Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 516 Free Country-Green Hardy

The capital of the free country.

"Barron, where do you want to go."

"If you let the captain know, you will definitely be scolded again"


In the free country U-17 training camp base.

The roar of a motorcycle echoed here.

Then there was a clear voice.

After hearing this.

Barron's face suddenly collapsed while sitting on the motorcycle.

Finally, the motorcycle can only be turned off honestly.

"Gerald, why do you always show up at this time?"

"Now there are several hot girls waiting for me outside!"

Barron sighed helplessly.

"Now the captain is waiting for us in the screening room."

"If you want the captain to scold you, you don't have to go!"

at this time.

A handsome boy came over.

If you don't look carefully, everyone might think of him as a beautiful girl.

He was staring at Barron now.

A smile on his face.

His name is Berkeley Gerald.

He is also a member of the free country U-17 team.


"Why are you going to the screening room now?"

Barron was taken aback for a moment.

Asked with confusion on his face.

"Have you forgotten that we are going to play in Katyusha, the capital of the bear country?"

Gerald said very helplessly.

Obviously Barron is a very unreliable teammate.

In a few days.

The U-17 World Cup preliminaries are about to begin.

Although it is a warm-up match.

But its importance is still not negligible.

In addition, the U-17 teams of other countries are some strong opponents.

So they also need to make some preparations.

And this game was broadcast live to the whole world in real time.

If they fail miserably then.

That must be shameful!

"Oh, I won't forget it."


Barron smiled awkwardly.

He really accidentally forgot about it.

Gerald shook his head helplessly when he saw him.

Then the two walked towards the screening room.

Inside the projection room at this time.

Basically, everyone from the Free State U-17 team has come here.

A game was being shown on the big screen in front of them.

"It seems that this U-17 World Cup still needs to pay attention to Germany and Switzerland!"

Jeff said with a serious face.

It can be said that the strength of the free country U-17 team.

Even in the world, it is relatively high.


Whether it is Germanic.

Still Ruiguo.

Even the West.

All pressed his head.

Ever since!

This U-17 World Cup preliminaries.

They are almost perfectly prepared.

The purpose is to increase the strength of the free country in the world.


After everyone watched the video.

Everyone's face became quite heavy.

"Captain, it seems that our opponents in this match are not Germanic and Ruiguo, right?"

at this time.

One of the team members sitting aside asked.

After Jeff heard this.

Then he responded with an apologetic smile to everyone.

Then play another game video.

This video is a game of the Portuguese U-17 team in South America.

"The quota for this U-17 World Cup preliminaries has basically been determined!

"A total of six continents, with 18 countries participating!"

"Africa elected South Africa, Congo and Egypt."

"Europe has elected Great Britain, Portugal and the bear country."

"Asia has elected Japan, Korea and Xinjiapo.

"South America elected Argentina, Brazil and Chile."

"North America has elected free countries, Canada and Spain.

"These 18 teams will play 9 games, and our opponent is Argentina."

Jeff is the captain of the U-17 team of the Free Nations.

For this U-17 World Cup preliminaries, some information is quite clear.

So I told these players directly.


After hearing this.

The representative of the free country suddenly became serious towards the players.

This team in Argentina is not a weaker existence.

Even in the world rankings, he can reach sixth.

Only behind the free country U-17 team.

Suppose two teams meet.

Quite fierce competition will definitely break out.

"Well, let's take a look at this game video next."

Jeff knows exactly what his players are worried about.

Therefore, everyone is specially arranged to watch these game videos here.

I just want everyone to have a clearer understanding of the strength of their opponents.

Nearly an hour later.

The members of the Free Nations U-17 team were caught up in discussions.

Everyone began to actively express their opinions.

I want to make some contributions to this game.

Until an hour later.

The discussion of the crowd gradually calmed down.

"Since everyone agrees with this lineup."

"Then we decided so.

Jeff said decisively.

With the thorough implementation of relevant strategies.

Jeff is going to release the video of the German U-17 team.

For Jeff.

Although the U-17 World Cup preliminaries are very important.

But it is clear that he pays more attention to the U-17 World Cup afterwards.

Now the World Cup is about to begin.

Therefore, he must collect complete information on the teams from each participating country.

Then the game can be played without fail.


In Jeff's heart, what he values ​​more is the 600 Ng in the top 4 national team.

Just at this time.

The door to the screening room of the Free State U-17 training camp suddenly opened.

Then came a clear voice.

Everyone looked back.

The person here is Pansy, Hardy.

Pansy Hardy with dark green hair.


"You can be regarded as coming back, we all want you to come up with flowers!!

"Almost thought you would not participate in the U-17 World Cup this time!"

The players of the free country looked at Pansy Hardy with excitement.

For Pansy, Hardy.

He is the strongest player in the U-17 team of the Free Country.

If he exists.

Then this time the winning rate of the game will be greatly improved.

"Why do you want to watch a video of the match in Japan?"

"Did you get any news in Japan?'

Jeff looked at Pansy Hardy curiously and asked.

"Just show this!"

Pansy, Hardy was talking and smiling.

Then he took out a video tape from his pocket.

The customized one was thrown to Jeff.

Although Jeff is very puzzled.

But the video game was broadcast soon.


A stadium appeared on the big screen.

Cheers echoed in the room.

Everyone took a look.

It was discovered that this was the Goryeo National Capital Stadium.

"Is that Lee Yubin from Korea?".

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