Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 507 See if you can resolve this ball

After Tanegashima Shuji took a deep breath.

It is directly throwing the tennis ball in his hand.

Then suddenly he waved the racquet in his hand.


After the sound of racquet and tennis hitting together came.

The tennis ball burst out.

next moment.

It smashed directly onto the court on Senyu Shinji's side.

Suddenly a harsh rubbing sound appeared.

I saw the tennis ball spinning on the ground at high speed.

Then it ejected directly.

"Just use your full strength! Tanegashima."

Senyu Shinji couldn't help but chuckle.

The racquet in his hand was held directly backhand.

Then easily hit the tennis back out.

Tennis seems to have been given quite terrifying power and speed in an instant.

Shoot directly across the net.

Tanegashima Shuji also stepped forward to fight back immediately.

But when the racquet in his hand hits the tennis ball.

A vast force came directly in and out.

"Sweet spot technology?"

Tanegashima Shuji thought to himself.

Then directly cut the racquet in his hand.

The sweet spot technology is also used.

Directly dissolve all the power on the tennis ball.

"If you don't want to lose too fast!"

"Just go all out!"

Senyu Shinji looked at the other side, Tanegashima Shuji said softly.

Then the whole person directly rushed out.

Directly on the court left a trail of real afterimages.

It is impossible to tell which one is Senyu Shinji himself.

Until the net.

The whole person rose to the sky.

-Go beyond the height of tennis.


Overlooking the entire court.

The white clothes all over the body fluttered in the wind, elegant and like a fairy.

Just like the existence above the nine heavens, it is unattainable.

Senyu Shinji's eyes showed a clear and deep starry sky.

Little stars twinkled among them.

A strong aura radiated from him.

Suddenly, the dust on the court surface was dispersed.

next moment.


A violent impact sounded.

The tennis ball suddenly rushed out with an extremely terrifying atmosphere.

Falling stars!

Tanegashima Shuji's eyes suddenly shrank.

Just when he was about to fight back.

There was a roar in the ear.


He looked back with a surprised look.

I saw that the tennis ball had already rushed to the baseline position.

Then ejected out.


Senyu Shinji scores directly!

"Coach Senyu is really strong

Tanegashima Shuji took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.

He can't continue to test like this now.

Facing a strong man like Senyu Shinji.

He must go all out!

next moment.

An extremely vast momentum rose from Tanegashima Shuji's body.

Air waves churned over the court.

Then swept out towards the surroundings.

The dust that had just fallen to the ground rose again.

Tanegashima Shuji at this moment is completely serious!

"Coach Senyu, please do your best!"

Tanegashima Shuji looked at Senyu Shinji with a serious expression.

Then directly toss the tennis ball in his hands.

The racquet in his hand is also directly and flagrantly waved.


Accompanied by a burst of impact sound.

The tennis shot suddenly exploded.

There was even a wave of air on the court here.

The violent sound almost shook the audience.

The speed of tennis makes people feel an extremely unreal feeling.

next moment.

As the tennis ball hits the ground.

A roar sounded directly.

Then it ejected instantly.

"This tennis shot is so fast!"

"The speed has definitely exceeded 255KM/H!"

"I didn't expect Tanegashima to be able to hit the pro-level pinnacle!"

When everyone around the court saw this tennis ball.

All of them changed slightly.

But before they reacted.

Above the court, I remembered a crisp crashing sound again.

Then a gentle voice sounded.

"You are not fast enough to hit the tennis ball!"

Senyu Shinji's voice was directly transmitted to everyone's ears.

His face still has such a calm smile.

The tennis ball that had just been ejected in between seemed to be summoned.

He shot straight at Senyu Shinji.

next moment.

He was directly swiped out by Senyu Shinji's racquet.


next moment.

The tennis ball rushed directly to Tanegashima Shuji's side.

Everyone took a closer look.

The incomparable light almost made it difficult for them to look directly at the tennis ball.

Tanegashima Shuji's eyes slightly.

After pursing his lips.

I quickly found the trajectory of the tennis ball.

Then directly waved the racquet in his hand.

Even the tennis shot was easily resolved.

"Is Tanegashima able to dissolve coach Senyu's tennis so easily?"

"He is really getting stronger and stronger!"

"It's really incredible!"

Everyone around the court was speechless.

It can be said.

Gang オ Senyu Shinji's tennis strike is both in strength and speed.

They have reached an unimaginable situation.

But after the tennis rushed to Tanegashima Shuji's side.

It was easily resolved by it.

"" Tanegashima has shown her extinction so early!"

court side.

Oni Jujiro couldn't help but looked sideways.

For Tanegashima Shuji's name has disappeared.

That is a ball skill that can turn a chop skill into an invisible ball!

because of this.

Tanegashima Shuji is the only invincible existence in U-17.

"I didn't expect Tanegashima to be so serious and used this trick directly."

Irie Kanata beside Oni Jujiro also couldn't help but slap his tongue.

But they think it is normal for Tanegashima Shuji to use this trick now.

after all.

Senyu Shinji is strong.

No one in the entire U-17 didn't know.

Above the court.

"It's gone!"

Senyu Shinji smiled slightly.

Of course he knew that this was Tanegashima Shuji's nirvana.

That is a ball skill that can annihilate all strength and spin!

"Let me see (Li Nuo good), now you are gone."

"Can you resolve all your skills!"

next moment.

The racquet in Senyu Shinji's hand swung directly.


After racquet and tennis hit each other.

An unusually bright light burst out directly.

It was like the second sun in an instant.

Just hit the ball!

It can be said.

The power and speed contained in Senyu Shinji's tennis shot surpassed almost all previous tennis balls.

Faced with such a strong blow.

Tanegashima Shuji did not show the slightest panic.

Directly stepped forward to greet him.


The racquet in his hand hits the tennis ball.

next moment.

The originally brilliant tennis ball dimmed in an instant.

Return to the primitive and ordinary once again.


Tanegashima Shuji grinned slightly.

"Coach Senyu, pay attention!"


A roar sounded above the court. village,

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