After a while, a group of people, including Li Cha and the young man, followed the female wizard named Peggy and two other male wizards to a wide courtyard.

The yard is hundreds of meters long and wide, and there are more than a dozen water tanks in the center of it. I don't know what they are used for.

Everyone watched curiously. At this moment, Peggy reached out and took out a gray crystal ball from her sleeve. Sent it to the nearest apprentice wizard, and said concisely: "Touch it."

The wizard apprentice glanced at the crystal ball, realized that it was a prop to test the wizard's level, and asked aloud, "Do you want to inject mana?"

"No need." Peggy said, "Just touch it."

"Oh." The wizard apprentice nodded, and touched it carefully, as if he was afraid of breaking the crystal ball.

As soon as the hand touched the surface of the crystal ball, the crystal ball quickly lit up, and a light red light flashed inside.

"My lord wizard, what does this mean?" the apprentice wizard asked in a low voice.

"Qualified." Peggy said, without further explanation, took back the crystal ball and handed it to the person next to her, "Next."

After the wizard apprentice next to him had the experience of the previous person, he quickly touched it without hesitation, and a brighter red light flashed in the crystal ball immediately.

"Qualified." Peggy said again, took back the crystal ball, and handed it to the third person and the fourth person...

In this way, the test proceeds quickly.

The final test result was that two ordinary people who were pretending to be wizard apprentices and were about to try their luck were thrown out by the male wizard waiting next to them. There was also a person who had the strength of a first-level wizard but deliberately pretended to be a wizard apprentice, and was politely invited out of the yard by the male wizard.

Li Cha did not belong to any of these three people. As a wizard apprentice, he successfully passed the test and waited quietly for the follow-up.

At this time, the young man next to him made a voice, and said with some appreciation in his tone: "Not bad, when you touched the crystal ball just now, the red light produced was very bright, only a little worse than mine. It seems that you have some Strength. In this case, the chances of being left by the Pangbo family will be very high."

Li Cha listened, looked at the other party, and smiled politely, without saying anything.

The young man was unwilling to let go, and wanted to continue discussing this topic, and was about to continue talking, when he suddenly saw the witch Peggy looking at him intentionally or unintentionally, her expression froze, and she obediently shut her mouth.

The female wizard Peggy withdrew her gaze expressionlessly, walked to the water tank in the middle of the yard and said, "Okay, now the thirty-one people can be formally tested. The content of the test is very simple. There are sixteen people in total here. A water tank, you are divided into two groups, go forward separately, and completely freeze the water in the water tank. If you do it, you will pass the test. Okay, let’s start, who will come first?"

A group of wizard apprentices looked at each other, sixteen people came out one after another, and each stood in front of a water tank.

There was no fuss, lips were opened and closed, and chanting spells, sixteen people cast spells of evoking water-type ice branches one after another, allowing the water in the tank to continuously cool down and slowly freeze.

"Ka Ka Ka..."

In just a few tens of seconds, thin ice appeared on the surface of the water tank, and then the thin ice spread to cover the entire water surface, extending downward layer by layer.

Because the volume of ice after freezing is larger than that of water, about one-tenth, it can be clearly seen that the ice surface is slowly lifted up.

As time passed, the ice surface became higher and higher, and the faces of some apprentice wizards also turned pale.

This is the result of excessive consumption of mana in the body. After all, they were just wizard apprentices, and they basically mastered zero-ring spells, which were far behind the first-ring spells. It was no problem to freeze a small amount of water, but it was a severe test to freeze a tank of water.

Ten minutes later, some capable wizard apprentices had completed the test, while others were gritting their teeth.

Twenty minutes later, the sorceress Peggy announced the end of the test, and unceremoniously eliminated five people who hadn't reached the standard.

After "sending" the five people out of the yard, Peggy glanced at the water tanks with different degrees of freezing, walked to the water tanks, and slowly stretched out one hand to hold them tightly.

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

I saw the ice cubes in the sixteen water tanks vibrate suddenly with a small amplitude and high frequency, and broke into fine powder in a few seconds. Then it absorbs enough heat in the friction to melt into water.

After doing this, Peggy let go of her hand, and said to the remaining fifteen people who hadn't been tested: "Okay, it's your turn."

"Swipe", the rest of the people came up with worried, excited, or calm expressions, and Li Cha was among them.

Walking to a water tank near the end, Li Cha waved his hand and prepared to cast a spell, when a familiar young man's voice sounded beside him.

But this time it was not with him, but with the witch Peggy.

"That, my lord wizard, my lord wizard!" The young man touched the water in the water tank, as if he had found a serious loophole, and called Peggy repeatedly, "My lord wizard, this is wrong, the water in the water tank is so cold ah."

"Why, is there something wrong?" Peggy walked over with a frown.

Seeing Peggy approaching, the young man seemed to feel the pressure, swallowed his saliva, restrained his excitement, and said carefully: "I don't think the water should be so cold, at least when the first batch of people tested it, the water was cold. It won't be so cold.

As we all know, the colder the water, the easier it is to freeze. I think this is unfair to the first batch of people who test it, and it doesn't show my ability. Maybe... wait a while, wait until the temperature of the water is a little higher before testing? "

Peggy raised her eyebrows slowly, and after hearing what the young man said, she asked, "You think the water temperature is too low to show your ability, right? Well, I'll satisfy you."

After speaking, Peggy walked up to the young man and dipped her hand into the water tank.

A second later, Peggy withdrew her hand, and saw a large stream of white steam suddenly appear on the surface of the water, followed by a large series of bubbles, which began to boil crazily.

"Okay, now you can show your ability, let's start." Peggy glanced at the young man and said.

"I..." The young man looked at the water tank in front of him, opened his mouth, turned to look at Peggy with a bitter expression, "Master Wizard, that's not what I mean, I just want the test to be fairer."

"Isn't it fair now?"

"Is it fair now?" The young man's expression became even more bitter.

"Let me tell you, kid." Peggy looked at the young man and said, "Here, I say fairness is fairness, you either choose to freeze the water in front of you, or change the place."

"The change of place means that you want to drive me out?" the young man asked cautiously.

Peggy didn't reply this time, but just glanced at the young man meaningfully, and walked to the side.

The young man looked at Peggy's back, his face drooped, and he looked at the boiling water in front of him with despair.

At this time, the other wizard apprentices had already frozen the water in the tank to a thick layer.

Li Cha, who was among the wizard apprentices, closely observed the progress of the wizard apprentices, and constantly adjusted the intensity of his spellcasting so that he would not stand out too much, and at the same time not be too unbearable, trying to be an ordinary wizard apprentice.


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