Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 951 Do you want to... ask for an offer?

Li Cha sat down, and after a while, the food was delivered.

Li Cha took a quick glance and found that it was not bad.

Green salad, just cabbage, lettuce, lima beans mixed together, nothing to shout about.

In contrast, the mushroom soup is much better. The milky milk-like thick soup is placed in a blue-gray earthenware bowl, with small pieces of diced mushrooms floating on it, faintly exuding a sweet and fresh smell.

Of course, the most outstanding feature is the special sausage, red sausage more than ten centimeters long and one centimeter thick, placed in a shallow plate, wrapped in buckwheat batter, coated with maple sugar juice, with a strong sweet smell.

The previous waiter was right, it is a perfect match with pancakes.

However, Li Cha just sniffed it and didn't move. Instead, he picked up the mushroom soup and poured the milky white soup into the sausage platter, filling it up.

After that, pushing the platter to the corner of the table, Li Cha sat on the seat and waited patiently.

After a while, a sneaky young man with triangular eyes appeared, glanced at Richard's sausage platter filled with mushroom soup, quickly looked around, and leaned forward.

"Sir, you look a bit bored, do you want to have some fun?"

Li Cha raised his eyebrows when he heard this, looked at the other party, and couldn't help laughing in his heart. Although he knew that what the other party said was a connection signal, he still felt that the other party looked like someone on Earth who was selling some illegal goods, so he almost said "Are you asking for an offer?"

With a calm face, he looked at the other party and asked in a deep voice, "What fun are you having?"

"As long as you want, we can satisfy."

"I want aristocratic fun from the north, do you have it too?"

"This is a bit difficult, but it's not impossible. You and I need to talk in another place."

"Okay, please lead the way." Li Cha said, put a silver coin on the table as the meal fee, and stood up.

"Follow me." The young man with triangular eyes whispered, lowered his head and walked quickly towards the door.

Li Cha followed the other party out of the tavern door and kept walking on the street. The other party remained silent, walked straight through three streets, turned suddenly, and entered a remote alley.

There was a gray-white wooden door in the alley. The other party stepped forward and knocked rhythmically, three long and one short.

"Bang bang bang bang! bang bang bang bang!"

A few seconds later, with a "squeak", the door opened, revealing a skinny old man in his sixties.

The young man with triangular eyes turned his body and nimbly slipped through the door from the old man, leaving Li Cha alone with the skinny old man.

The skinny old man's eyes were bright, he looked Li Cha up and down a few times, and asked, "I don't know, what should I call you?"

"Grey Crow." Li Cha reported the code name, until this step, the connection was really over. If there were any mistakes in the previous process, he would never meet the real intelligence personnel, but would be led to a third-rate gold selling cave.

After hearing Li Cha's words, the old man straightened his expression and showed a respectful look: "So it's Lord Gray Crow, I've already heard the news of your coming from the north, please come in."

As he spoke, the skinny old man retreated to the door, allowing Li Cha the door to come in.

Li Cha was not polite, and walked in.


Dozens of minutes later.

Inside the door, in a room full of books and scrolls, Richard and the skinny old man sat on both sides of a table, roughly figuring out the latest information about the city of St. Louis and the Pangbo family.

In fact, there is not much difference from what was obtained from the star pattern paper before. The only thing that has changed is the number of wizards and magic knights in the hands of the Pangbo family.

For example, the number of wizards, obtained from the star pattern paper before, is that the Pangbo family has three third-level wizards, nine second-level wizards, twenty-three first-level wizards, and forty-seven wizard apprentices.

Now there are three third-level wizards, ten second-level wizards, twenty-five first-level wizards, and forty-five wizard apprentices.

In addition, the magic knight got it from the star pattern paper before,

It is the Pangbo family that has 170 three-striped magic knights, 40 five-striped elite magic knights, and five seven-striped magic knights.

Now there are one hundred and eighty-five magic knights with three patterns, forty-two five elite knights in magic costume, and five knights in seven-striped magic costume.

I don't know if the number has been updated based on the battle outside the city this evening, otherwise the real number will have changed, but it will have little effect... Li Cha thought.

"That's about it for the information about the city of St. Louis, Lord Gray Crow." The skinny old man looked at Richard and said after a moment of pondering, "As for the opportunity you are looking for to infiltrate the Pangbo family, apart from risky and sneaky exploration Besides, now there is a fair chance."

"An aboveboard opportunity?" Li Cha asked, "What?"

"According to the information we just received, the Pangbo family will hold a small selection test at noon tomorrow to select more capable wizard apprentices to serve their family. It was also known through special channels." The thin old man explained.

Li Cha heard this, blinked his eyes, felt a little strange, and questioned: "Why is the Pangbo family so anxious to recruit people? Really recruiting people, it's impossible to only give half a day to prepare? If no one goes, how can it be?" Isn't it embarrassing? Even if some people go, too few go, and the purpose of selection will not be achieved, right?"

Although he didn't think that the Pangbo family had deliberately set up a trap for him to fall into, he still thought it would be better to find out.

The thin old man heard this and said: "Sir, you don't have to worry about this, there is no problem in recruiting people. Although only half a day is given to prepare, the ability of the Pangbo family is enough to let many people know, and it is absolutely possible to attract a group of people." A large number of apprentice wizards participated.

Of course, no matter what, half a day is indeed a bit urgent. According to the channel we obtained the news from, it seems that the recruitment was decided on a temporary basis. Originally, the Pangbo family wanted to recruit a group of wizard apprentices after three months, but tonight a core member of their family suddenly dismissed two wizard apprentices for unknown reasons. I couldn't find a qualified replacement for a while, so I had to recruit people temporarily. "

Hearing the thin old man's words, Li Cha suddenly thought of the two wizard apprentices who were following Annie, the eldest lady of the Pangbo family, outside the city.

Could it be that those two people were fired?

Judging from Anne Pangbo's dissatisfaction before, it is very possible, so everything is said, maybe it is a coincidence, but it is logical - it is because of the attack outside the city that he has the opportunity to sneak in openly. Pangbo family.

Thinking of this, Li Cha nodded, looked at the skinny old man and said, "In that case, I'll try it tomorrow and see the situation."

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