Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 946: Demon Rider vs Wizard

Looking into the distance, he saw three teams of magic knights, each with ten people. They rode on strong horses, wearing dark blue armor, galloped at a high speed, circled around to the distance, and vaguely surrounded the two wizards.

Richard guessed that this should be the three-striped magic knight with the largest number in the Pangbo family, and it is the most basic member of the magic knight team.

In addition, each team was led by two black cavalrymen, who were more imposing, and the horses under their crotches were half a head taller than ordinary horses.

This should be the principal and deputy captain of the team, with the strength of a five-pattern elite magic knight... Li Cha continued to guess.

In addition, there was a lone golden armored cavalry, behind all the cavalry, riding a snow-white horse, approaching the two wizards without fear.

This is the so-called vice-commander of the magic knights, Sid.

Li Cha guessed that the three squads of magic knights ran at high speed and completely surrounded the two wizards. Then start shrinking the encirclement. It has shrunk to a distance of 50 meters from the two wizards and stopped, staying vigilant and no longer moving forward.

The deputy commander, Sid, drove the horse to the front of the two wizards, stared at them for a long time, and said slowly, his tone was very polite: "Master wizards, I don't know why you are making trouble in St. Louis City?

Do you know that this is a city managed by the Pangbo family? I am willing to believe that this is a misunderstanding, and I hope that the two of you can come to the city with me. In the city, there are people from the Pangbo family waiting for you, hoping to communicate with you and solve this misunderstanding. What do you think? "

"Hehe, tricked us into going into the city with you?" The gray-eyed wizard laughed sinisterly, his smile was a bit piercing, the whites of his eyes were exaggerated, and he stared at Siddao like a dead body, "I really think Are we children? We are outside the city, we may survive if we fight hard, but if we really enter the city, we will be controlled by you whether we live or die."

"I am willing to take the honor of the Pangbo family as a guarantee. As long as the two of you cooperate, your lives will never be harmed." Sid said sternly, "The Pangbo family has always been willing to recruit talents, as long as you two..."

"Bah!" The brown-eyed wizard spat, interrupted Sid, rolled his eyelids and said, "We don't need you to tell us what kind of virtue the Pangbo family is. Instead of believing in the Pangbo family's Honor, we'd rather trust a dog."

Sid changed color, took a deep breath and said: "So, the two of you don't want to cooperate at all?"

"What do you think?" The gray-eyed wizard looked at Sid and continued to ask sullenly.

Sid was silent, and about three seconds later, with a bang, he jumped off his horse and gave the order.

"All dismount and prepare for battle!"


A total of thirty-six people from the three squads of magic knights got off their horses in unison, and each drew out the long swords around their waists, pointing at the two wizards surrounded in the center.


Sid Road.


The three squads of knights in magic costume approached the two wizards with steady steps, their eyes fixed on the wizards, wary of the other party casting spells.


Stepping up a little bit, the magic knight was getting closer and closer to the wizard, and he reached forty meters in a short while.

The two wizards looked at each other and exchanged in a low voice, as if they had reached a consensus, they raised their hands in a "swipe" manner, and the spell was released.

I saw the surrounding air surging rapidly, and the moisture in the air in all directions was pulled out, then cooled and condensed.

"Ka Ka Ka!"

A thick ice wall appeared around the two wizards, blocking the magic knight from moving forward.

Sid saw it and shouted, "Push it down!"

"Push!" The captains of the three magic knight squads followed suit.

"Papa papa!"

The knights in magic suits pressed their hands against the ice wall one after another, and exerted force at the same time, purple lights suddenly lit up on their shoulders, and with a "boom", they directly pushed down the ice wall.

The wizards behind the ice wall were not too surprised. They obviously thought about this result, but they didn't think it would be so soon.

The two exchanged a few more words in a low voice, and with a wave of their hands, many fist-sized fireballs hit the magic suit knight, each of which had extremely high temperature, distorting the air a little.

Sid saw it and ordered, "Get out of the way!"

"Flash!" said the captain of the three squads of magic knights.

At the bottom of the boots worn by each magic knight, an unconcealable blue light burst out, and the speed and jumping ability of the magic knight were greatly improved. Either roll or jump, quickly avoid the fireball attack, and then accelerate to approach the two wizards.

The two wizards looked at each other, raised their eyebrows, and a cold light flashed in their eyes. At the same time, they took out a ring inlaid with sapphire from their arms and held it.

A large amount of mana was poured into the ring, the ground under the two of them cracked suddenly, and a lot of mud flew up. In the rising dust, it was compressed into hundreds of sharp stone cones, which roared and shot at the many magic knights who were already close to ten meters away.

This is the ultimate move of the two wizards, which is used to severely damage the magic knight.

Now the magic knight has approached ten meters, the distance is too close, the reaction time is too short, it is difficult to dodge.

In fact, it is.

It was too late for Sid to issue an order after he saw the wizard attacking.

However, the captains of the three magic knight squads shouted at this moment, and said in a deep voice, "Come on!"

As they spoke, the captains of the three squads of magic knights rushed forward, their arms crossed in front of their chests, and the silver light shone, forming a silver-white energy shield.

The silver-white energy shield is very thin, not as powerful as the defensive shield cast by official wizards. It only persisted for a second under the attack of the stone cone before it shattered. However, it managed to smash more than half of the stone cone, allowing the stone cone become sparse.

Without hesitation, the captains of the three magic costume teams led the team members, hard-topped the remaining sparse stone cones, and rushed at the two wizards like tigers on a flock of sheep.

A few seconds later, after paying the price of two minor injuries and one serious injury, he successfully reached the attack range and swung his sword to slash.

The two wizards changed their colors, a little surprised at the bravery of the magic knight. The next moment, with a low shout, they jointly cast a powerful wind spell, forcing the magic knight who was close to him to be pushed back several meters away, in order to gain a chance to breathe.

But the knight in magic costume who saw the blood was like a wounded tiger, without stopping at all, and immediately rushed forward again. They knew very well that if they gave wizards a chance to breathe, they would increase their own danger.

Roaring, the magic knight approached the wizard again, and slashed down heavily with his sword.

The two wizards gritted their teeth and recasted the wind spells to repel the group of magic knights.

Then the magic knight rushed forward for the second time.

The two wizards squeezed out the little mana left, cast the wind spell for the third time, repelled the magic knights, and cut the bodies of the two magic knights with the wind blade mixed in the strong wind.

The magic knight seemed to be crazy, and rushed forward again against the strong wind and without fear of the wind blade.

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