Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 509 White ethereal, endless

Even now the tennis ball has not rushed over.

But the vast waves of air are already rushing in.

The hair and the corners of the clothes that called Senyu Shinji kept flicking.

It can be said.

Now Tanegashima Shuji's Egyptian Phoenix is ​​not weaker than Byōdōin Hōō's ~ Egyptian Phoenix!

Just at this time.

"Do you really think this-one trick can be scored?"

Senyu Shinji's gentle-voice came again.

Tanegashima Shuji looked up.

I saw Senyu Shinji looking at himself with a smile on his face.


The other party actually walked toward the baseline as if strolling in a leisurely courtyard.

Everyone couldn't believe the scene before them.

That's a game like facing the Egyptian Phoenix!


Senyu Shinji is walking in the direction of the baseline step by step.

As if not in a hurry at all.

Without the slightest eagerness.

Just walked towards the front calmly.

It seems that this is not a fierce game.

It's more like a walk.

in other words.

The other party didn't take this trick in his eyes at all.

Tanegashima Shuji couldn't help but become nervous.

The racquet in his hand gripped tighter.

The beating of the heart became more violent.

It was like playing a drum in his ear.


It was like the tranquility before the storm.

It's depressing.

It's suffocating!

As long as the other party makes a move.

That is the earth shakes the mountains!

After a while.

Senyu Shinji has already reached the baseline position.

at this time.


A fire phoenix that spread its wings directly rushed in.

A sound of neighing continued to echo throughout the court.

People can't help but become nervous.

Then smashed to the ground fiercely.

You can even feel a shock in the court.

The dust was flying in all directions.

Then it catapulted with bursts of fire.

The speed is jaw-dropping!

It was as if a fire dragon appeared on the court.

It was ejected like a crimson light.

It's hard to see where the tennis is.

It can be said.

At this moment, the speed and power on the tennis ball have almost reached an unimaginable situation!

This is the Egyptian Phoenix!

It is a nightmare for the opponent!

"This shot of tennis is really terrifying!"

"Coach Senyu can fight back successfully?"

"It's me, I don't have the courage to wave racquet at all!"

The faces of the people around the court changed dramatically.

The horrible Lob like the Egyptian Phoenix is ​​not what they can imagine.


Just when everyone just started talking.

A warm voice from above the court rang.

"It's still far away!"

Senyu Shinji's voice is extremely soft and gentle.

Extremely calm.

But this sentence alone.

It directly caused everyone present to tremble.

Then all eyes were on Senyu Shinji's body.

Such a figure.

As if to see the dazzling light shining around him.

In the endless bright light, a white figure slowly emerged.

It is as lonely and arrogant as the nine gods, and indifferent to everything as the ruler of life.

As if no tennis ball could leave him.

"Let's go back!

Senyu Shinji said softly.

Then he waved the tennis ball in his hand.

It's just such a random wave.

Did not look at the tennis ball at all.

That's it.

The tennis ball, full of infinite power and speed, hit the racquet like a sudden stop.

Then it spins frantically on the racquet.

But Senyu Shinji's steady hands are shocking.

"Catch it!"

Everyone around the court was stunned.

The look of horror in his eyes is simply hard to attach.

Is it just that casually next?

There is no mess at all.

There is no such thing as a waste of words at all.

Just wave the racquet at will.

That terrible tennis was directly followed.

Everyone is in shock that is difficult to replicate.

Can't help but swallow some saliva with difficulty.

It's as if I'm on the scene.

But everyone couldn't say a word at all.

Because Senyu Shinji on the court is really too powerful!

They looked at Senyu Shinji under the bright light.

The involuntary look showed a trace of yearning.

Simple and powerful!

One swing.

It is terrifying.

Let everyone in the U-17 training camp directly submit to it!

Such existence is completely above everyone!

Above the court.

"You are not enough now!"

Senyu Shinji said softly.

There was a smile as always on his face.

...For flowers 0

That's plain.

next moment.

The racquet in his hand was swung out.



A thunderous roar of terror emerged directly above the court.

Layers of gas surged.

Charge directly around.

The tennis ball seems to be full of unimaginable horror.

next moment.

The tennis ball rushed directly into the sky.

Yunxiao broke through directly.

After it came to high altitude.

Suddenly, it shot downwards suddenly.

A burst of flame burst out directly and suddenly.

As if to swallow the whole tennis ball in half.

Then a harsh sound shook directly in everyone's ears.

Tennis seems to have become a real fire phoenix.

The feeling of scorching heat immediately permeated the entire court.

The bright light is almost like the second sun.

Tanegashima Shuji suddenly looked up.

The pupils of both eyes suddenly shrank into a needle-like shape.

Just a tennis ball.

Jingran can appear such a power.

It is hard to imagine how terrifying the power above it is!

This can no longer be called a phoenix.

It's more like a meteorite flying from outside the sky!

Tanegashima Shuji fell into a state of fear.

The racquet in the hand is hard to pick up.

this moment.

He has lost the courage to fight back.


next moment.

The tennis ball hits directly on the ground.

The roar was almost deafening.

The dust around is like a sandstorm.

Sand and gravel splashed all over.

A wave of air rushed towards the surrounding frantically.

Tanegashima Shuji looked back mechanically at the location of the tennis ball.

I saw the location of the impact just now.

There are already huge cracks.

And this crack has spread to nearly half the size of a court.

And in the center of this crack.

It was a huge deep pit.

The scorched tennis ball is firmly embedded in it.

Egyptian Phoenix!


Senyu Shinji won the first game directly and easily!

As the dust gradually fell.

Tanegashima Shuji was already in a cold sweat.

Now even tennis has calmed down.

But his body is still difficult to move at all.

Just because the tennis shot just now was really too scary!

Directly blasted all the thoughts in his mind to pieces. one.

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