Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 947: Be my lackey

Seeing the magic knight rushing up for the third time, the two wizards looked a little pale. It was the first time they found the magic knight so tricky—and it was also the last time they discovered it.

Successfully approaching the wizard, the magic knight swung his sword and slashed down, and the wizard struggled to hold up his shield to block it.

Under the continuous attack, the shield propped up by the wizard quickly shattered, and the brown-eyed wizard hurriedly tried to prop up the second shield, but was surrounded by two captains of magic knights. The two captains of the magic knights did not show any politeness, and used all their strength to smash out their elbows wrapped in heavy armor.

With a "bang bang", one hit the brown-eyed wizard on the back, and the other hit the brown-eyed wizard on the back of the neck.


The brown-eyed wizard, who was about to continue casting spells, rolled his eyes white. He didn't even have time to struggle. He fell to the ground and passed out. He was captured by the rest of the magic knights.

The rest of the gray-eyed wizards looked at it, their eyes widened, and they cast spells frantically, trying to save their companions from the magic knight.

As a result, at this moment, a golden figure slammed into his arms alone, shattering his shield and interrupting his spellcasting with a "crash".

Before the gray-eyed wizard could react, a dagger in Sid's right hand pierced into the gray-eyed wizard's abdomen with a "poof".

After that, the dagger in his left hand pierced the gray-eyed wizard's heart, preparing to end the gray-eyed wizard.

Feeling the cramping pain in his lower abdomen, the gray-eyed wizard clenched his teeth and looked at Sid, who was close at hand, with crazy eyes in his eyes, ready to go all out.

Sid's eyes flashed, and he kicked the gray-eyed wizard. He nimbly pulled out the dagger in his lower abdomen and retreated. He led a group of subordinates and the captured brown-eyed wizard back for more than ten meters, leaving only the severely injured gray-eyed wizard behind. in place.

The gray-eyed wizard, who was going desperately, suddenly couldn't find any targets to attack, and couldn't help being stunned. Then he looked at Sid, who was more than ten meters away, feeling the pain of his lower abdomen being torn apart, and revealed a vicious look.

Sid looked at the gray-eyed wizard with the usual expression and said slowly: "I know you want to die with me, but I won't cooperate with you, just like you didn't cooperate with me before."

The muscles on the gray-eyed wizard's face twitched, whether it was anger or pain. The body squatted down slowly, pressing the wound on the lower abdomen with one hand, propping the ground with the other hand, and staring fixedly at Sid.

Sid let out a breath and said slowly: "However, out of the kindness of the Pangbo family, I can give you one last chance.

As long as you are willing to cooperate, you can get treatment and live a good life. Otherwise, if the current injury continues, even if you are a wizard, you will die in a short time.

Believe me, a dead wizard has no value to the Pangbo family, only a living wizard has value. As long as you give up fighting, the Pangbo family will not hold you accountable, and can even help you to be promoted to a better level of wizard—for an unorganized wandering wizard like you, this is a dream come true, right? ? "

The gray-eyed wizard listened and continued to stare at Sid without answering a word.

At this moment, he was extremely vigilant, lest he should speak and relax, and Sid would rush forward and give him a fatal blow. Sid is a knight in seven-striped magic suit, and he will not lose the wind if he faces him head-on. Now that he is seriously injured, he will definitely not be able to defend against Sid's surprise attack.

Time passed slowly, and the gray-eyed wizard noticed a bit of impatience on Sid's face. He also felt that his body became weaker due to blood loss, and his spirit became more vigilant.

There was some struggle on his face, as if hesitating, not knowing whether to choose to believe in Sid, or to make a final fight.

The gray-eyed wizard glanced into the distance with the corner of his eyes, and suddenly looked away as if he had been burned by something.

At this time, a group of people came out from the crowd in the distance, one woman and two men.

The woman is only sixteen or seventeen years old, she is considered a big girl, but her face is heavily decorated, without any youthful or cute temperament.

Her lips were painted purple-black,

The eye shadow is thick smoky black, and the cheeks are painted white, without any blood color, just like a legendary vampire, with a dark gothic style. His eyeballs were bloodshot as if he had stayed up all night, and the bags under his eyes drooped listlessly. He slowly walked out of the crowd and walked towards the deputy commander of the Magic Knights, Sid.

She is the eldest daughter of the eleventh generation of the Pangbo family——Anne Pangbo. She has a very high talent for wizards, and she is already a first-level wizard at a young age. Although it was rumored that it was piled up with potions, it was undeniable that it possessed extraordinary powers that were not weak. In addition, he acts surly, moody, and has a crazy temperament, which is feared by many people.

As for the two handsome young men behind her, they were much worse in comparison. Although they also had the cultivation of wizard apprentices, they were just her two guards. More precisely, it was her attendant, after all, he was not strong enough to protect her.

Anne Pangbo walked out of the crowd, walked close to Sid, looked up at the gray-eyed wizard, yawned and asked: "I heard people in the city just now that there was trouble at the city gate, so I came out to see .Could it be this guy?"

"Yes, Miss Anne," Sid replied.

"It seems to me that he is still persevering and hasn't given up resistance. Why, isn't he afraid of death?" Annie asked.

Sid said, "A little bit."

"Well, I'm idle and bored, why don't I talk to him." Annie yawned again, and she was about to approach the gray-eyed wizard.

Surprised, Sid quickly reached out to stop him, and advised in a low voice: "Miss Anne, be careful, this guy is a bit weird.

He was found transporting contraband into the city. It stands to reason that he had enough chances to escape, but he had to leave with the goods before he was stopped by us. After being stopped, he didn't cooperate at all, as if he wanted to die, which is very abnormal. I doubt him very much now. There may be some conspiracy. Before I figure it out, I must be vigilant. "

"What are you afraid of!" Annie rolled her eyes, squinted at the gray-eyed wizard, and curled her lips, "He is half dead now, can he still hurt me? My wizard level is not a display. Besides, so many of you Here, can't even guard against him alone? Then what's the use of my family wanting you?"

"This..." Sid hesitated to speak.

"Hmph, that's it, let me talk to him." Annie said, knocking off Sid's arm that was blocking her, and walked to a place that was only a few meters away from the gray-eyed wizard.

Tilting his head slightly, he squinted and said, "Hey, gray-eyed guy, out of politeness, let me introduce myself—my name is Annie, Annie Pangbo. Alright, after the introduction, let's talk about business.

I heard that you are causing trouble in this city of St. Louis? Oh, I really don't know whether to live or die. Now that you have fallen into the hands of my family, I will give you two choices: Either surrender, sign a spell bond with my family, take a specific potion, and become a dog of my family. Or, I'll blow your head off right now and turn you into a dead dog. You choose! "

After finishing speaking, Annie continued to raise her head and squint at the gray-eyed wizard, waiting for the other party's answer.

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