Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 952 You big-eyed guy betrayed you too!

"Master Gray Crow, you must pay attention to hiding your own strength." The skinny old man took a deep breath, showed a serious expression, and kindly reminded Li Cha, "

After all, the Pangbo family is a wizard family that has been passed down for hundreds of years, and their heritage is not weak. Although it is a temporary recruitment, there are many detection methods that should be available to prevent wizards from hostile forces from infiltrating - there is a precedent for this kind of thing. It's not that I doubt your strength, my lord, I just hope that my lord will be careful not to make mistakes in the plan because of the details. "

"Thank you for your reminder." Richard said, showing a smile, "I'm really not worried about the hidden strength, especially the hidden strength disguised as a wizard apprentice."

The skinny old man looked up at Li Cha with a little puzzlement in his eyes.

Li Cha said slowly: "The reason is very simple, because in essence, I am an apprentice wizard."

He was not wrong, because he was following the path of an apocalypse wizard, and there was only a small amount of stable mana stored in the source of magic in his body, which was equivalent to the amount of a wizard apprentice, and the rest were active free energy elements.

Therefore, using most conventional methods, he is an apprentice wizard—although this apprentice wizard can easily severely injure and kill even third-level wizards and long-lived strange species. Because of this, he was almost unaffected by the magic ball attacks of the Truth Society and the Supreme Order God Society.

"Ah?" The shriveled old man didn't know the situation, and he couldn't help being taken aback when he heard it. He looked up and down Li Cha, feeling that he didn't look like it.

Lord Gray Crow in front of him is just an apprentice wizard?

A wizard apprentice has the status of a special envoy, and let the north send a message to take special care of him?


Li Cha didn't explain this, and after knowing the rest of the situation, he stood up and left the intelligence agency quickly, leaving only the stunned thin old man in the room.

"Impossible? Impossible?" The skinny old man kept murmuring.


Ten minutes later.

Li Cha returned to the lively "Poet and Wine" tavern.

He is not interested in the bards who tell stories and the delicious wine in this tavern, and even a little against the lively atmosphere in the tavern - the only thing that attracts him is the food in the tavern.

Because he was in a hurry, he didn't eat for a day. He didn't feel hungry until he solved the problem of the initial action and determined the action plan for the next three days, so he was ready to supplement.

Walking into the tavern, walking to the bar, ordering some food according to his own wishes, Li Cha sat back on the seat he had chosen before, and waited patiently.

After a while, the food was delivered.

First of all, the steaming, golden and crisp pancakes are served on a shallow plate, and the aroma is overflowing, attracting diners at several nearby tables to look at them.

Then came sausages in buckwheat batter and brushed with maple syrup, then tender stewed beef, and a big bowl of vegetable soup with bits and pieces of vegetables floating around.

Li Cha picked up the tableware and started to eat quickly and quietly. Halfway through the meal, a voice suddenly wafted into his ears.

"One mushroom soup, one special sausage, nothing else, just these two."

Li Cha stopped eating for a while, put down the knife and fork, swallowed the chunk of beef in his mouth, and looked towards the bar. I saw a burly man of about 1.8 meters who declined the waiter's recommended menu with a straight face.

Stick to just "mushroom soup" and "special sausage".

And this is exactly one of the preparations that need to be made to connect with the intelligence agency of the Soma Alliance.

"Coincidence? Or, someone who serves the intelligence agency of the Soma Alliance?" Richard looked at the man and guessed in his heart.

If it is the former, then there is nothing to be concerned about, and if it is the latter, there is also nothing to be concerned about—after all, he and the intelligence agency of the Soma Alliance are just a cooperative relationship, and it is enough to successfully contact and obtain the required information. Afterwards, the rest of the people connected with each other, which had nothing to do with him.

Thinking of this, he didn't look back, but continued to look at the burly man standing in front of the bar. He didn't know the other person's face, but somehow felt that the other person was somewhat familiar, as if he had seen him before.

Looking at the other party like this for a few seconds, seeing the protruding height of the other party of about 1.8 meters, Li Cha raised his eyebrows, and suddenly had an answer: "The other party seems to be the orthodox leader of the magic knights of the Pangbo family."

"Yes, it's him, Gawain Nova Trunk! Although some delicate camouflage has been done on the face, details such as the size of the eyes and the length of the eyebrows have been changed, and the face has been painted black, but the outline of the body cannot be changed—after all The other party is just a knight in magic costume, not a wizard who masters transformation spells. The most important thing is that the other party's height is so recognizable, there may not be many in the entire city of St. Louis." After a few seconds, Richard made the final confirmation.

After confirmation, there is doubt.

What is the other party doing here?

As the orthodox leader of the magic knight of the Pangbo family, the opponent is powerful, holds a high position, and has great power. Dressing up in disguise, the "Poet and Wine" tavern, it is absolutely impossible to just happen to want to eat "sausage" and "mushroom soup". It's not the first time this has been done.

What is the purpose of the other party's connection with the intelligence agency of the Soma Alliance?

The intelligence agency of the Soma Alliance did not hesitate to come to this city of St. Louis from thousands of miles away. Hidden traces in the east and west, and painstaking efforts to collect information are not for the purpose of applying for the position of housekeeper of the Pangbo family and helping the Pangbo family to develop well. They were enemies of the Pangbo family and were preparing for future operations.

Simply put, they are hostile to the Pangbo family.

And as a core member of the Pangbo family, Gawain, the orthodox leader of the magic knight, secretly connected with the intelligence agency of the Soma Alliance, which is very abnormal.

It is very likely that the other party, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, betrayed the Pangbo family at some point and turned to serve the intelligence agency of the Soma Alliance. Or, the two have common interests in certain matters and cooperate with each other, just like the situation with the intelligence agency of the Soma alliance now.

In any case, one thing is clear, the water in St. Louis City is indeed very deep, which makes his thoughts diverge.

If it is said that Gao Wen betrayed the Pang Bo family long ago, then many things have to be looked at from a different angle.

For example, the previous attack outside the city.

Could it be that Gao Wen planned it on purpose? As for the purpose... What can be confirmed at present is that through this incident, a vice-commander of the magic knight was successfully removed from the management position, and the Pangbo family was temporarily recruited to facilitate the implementation of the rest of the plan.

So... the reason why he entered the city tonight and had the opportunity to infiltrate the Pangbo family at noon tomorrow was not a coincidence or luck, it was a free ride.

That's kind of interesting.

Li Cha pursed his lips.

He wasn't dissatisfied with this, but he was a little wary, because some plans of the other party might affect his actions.

Thinking about this, Li Cha picked up the knife and fork again and started to eat, moving very slowly, observing Gao Wen calmly while eating.

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