Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Nine hundred and fortieth chapters magic ride dispatched

"Wizard!" Fowles said with rounded eyes.


Footsteps sounded, and the two grooms who were driving the carriage came to the front. The groom on the left has a pair of brown eyes, and the groom on the right has a pair of gray eyes. There is a large amount of air around the two of them, obviously two wizards.

After walking out, the expressions of the two wizards were not very good-looking. The brown-eyed wizard on the left looked at Fowles, and said sullenly, "It's really nosy!

If there is no trouble for you, there will be no casualties at all. You make money, and I make money, which is good for everyone. It turns out that you have to be so serious, well, everyone is out of luck! My business can't be done this time, and you don't have to live. Go to hell with your companions! "

After the words fell, the brown-eyed wizard raised his hand, and a large cloud of air condensed and compacted in his palm.

Then the brown-eyed wizard flicked his hand, and the compressed air roared towards Fowles like a stone bullet.

"Crack! Crash!"

The compressed air exploded on the ground, creating a crater of more than ten centimeters, but it did not kill Fowles—at the last moment, Fowles rolled and escaped in a dangerous way, only to be hit by the flying stones Wrist slightly injured.


The brown-eyed wizard made a sound in surprise. He didn't expect Fowles to be so alert. He waved his hand and prepared to attack again.

Fowles is not stupid, he quickly flicked the blood from his wrist, "swiped" to stand up, completely disregarding his image, and fled to the distance. While running, he sounded an alarm to his companions: "Enemy attack! Wizard attack! Close the city gate, and call the magic cavalry for support!" At the end of the shout, the sound broke.

After hearing Fowles' warning, the rest of the soldiers reacted quickly, directly cutting off the two teams that wanted to enter the city, and retreated into the city.

Then there was a "pop", and someone at the top of the city used a sharp iron ax to cut off the hemp rope with a diameter of several centimeters. With the sound of "Boom", a heavy iron gate fell heavily, smashing into the soil more than ten centimeters, causing the surrounding ground to tremble several times, completely sealing the city gate.

The iron gate that fell was made of refined iron and was more than 20 centimeters thick. Usually, it would take hundreds of people to pull it up with the help of a winch. Now that it has fallen, the wizard cannot easily lift it up, and it is not easy to pierce it with flames or acid, at least a high-level wizard is required.

Two ordinary first-level wizards disguised as grooms quickly realized this, glared at Fowles who fled away, then glared at the iron gate, grabbed the horse's reins, and was about to turn the carriage away. turn.

If they entered the city, they were not going to enter the city. On the one hand, they would not be able to enter at all, and on the other hand, if they entered, they would fall into a trap.

At this moment, they only want to leave the wrong place as soon as possible to ensure the safety of themselves and their goods.

"Get out of the way! Get the hell out of here!"

The brown-eyed wizard yelled and waved his hand violently, a golden ball of light fell towards the nearby crowd.


The ball of light exploded, flying out thousands of light spots like fireflies.

The light spot didn't hurt. What the brown-eyed wizard released was just a zero-ring lighting spell, but he managed to forcibly disperse a large group of people around and make way for the carriage. The two wizards immediately pulled the horse's reins vigorously, whipped the horse, and fled away from the city gate.

The two men in green clothes and the man in charge in gray followed with nervous expressions on their faces, jumped into the carriage, and retreated with the two wizards.

The people around fled in all directions out of fear. Li Cha followed the flow of people away from the city gate. After retreating hundreds of meters, he narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the group of wizards who had exposed their identities and escaped.

"In this situation, logically speaking, it would be wiser to throw away the carriage and run away with all your strength, right? Now, trying to preserve the goods, isn't it too greedy? Aren't you afraid of being chased by the Pangbo family in St. Louis?"

As soon as he finished talking to himself, Li Cha raised his eyebrows.

I saw that the escaped wizard and his party had fled to a place more than 500 meters away from the city gate.

Seeing that he was about to start running on the avenue, suddenly there was a sharp whistling sound.


More than a dozen javelins fell from the sky and were precisely nailed to the ground directly in front of the carriage. Each javelin is nearly two meters long and is painted with stunning black paint. Because of the great force of the throw, it penetrates the ground more than half a meter deep after landing, interlaced with each other, forming a solid metal object.

If the carriage did not change direction and hit it, it would definitely end in a crash.

The two sorcerers driving saw their expressions changed. They pulled the reins abruptly, slowed down the carriage, and then controlled the horses to go to the right, preparing to bypass the javelin.

And within a few seconds of this delay, another series of sharp whistling sounds resounded.


The second batch of more than a dozen javelins fell from the sky, this time they did not fall in front of the carriage, but fell directly on the horses.

The ends of the javelins were polished to an extremely sharp point, sharper than a sword, and only a few "puff puffs" were heard, and the two strong horses were instantly pierced by the javelins and died on the ground. The death of the horse fell to the ground, implicating the carriage that was still moving, tilting uncontrollably, and fell to the ground with a "bang". The carriage couldn't bear the force, and it burst with a "crash", and all the cloth and cotton contained in it were scattered out, as well as a large number of machine crossbows and arrows.


A series of sharp whistling sounds sounded again, and the third batch of javelins appeared. This time, the target was the five wizards who had nowhere to hide after the carriage was broken.

"Puff puff!"

With the sound of sharp weapons piercing the flesh, except for two wizards with extraordinary strength who escaped the javelin attack, the remaining two men in green clothes and the man in charge in gray clothes were all nailed to death on the ground.

The scene was deadly quiet.

The brown-eyed and gray-eyed wizards glanced at the corpses of their dead companions, stepped out of the scattered goods, and looked towards the direction of St. Louis City.

It was seen that three groups of cavalry were running out from the corner of the front wall of St. Louis City, and it was these people who threw the javelin just now.

Li Cha heard someone whispering around: "It's a magic knight!"

"Yes, it's the magic cavalry, and three teams came at once."

"Even the vice-commander of the magic cavalry, Mr. Sid, is here. This is a good show. The two wizards who caused trouble will surely die!"

Magic ride? Magic knight? The Pang Bo family has only more than two hundred elite forces?

Using a mortal body to deal with an extraordinary wizard, and win?

Li Cha raised his eyebrows.

Regarding the power of the magic knight, he had seen it before on the ship from the east coast to the main mainland. It was under the female captain Elizabeth's men. When dealing with pirates, it was indeed a one-sided massacre.

However, this is the first time I have seen a magic knight face a real wizard.

He kind of wanted to know how the other party behaved, so as to prepare for his future dealings with the magic knight.

Thinking of this, Li Cha looked seriously at the three teams of magic knights who appeared.

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