitement in his eyes.

"Peter, is there really something under the carriage?" Fowles asked quickly, "What is it?"

"Yes..." Pete swallowed.

At this time, the red soldier named Ralph came out, trembling a little, holding a machine crossbow made of fine iron in his hand, and the arrow had already been loaded. The end of the arrow was shining with a pitch-black luster, and if you look carefully, there are faint lines, which are magic lines.

"Captain, it's... a weapon." Ralph tremblingly said, "There are many hidden under the carriage, some of which are specially used to deal with wizards and magic knights, forbidden items among forbidden items!"


Fowles reached out and quickly drew the long sword at his waist, pointed at the man in charge next to him, and made a fighting posture. Then his eyes widened, and he saw Ralph and Pete, who had just got out of the carriage, their heads burst open, and a large stream of blood spurted out, staining their vision red.

Not far away, Li Cha, who was waiting to enter the city among the crowd, raised his eyebrows when he saw this scene, opened his mouth and said silently: "Wizard——"

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