Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 510 New flaws have been revealed!

"Really too powerful!"

"Is this the strength of coach Senyu?"

"That's not a tennis ball that people can hit back at all!"

The people around the court couldn't help but slapped their tongues.

Just a moment ago.

They even have a frightening feeling.

Above the court.

"Swap venues!"

Senyu Shinji said softly.

Suddenly everyone who was still immersed in the horror tennis ball just woke up.

They looked at Senyu Shinji with such worship.

"It's like a fairy king above the nine heavens!"

Someone couldn't help but exclaimed.

In an instant, everyone around him nodded in agreement.

And above the court.

Following the exchange of venues between the two sides.

It was Senyu Shinji's turn to serve.

"Be careful!

The indifference of his whole body became more and more wanton.

Brings unlimited pressure and fear.


"Five Nine Seven" a tennis ball was thrown high in the air again.

Then step on both feet.

Under everyone's stunned eyes, Senyu Shinji quickly stepped forward.

When the tennis ball coincided with the sun, a racquet was swung.


A violent roar resounded throughout the court.

Suddenly, all the audience's eyes condensed.

"call out!"

The tennis ball flew out like an arrow.

Facing the sunlight in the sky, a boundless phantom was born, covering the entire court.

It's hard to tell which is the real tennis.

"What a terrible super high-speed tennis!"

"I can hardly see the tennis ball at all!"

"I'm afraid this is the flow image of Coach Senyu!"

The people around the court suddenly exclaimed.

Then a blast of cold air flowed up and down all over the body.

It's just a tennis ball by Senyu Shinji.

It can make them all feel terrified!


With a soft sound.

Suddenly silence the court.

The tennis ball fell on the court of Tanegashima Shuji.

The net is less than one centimeter away.

The scene continued to be silent.


Tanegashima Shuji asked in disbelief.

The ball disappeared like a shadow, and then appeared again.

Even at that moment.

He can feel a kind of fear from the bottom of his heart.

As if the tennis ball just now has surpassed time.

at this time.


Senyu Shinji scored directly.

There was silence around the court.

Everyone pursed their dry lips involuntarily.

Swallowed hard.

Only the more you understand.

Only then has he invented the horror of Senyu Shinji.

"How do you feel now?

Senyu Shinji looked at Tanegashima Shuji on the opposite side with a smile.

Tanegashima Shuji, who was absent-minded, came back to his senses directly.

Then he looked at Senyu Shinji bitterly.

The tennis ball just lost him.

The talent above made him want to surrender.

"Second ball!"

Senyu Shinji didn't say anything.

The tennis ball in his hand was slapped on the ground.




next moment.

The tennis ball flew directly into the air.

And he jumped up directly.

The racquet in his hand waved brazenly.

Just a moment.

That powerful, majestic and sacred breath is directly revealed.

As if this moment.

Senyu Shinji was already shrouded in light.

That kind of fairy king's posture was immediately before everyone's eyes.

Unusually dazzling.

Tanegashima Shuji stared at Senyu Shinji's figure.

this moment.

The vigilance in his heart was almost full.

Was it the same trick just now?

This is the only doubt in his mind.


A wave of terrifying air hit him directly.

Just let his breathing stagnate.

"Is it still the same trick?"

He asked himself again.

At the same time, I was thinking back to the process of hitting the tennis just now.

Immediately rushed out.

Want to strike back before the tennis ball hits the ground.

next moment.

The racquet in his hand was swung out.


Suddenly there was a roar.

At this time, the tennis ball had already fallen directly on the court baseline.

A huge pit appeared directly in front of everyone.

The tennis ball is directly inlaid in the center of the deep pit.

The tennis ball now is almost shattered.

This caused the chill in everyone's hearts to rise directly.


Tanegashima Shuji looked at the tennis ball in the deep pit.

He became silent directly.

The bitterness in my heart grew stronger.

He was already wary enough.

But the tennis shot was far beyond his imagination.

It directly shows the speed and strength that ordinary people can't imagine.

Even though the racquet in his hand hits the tennis ball

He even suspected that he would be taken directly.

Suppose every tennis game of Senyu Shinji is like this now.

He has no possibility of fighting back at all.

"Calm down!

Tanegashima Shuji continued to breathe deeply.

He held the racquet in his hand tightly.

He already understands how terrifying Senyu Shinji's strength is.

I haven't even used my full force now!

A random tennis ball from the opponent.

It can be called a stunt.

This kind of stunt can be regarded as the existence of ordinary tennis.

It has already touched a world-class level!

It's not what he can resist now!

"Tanegashima is not an opponent of Coach Senyu at all!"

"It's Coach Senyu who is too strong!"

"I don't know how long this game will be finished?"

The people around the court shook their heads involuntarily.

There was no surprise at all in this game!

Even Tanegashima Shuji may not get a point even if he tries his best.

This kind of competition can be called torture!

Above the court.

"I serve!"

Senyu Shinji's warm voice reached Tanegashima Shuji's ears again.

The court fell directly into a quiet state.

For such a situation.

After Tanegashima Shuji breathed out softly.

Suddenly squatted down.

Looks full of vigilance.

It can be said that his extinction now has no effect at all.

Even with Senyu Shinji's tennis he can strike back.


That would have to be when he hits the racquet on the tennis ball with 0.1 side!

At this time, Senyu Shinji's tennis is almost beyond the point where he can look directly.

There is no way at all.

Senyu Shinji on the opposite side did not serve directly.

Instead, the tennis ball continued to be beaten on the ground.




After bursts of rhythmic sounds sounded.

Immediately focused everyone's attention.

They all waited holding their breath.

With a torch-like gaze, Senyu Shinji's expression was indifferent, without a trace of change.

He directly raised the tennis ball.

At the moment when tennis is about to land.

The racquet in his hand slashed out.

"Broken light!"

In an instant.

A silver light appeared suddenly, as if the sky split in half.

Everyone only felt black in front of them.


When I opened my eyes again, the tennis ball had already hit the baseline. .

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