In a blink of an eye, it was noon the next day.

The seat of the Pangbo family.

This is a courtyard located in the center of St. Louis, with a large area and extremely luxurious decoration. From the eyes of ordinary people, it is not much inferior to the royal palaces of some small countries.

At this time, Li Cha was in a huge living room in the courtyard. Besides him, there were more than 30 other people here, all of whom were wizard apprentices who came to accept the test of the Pang Bo family. It can be seen that the Pang Bo family's ability, in just half a day, as many as 30 wizard apprentices came here after hearing the news.

At this time, a group of wizard apprentices were gathering in twos and threes, talking constantly, sometimes yelling, and sometimes burst into a series of laughter, the whole reception room was as noisy as a vegetable market.

Li Cha sat in an inconspicuous corner, sitting quietly, keeping silent, listening to another burst of laughter not far away, couldn't help shaking his head lightly.

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly appeared next to him and asked, "You feel annoying too, don't you?"

After hearing this, Li Cha turned his head to look in the direction of the sound, and saw a young man in blue clothes sitting on a high-backed wooden chair one meter away to the left.

The other party was in his early twenties, with blond hair, his face was full of displeasure at this time, and he complained in a low voice: "I really can't stand it, and I don't know where such a group of unsophisticated and impolite country bumpkins come from.

They just keep squawking like ducks, it's really noisy, I'm ashamed to come with them to this Pangbo family's test. Fortunately, I have a lot of adults, so I don't bother to argue with them. After all, these incompetent guys will definitely be brushed off after a test. As for me, hum, I will definitely be selected. "

Li Cha glanced at the other party, and after listening to the other party's words, he opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside.

Someone shouted: "The wizard of the Pangbo family is here."

With a "crash", all the wizard apprentices stopped talking, returned to their seats, sat upright, and occasionally there were subtle whispers. Listening carefully, Li Cha found that the voice was from the left, which was spoken by the young man in blue clothes.

The other party first taunted the other wizard apprentices with "fake prudence", then looked at the three wizards of the Pangbo family walking outside the door, stared at them for a moment and said in a low voice: "There are only three people, two men and one woman. It looks like two One man should be a first-level wizard, and the other woman should be a second-level wizard.

Cut, it's boring, I thought there would be a third-level wizard appearing. Now it seems that the Pangbo family must not pay much attention to this recruitment. I regret coming here now. After all, if it is only a second-level wizard test, it may not be possible to see my excellence. If I miss it, I will be buried. Hey, I don't know how strong this female second-level wizard is..."

The man in the blue clothes spoke in a loud tone, and he babbled on and on as soon as he opened his mouth, but suddenly stopped in the middle of his speech.

Li Cha thought that the other party had noticed something wrong, but later found out that the other party was being watched by the second-level wizard who walked in the door.

The second-level female wizard is about forty years old, with fair skin and black hair. Except for the obvious crow's feet at the corners of her eyes, she is in good shape in other aspects, including her figure. She was wearing a black classic-style robe with cumbersome line and stripe decorations, which carried a sense of mystery. There is also a silver bracelet around the wrist, inlaid with more than a dozen fine rubies, which is quite luxurious.

When the witch entered the door,

Apparently hearing what the young man said, his eyes "brushed" on the young man, and his eyes swept over the man's face unkindly, as if trying to gouge out a piece of flesh.

The young man didn't expect this to happen at all. He swallowed with a "gudong", slowly closed his mouth, and sat obediently on the seat, trying to keep his mouth shut to keep safe.

The second-level wizard didn't let him go so easily, he didn't look back at all, and continued to stare at him who shut up.

The young man began to fidget a little. After a while, he slowly turned his head to look at the high-back wooden chair he was sitting on, and concentrated on studying the wood grain of the armrest, hoping to disguise it as a mass of neglected air.

But his plan was not successful, and the second-level wizard still didn't look back and continued to look at him.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

The young man couldn't hold back any longer, he forced himself to look at the female second-level wizard, squeezed out a smile and said, "Master Wizard, that... I believe you must be very strong."

"Hmph." The female second-level wizard made a nasal sound.

"It's really strong!" The young man said seriously.

"Then am I qualified to test you?" The female second-level wizard raised her chin lightly and asked.

"Yes, absolutely." The young man said with a smile all over his face.

"I hope so." The female second-level wizard responded angrily, and then she looked back at the young man and looked at the other wizard apprentices in the room.

After looking at everyone including Richard, the female second-level wizard said: "Let me introduce myself, I am the hired wizard of the Pangbo family, Peggy, and I am the host of this selection test.

I think all of you can come here now, you should be very clear about the recruiting matters of the Pangbo family, so I won't say any more about it. Please come along with me, we will start testing right away so we don't waste time. "

After speaking, the sorceress named Peggy turned around lisuo, and walked out with two male first-level wizards.

The wizard apprentices in the room froze for a moment, scrambling to keep up quickly, lest they would not be able to grab a good test position because they stayed behind.

Li Cha was not in a hurry, he waited until the people in the room had almost left before getting up. Looking to the side, I found that the young man in blue clothes deliberately delayed until the end.

As if aware of Li Cha's gaze, the young man looked over and spread his hands to explain: "I can't help it, the witch must have taken revenge on me just now, I have to be careful and wait until the last to calm her down.

I hope she won't make things difficult for me during the test later. But even if she made things difficult for me, with my abilities, I would easily pass the test and be hired by the Pangbo family. The only worry is, after being hired. The other party will continue to trouble me, after all, women hold grudges the most, alas. "

At the end, the other party sighed worriedly.

Then I thought of something, looked over and said, "By the way, I forgot to introduce myself, my name is... well, forget it."

The other party waved his hand and said, "If you fail this test, we will most likely not meet again. So, if you really want to get to know each other, let's wait until you pass the test."

After speaking, the other party walked out.

Li Cha was stunned for a moment, then couldn't help but smile, shook his head lightly, and walked out together.

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