Magus Tech (Technological Wizard)

Chapter 953: Old Acquaintance

"Nothing else, just 'mushroom soup' and 'special sausage', you know?"

Under Li Cha's observation, Gao Wen spoke out and told the waiter with a firm attitude that his request did not need to be changed.

"But...the staple food..." The waiter hesitated to speak, and wanted to try to persuade Gao Wen to try other dishes.

"No need." Gawain stared at the waiter and said emphatically.

"Okay." Under Gao Wen's displeased gaze, the waiter reluctantly gave up on the recommended dishes, spread his hands and said, "Then guest, sit down at a place, and when the kitchen is ready, I'll send it to you right away." .”

"En. Better hurry up." Gao Wen said, leaving this sentence behind, and turned around from the bar. Squinting around the hall, he picked a favorite location, and finally his eyes fell on a corner away from the center, not too far from Li Cha.

After making the selection, Gao Wen walked over, sat on the seat, put his hands on the table with a cold face, and showed a look of "no strangers are allowed to enter", waiting silently.

Ten minutes later.

The waiter came up to Gao Wen with mushroom soup in one hand and special sausage in the other, and carefully placed the dishes containing the two dishes on the table. After playing, he looked at Gao Wen and asked softly, "Guest, is there anything else you need?"

"Your serving speed is a bit slow." Gawain glanced at the waiter and said expressionlessly.

The waiter's expression froze, and he didn't know how to answer. He had tried his best to urge the kitchen to do it, and it was impossible to hurry up: "This..."

"Okay, that's it, let's go." Gao Wen waved his hand, then thought of something, and stopped the waiter who turned around, "By the way, take this."

While speaking, Gao Wen took out a shiny silver coin and threw it at the waiter.

"Want to ask for your money, guest?" The waiter grabbed the silver coin, his eyes lit up, and he looked at Gao Wen with some hope in his eyes and asked. One silver coin is more than enough to pay for Gawain's meal, and if the rest is not given in change As a tip for him, that was quite generous.

Gao Wen was about to speak, but after hearing what the waiter said, he suddenly closed his lips and swallowed the words "It's all your tip". Because it suddenly occurred to him that his current identity was not the orthodox leader of the magic knight, but just an unknown eater in disguise. His figure is already iconic enough. If he is more generous and gives a tip that is enough to surprise the waiter, it will definitely impress the waiter. This is not what he wants.


Gao Wen raised his eyebrows, looked at the waiter and said, "Leave three copper coins as a tip for you, and give me the rest."

"Yes." The waiter pursed his lips and said, his erect shoulders slumped, his eyes became much darker, and there was no longer any hope in his eyes.

The tip he usually gets is between one copper coin and five copper coins. Occasionally, he will get a tip of more than ten copper coins when he meets a generous guest. Of course, there are miserly people who don't give one. Gao Wen's tip was almost average. Although it didn't disappoint him, it didn't surprise him either. In a sense, it was a kind of disappointment.

"Please wait a moment." The waiter looked at Gao Wendao, turned around and walked towards the high platform, came back after a while, and put a handful of copper coins on the table.

"Guest, your mushroom soup costs 22 copper coins, and the sausage costs 15 copper coins. After deducting the tip of 3 copper coins, here is 60 copper coins." The waiter said.

Gao Wen glanced at the copper coins on the table, his eyes lingering for a while, as if to confirm whether the number was correct.

After that, he grabbed all the copper coins, put them in his pocket, and waved to the waiter: "Okay, you go, don't worry about me anymore, I will call you if there is something to do."

"Okay." The waiter said without joy or sadness, turned around and walked back behind the bar. To him, Gao Wen was just a tall eater, nothing special.

Watching the waiter walk away from the corner of his eyes, Gawain picked up the earthenware bowl containing the mushroom soup, and poured the mushroom soup onto the sausage platter.

After it was full, he put the pottery bowl away, placed his hands on the table, and waited silently again.

This wait is more than twenty minutes.

On the table not far away, Li Cha almost finished eating all the food, and finally a man appeared. He was not alone with the young man with triangular eyes. He was dressed in gray-brown clothes and looked even more old-fashioned. He walked to Gao Wen's desk as if walking around, glanced at the sausage platter on Gao Wen's table, and asked Say out loud: "My guest, you look a bit bored, do you want to have some fun?"

Gao Wen raised his head, took a serious look at the man in the gray-brown clothes, and asked aloud, "What's the fun?"

"All kinds of fun."

"Then you have people from the north..."

After a few brief conversations, Gawain stood up, nodded to the man in taupe and said, "Lead the way."

"Okay, please follow me." The man in taupe clothes led Gawain out.


Walking out of the tavern door, they came to the street, turning around seven times, and soon after, Gao Wen and the man in the gray-brown clothes came from the alley where Richard used to come.

"Bang bang bang, bang!"

A fist landed on the gray-white wooden door, and a familiar knock sounded.

With a "squeak", the door opened, and the skinny old man appeared.

The skinny old man obviously knew Gao Wen, even with makeup on, he let him in without any fuss.

Gao Wen was not polite either, and stepped into the door, looking at the internal structure of the building.

This is a two-story stone building. The entrance is the hall. On the left side of the hall, there are wooden stairs that go up. There are more than ten rooms on the first and second floors. You can see people coming and going in and out of some rooms, but no one is making a lot of noise. In addition, the half-worn blue carpet on the floor absorbs the sound, so it is very quiet.

After scanning for a week, Gao Wen looked at the skinny old man, smiled, and said as if joking among friends: "Garcia, your place this time is much better than before. If this continues, I really doubt that you Will one day set up a hiding place in the courtyard of the Pangbo family, as far as I know, it is the most luxurious place in the entire Pangbo city."

The skinny old man named Garcia shrugged: "I would like to, but our funds can't afford it."

After a pause, with a wry smile, Garcia said, "To be honest, it's already a bit beyond our budget to settle here. However, it's all for safety, there's no way. The Pangbo family has long been aware of our existence , The search is getting stricter, and most of the people used in the search are guard troops and wizards, not the magic knights under your command, it is difficult to get information in advance, so we have to keep moving to ensure that we will not be exposed."

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