Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 511 Not a level showdown

"It's faster!""

"I can't see the tennis at all!"

"It's like the moment when the night turns into the day! Who can take this tennis ball?"

The people around the court almost opened their eyes.

Their minds are shaking infinitely.

Although I already know that Senyu Shinji is very powerful.

Although already know that the other party did not use all their strength.


With time after time the tennis surpassed the state of the previous tennis.

They can't keep their inner calm at all!

The other side of the court.

"How fast was the tennis shot of coach Senyu just now?"

Oni Jujiro asked solemnly.

He just wants to know what strength Senyu Shinji still hides?

As if the other party is like a bottomless black hole.

There is no limit at all.

"At least 280KM/H!"

Irie Kanata on the side whispered with an earthy face.

Because this data has already plunged him into a state of disbelief.

Such a speed, even if it is placed above the world, is a super high-speed rhythm!

It's not a tennis ball that people can react to in an instant.

After Irie Kanata's voice 26 sounded.

In this silent court.

Everyone heard it directly and clearly.

"280KM/H?!! "


"Can people swing at such a speed?"

Everyone almost screamed out loud.

Then their faces gradually paled.

Obviously, it was shocked from the heart by this sentence.

Above the court.

Tanegashima Shuji's expression changed again.

He can even see his body trembling constantly.

The racquet in his hand was also shaking.

There was awe and fear in his eyes.

The tennis shot presented by Senyu Shinji is really horrible!

He can't fight back at all!

For everyone's reaction.

Senyu Shinji didn't seem to care at all.

He smiled casually and looked at Tanegashima Shuji on the opposite side.

"The last ball!"

The gentle voice reached Tanegashima Shuji's ears directly and clearly.

Directly let him, who was already very nervous, clenched the racquet in his hand again.

His gaze was almost straight towards Senyu Shinji.

And the tennis ball in the opponent's hand.

Just at this time.

Senyu Shinji served directly.

Following the collision of racquet and tennis ball.

The tennis ball suddenly rushed out lightly.

Then it fell on Tanegashima Shuji's court.

But the tennis ball did not bounce off this shot.

Instead, he rolled straight toward the net.

Zero type serve!

Tanegashima Shuji's expression moved.

Rushed out immediately.

The racquet in his hand is directly on the ground.

Then a pick from the bottom up.

The tennis ball just flew high.

At this point, the zero-type serve is directly disillusioned.


Just when Tanegashima Shuji felt a little relieved.

Senyu Shinji on the opposite side is already directly online.


The pupils of Tanegashima Shuji's eyes shrank suddenly.

He immediately held his breath temporarily.

Senyu Shinji seemed to be floating in the air.

You can even use it again to get a point directly.

In front of the tennis ball that was originally flying.

Senyu Shinji appeared directly.

next moment.

He was like an unfolding big bow.

The racquet in his hand slammed directly out.

The tennis ball was suddenly under the force of dunks.

Rushed out suddenly. ,


Waves of terror echoed above the court.

Tanegashima Shuji was shocked.

The speed of the opponent's counterattack is too fast!

Right now, he subconsciously wanted to wave racquet.

But the next moment.

He was almost frightened.

Because the tennis ball hits the racquet handle in his hand directly.


The racquet and tennis ball in his hand flew directly.

Only to be heard.

The entire court was silent.


Senyu Shinji directly won the second game.

Almost everyone around the court was dull.

Watching the duel on the court foolishly.

Senyu Shinji's every blow is so amazing.

Even though some tennis is not a skill.

But it showed a power comparable to stunts!

The third round.

Tanegashima Shuji serve bureau.

The tennis ball in his hand was thrown directly into the air.

Then he waved racquet flagrantly.

He is almost doing his best now!

Don't dare to have any idea of ​​hiding power at all.

One is because the existence of the other side has already made the fear in his heart bigger and bigger!

This feeling is still rising.

After racquet and tennis hit each other.

The tennis ball suddenly shot out.

The speed is so fast that people can only see afterimages.

next moment.

The tennis ball slammed directly onto the ground.

But this time.

Senyu Shinji came here by strolling in a leisurely garden.

The racquet in his hand was swung out directly and casually.


Tennis was hit back.

But the above speed and strength once again surpassed any previous tennis shots.

Tanegashima Shuji was terrified again.

Just when he raised his courage to take the tennis shot forcibly.

The tennis ball has already fallen directly on the ground.

Then what came into view was a huge pit.

The tennis ball is spinning frantically in the center.

The tennis ball at this time can be said to be a charred ball.

It can be seen how terrifying the tennis hit just now.

The cold sweat ran down directly from Tanegashima Shuji's temples.

His current uniform is completely drenched.

The breathing rhythm of the whole person has also become quite rapid.

Because he now sees less and less hope of 597.

The game between the two sides is still going on.


Tanegashima Shuji at this time is not able to fight against the existence of Senyu Shinji!








Tanegashima Shuji's rapid breathing sounded clearly above the court.

His chest was constantly rising and falling.

The sweat almost soaked him all over.

But looking at Senyu Shinji on the opposite side.

No trace of sweat came out at all.

It seems that the game just now wasn't even a warm-up activity.

In such a sharp contrast.

Make everyone more and more afraid of court.

That wind and light existed.


Senyu Shinji is more like the fairy king above the nine heavens.

Oni Jujiro looked at Senyu Shinji on court.

He also sighed weakly.

Irie Kanata on the side can only be filled with admiration for Senyu Shinji.

It can be said.

Until now.

The entire U-17 people really understand it.

How terrifying is Senyu Shinji's strength.

Whether it is skill.

Still strength.

Or spiritual.

Almost every aspect is so impeccable.

If Akutsu is a rare genius in ten years.

Then Senyu Shinji is definitely a rare wizard in a century!.

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