Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 508 Talent of Tanegashima Shuji


The light that had disappeared from the tennis ball actually bloomed again.

It's just a moment of time.

The tennis ball rushed straight to Senyu Shinji's side.

"Tanegashima, you can't do a ball like this!"

Senyu Shinji couldn't help but chuckle.

next moment.

Tanegashima Shuji couldn't help but froze for a moment.

I saw that the tennis ball just now had been hit back.


This time the light on the tennis ball is even more dazzling.

Almost let the light above the entire court add a bit.

It's still a light shot!

But it was stronger than the previous blow!

"As expected of Senyu Coach!"

Tanegashima Shuji couldn't help but exclaimed.

But there was a wave of eagerness to compete in his heart.

Wave the racquet in his hand again.

After the disappearance of nothing.

Tennis dimmed first.

Then there was a more dazzling light.

It is also a light shot!

that's all.

The two directly hit the ball and blasted each other.




It lasted directly for more than a dozen rounds.

Although neither of them scored.

But the light hitting is getting more and more shocking.

That powerful breath almost caused everyone around him to stagnate slightly.

Everyone's heart 593 beats as if there was a pause between the tennis ball and the strike.

"It's really amazing!"

"It's completely using the light hitting as a normal ball!"

"Senyu Shinji didn't use all his strength at all!

Everyone around the court was already shocked.

Even many people shivered involuntarily.

And at the moment.

Everyone was shocked suddenly.

Tanegashima Shuji's expression on the court became extremely solemn.

As the light hits the ball more and more powerful.

This also made him more and more worried.

There are certain limits to any football skills.

If there is no limit to his extinction.

He probably won't stay in U-17 anymore.

He has dominated the world tennis industry a long time ago.


His extinction also has its limits.

It's just that this limit is measured with his strength.

But now Senyu Shinji's light hits are more terrifying every time.

Almost made him feel the tremendous pressure.

Look at Senyu Shinji on the opposite side.

It was a casual and gentle smile.

As if it was just a warm-up exercise just now.

Every time I hit back at the tennis ball, it was so calm and indifferent.

It seems that Tanegashima Shuji's light hitting has no strength at all.

But even such random movements.

But it brought unimaginable pressure to Tanegashima Shuji.

"How strong is Coach Senyu?"

"It's just like warming up!"

"Every time it is so casual, but it can all resolve Tanegashima's tennis. Coach Senyu is too strong!"

The people around the court frequently slapped their tongues.

Everyone looked at Senyu Shinji on the court in shock.

That level of light hits the ball.

In their opinion, it is already quite terrifying.


What a casual tennis ball in Senyu Shinji's hands.

No matter how powerful a light shot Tanegashima Shuji swings.

He can easily take it.

It can even hit back with a more powerful blow.

This rhythm made Tanegashima Shuji panicked.

at this time.

"Lost in the game is not a good thing!"

Senyu Shinji's warm voice reached Tanegashima Shuji's ears again.

Suddenly he lost his color in shock.

But the next moment.

The tennis ball rushed directly to the baseline position and fell down.

There was a shock directly above the court.

The dust was flying in all directions.

When Tanegashima Shuji looked back.

The tennis ball has already rolled out of bounds.

It's just that it's still bouncing briskly now.


Senyu Shinji scored again.

"This kind of game, you can't lose your mind at all!""

Tanegashima Shuji took a deep breath.

He wants to calm himself down as soon as possible.

It was less than a second for him just now.

Senyu Shinji actually swung out a tennis ball at this point in time.

This ability to observe the cgab on the field (cgab) is simply frightening.

Tanegashima Shuji at this moment is already extremely vigilant.

After pursing his lips.

He serves directly.

After a crashing sound appeared.

The tennis ball also rushed to Senyu Shinji's side.

next moment.

The tennis ball smashed to the ground.

Then there were countless spar-like rays of light.

He quickly shot around Senyu Shinji court.

It is as if there have been hundreds of tennis balls.

Every one is so real!

American pirates!

"Tanegashima, you can't score on my side with this skill!"

Senyu Shinji looked at Tanegashima Shuji with a smile.

The voice is full of meaningful feelings.

at this time.

Tanegashima Shuji was shocked suddenly.

Because at the moment when Senyu Shinji's words just fell.

The countless spar-like rays of light disappeared instantly.

And above Senyu Shinji's racquet.

There appeared a tennis ball spinning fast.

"Let's go back!"

Following him whispered softly.

The tennis ball on the racquet suddenly exploded.

The roar above the court is almost audible.

Fires can be seen under the friction between the air and the tennis ball.

That tennis ball seemed to have been given unprecedented kinetic energy in an instant.

Countless mountains and rivers are stacked on top of it.

The momentum is huge.


A popping sound resounded throughout the court.

The tennis ball tore the air and blasted on the ground with unparalleled intensity.


The earth burst for a while.

Dust rolled up in the sky, and countless gravel and rubble flew out of the air.

A huge deep pit was exposed, and a grass-green tennis ball was still spinning in the pit.



As the dust gradually fell.

The pupils of Tanegashima Shuji's eyes almost shrank like needles.

In my heart, it was as if the river was rolling over the sea.


He tried hard to calm himself down.

Take a deep breath and keep doing it.

The racquet in his hand kept beating the tennis ball.




next moment.

Tanegashima Shuji directly swung the beat.

The tennis ball has already been thrown into the air.

Just when the tennis ball was about to fall.

The racquet in his hand is already hitting the tennis ball.

Egyptian Phoenix!

Now Tanegashima Shuji is already able to master Byōdōin Hōō's various stunts.

And after the tennis ball hit the sky with the swing.

"It's the stunt of the boss of Byodoin Temple!"

"Egyptian Phoenix!

"Can Tanegashima score points with this move?"

Everyone around the court stared at the sky.

Hold your breath and wait for the pair of tennis balls to fall.

next moment.

A burst of harsh roar instantly echoed above the court.

The tennis ball shot down sharply.

A burst of flames rose directly and appeared.

It fluttered like a phoenix. ,

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