Fifteen minutes later.

"The test is over, all stop." The witch Peggy said, compared with the previous batch, the test of this batch ended five minutes earlier. It was only then that some wizard apprentices realized why Peggy didn't care that the water they tested was cooler. This was the reason.

Only the young man in blue looked dull, thinking he was a fool, looking at the water in the water tank in front of him that hadn't completely frozen, pouring the last breath of mana into it with all his strength.

Peppa walked over to the first Apprentice's water tank and began testing for freezing.

Stretch out a light-white finger, tap on the ice surface, listen to the dull voice, nodded and said: "Qualified."

Stepping forward to the next one, he stretched out his hand and knocked again: "Qualified."

The third: "Qualified."

the fourth……

In front of the fourth wizard apprentice, Peggy paused slightly after tapping her fingers on the ice. Hearing the obviously different echo, he slowly revealed a dissatisfied expression, and turned to look at the wizard apprentice.

"My lord wizard, listen to me, I..." The fourth apprentice wizard opened his mouth to try to explain, but Peggy interrupted him coldly the next moment.

"Go away, don't make me say it again." Peggy said.

The fourth apprentice wizard froze, swallowed back the words he hadn't finished speaking, and ran out of the yard in embarrassment.


Peggy made a slight nasal sound and walked towards the fifth apprentice wizard without saying anything.

Then the sixth, the seventh...

After a while, Peggy walked to the young man's water tank.

The young man was panting in front of the water tank, panting like a dog. Seeing Peggy approaching, she panicked and panted, "Wizard...Master Wizard, the time for this test is too short, and the water in my water tank is too hot, so I can only...can barely freeze it. I don't blame you, I asked for it, but you have to take this into account, and you can't treat me like everyone else."

Peggy stopped, glanced at the young man, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and said with a slight smile, "You know what, just now I told you to change the place, which means I asked you to change the water tank." Fifteen people tested, there are sixteen water tanks, and there is indeed a redundant water tank at the end.

Hearing this, the young man was taken aback for a moment, and then his expression brightened.

Peggy continued: "However, since you must insist on taking the test in front of this hot water tank to show your ability, I have no objection, I will treat you the same as the rest - qualified is qualified, unqualified It's just unqualified. After all, it's the same as what you said, and you asked for it."

The young man opened his mouth, his expression became extremely bitter, and before he could say anything, he became nervous again. He watched Peggy reach out and tap the ice in the water tank in front of him, making a "bang" sound.

With his heart in his throat, the young man stared at Peggy, waiting for the announcement.

"Barely pass." Peggy said softly, and walked to the next person.

Hearing this, the young man sat down on the ground, panting continuously, with a face full of joy. After that, the expression became a little sad again.

As a result of the final test, nine people were qualified and six people were eliminated.

In summary, a total of 31 people participated in the test, and 11 people were eliminated.

There were twenty people left, and both Li Cha and the young man belonged to one of the twentieth.

At this time, most of the twenty people were pale due to excessive mana consumption.

Peggy glanced at it, and said aloud: "Rest in place for an hour to recover, and then proceed to the second round of testing."

After hearing this, everyone let out a suppressed wail, and then they didn't dare to waste any time, and all sat on the ground and began to meditate.


An hour passed quickly.

"The rest is over!" Peggy announced, then looked at a male wizard who was assisting her, and said, "Heck, bring the props up."

"Okay." The male wizard named Heck nodded, turned and walked out of the yard, and walked back with a heavy black iron box after a while, and put it on the ground.

With a wave of Peggy's hand, the lid of the iron box opened with a "snap", revealing the neatly arranged silver-white iron blocks inside.

Each piece of iron is a cube, about ten centimeters in length, width and height, which is quite heavy.

Just when everyone was guessing what kind of test was going to be conducted, Peggy waved her hand again, and the iron block flew out of the box under the pull of an invisible force, and landed accurately on the ground in front of each wizard apprentice, making a "boom" sound. sound.

"The next test is even simpler than the previous one." Peggy said, "That is to try to melt the iron block in front of you. If it is completely melted, you will be considered as passing the test. The time is half an hour, okay, You can start."

This is also called simple? This is a piece of iron... After listening to Peggy's words, everyone's expressions were a little ugly, but they didn't dare to say anything more, after all, there were lessons learned from young men. Fearing that if she opened her mouth, Peggy would throw the big iron box over and demand that it all be melted.

After a short period of silence, everyone took action, using all their strength, trying to melt the iron.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, thirty minutes.

Not long after, half an hour of testing time passed.

In this round, twelve people were wiped out directly, and only eight people remained, and the young man and Li Cha were one-eighth of them.

Peggy announced that all eight people have obtained the qualifications to be temporarily employed by the Pangbo family, but there will be an assessment period of one to three months. After the evaluation period is over, it will be decided who will stay and who will leave based on everyone's performance. There will be no more than four people left behind.

After listening to the words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at each other with hostile and vigilant eyes.

The young man looked at Li Cha, but he didn't have much hostility, but said that Li Cha had the right to know his name, and his name was Brando.

Brando... Li Cha recited it silently in his heart. Before he finished, he saw the other party approaching him, muttering softly, complaining about this test.

The reason for this is because his performance is not the best, the best is a guy named Fording.

The man named Fording was very young, no more than twenty years old by visual inspection, dressed in black clothes, with a cold expression and no smile. In the two rounds of testing, it was the first to finish, stealing the limelight.

Glancing at Fording, Brando curled his lips, and whispered to Li Cha: "Actually, if I hadn't exhausted too much in the first round of testing, I would definitely beat him, really! Seeing how proud he is now The appearance, the more I look at it, the more unhappy I am."

"Is the other party proud?" Li Cha glanced at Fording's glacier-like face and asked.

"Hmph, don't look at his expression, but he is definitely proud in his heart, I can feel it." Brando vowed.

Li Cha: "..."


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