Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 517 Everyone is jealous and underestimated Japan

Jeff recognized the venue and the people for the first time.

But then the doubts in my heart grew even bigger.

For Li Yubin.

His strength can also be regarded as a very strong high school student.

The opponent is also the main player of the U-17 representative team of Korea.

After letting him look at the opposite Senyu Shinji.

Suddenly asked in confusion.

"Who is this?"

For Senyu Shinji.

It was quite a strange face.

And it seems to be the age of a middle school student.

As the game video continues to play.

Jeff also knows that Li Yubin's opponent is Senyu Shinji.

"Senyu Shinji?!"

This strange name appeared in everyone's mouth.

Everyone is quite confused.

Then continue to watch if the game video.


With the game video playing.

Li Yubin from Korea was crushed again and again.

All the U-17 players of the Free Country suddenly changed their colors.

In everyone's eyes is the kind of deep shock.


Just when they were about to open their mouths in surprise.

A picture suddenly changed on the big screen.

Then Jeff recognized who the man appeared at a glance.

"This is Dalit Jason, the head of the Indian national team?

Then he discovered that Jason's opponent was Senyu Shinji.

Everyone couldn't help but continue to watch the video.

Every minute passed.

Everyone could not help holding their breath.

After the video has finished playing.

The whole room fell into unprecedented silence.

Everyone was extremely silent.

That kind of atmosphere is extremely depressing.

"World-class strength!"

Jeff closed his eyes bitterly.

Even his arms were shaking slightly.

All the time.

He all believes that the opponents of the free country U-17 are countries such as Germany.


I don't even know that there is a world-class player in the world of tennis.

The key is.

The other party is just the age of a junior high school student!

Li Yubin of Goryeo and Jason of the Indian national team are already far ahead. ;

Such a powerful existence.

It is a terrifying opponent!

If it weren't for Pansy, Hardy would give this video to everyone.

He will probably be crushed directly by that time!

"Who is he?"

Jeff asked Pansy and Hardy solemnly.

Obviously, Senyu Shinji's appearance made him a little messed up his position.

Originally, his goal was to play against countries like Germany.

But unexpectedly, a world-class player appeared unknowingly.

The key is.

He hasn't met Senyu Shinji yet.

This is really shocking.

"The head coach of Japan's U-17 Xunchuan training camp!"

Pansy, Hardy seemed to know that Jeff would look like this.

There was a deep smile on his face.

"The head coach of the U-17 training camp in Japan?"

After Jeff heard this.

Then he nodded.

Then he said solemnly.

"It turned out to be the head coach of Japan's U-17!

Then he stood up directly.

Asked with horror on his face.


"He is the head coach of the U-17 training camp in Japan?

Jeff almost exclaimed.

Because how to look.

Senyu Shinji is just a middle school student!

Such an age not only possesses world-class strength.

He is even the head coach of the U-17 training camp in Japan.

This impact is almost like the sun rising from the west.

Jeff asked solemnly again.

"Hadi, you said this teenager is the head coach of the U-17 training camp in Japan?"

After hearing this.

Pansy Hardy burst out laughing.


"Jeff, this is the first time you have seen such a gaffe!'

Then he nodded to Jeff.

"Senyu Shinji, head coach of Japan U-17 training camp!"

"It can be said that it is far beyond the existence of their chief general!"

Jeff sighed long.

Then he sat down solemnly.

The whole person fell directly into silence.

He still knows the U-17 from Japan.

Because among them is Byōdōin Hōō, who can be called a world-class master.


Now there is a more powerful existence.

This kind of opponent.

It's not as simple as usual at all.

It can be said.

There are such two world-class players.

Basically, the victory of the two games has been guaranteed.

To know.

There are only five games in a game!

It's almost a victory!

"It seems that we need to reassess the strength of the Japan U-17 team!"

Jeff gradually suppressed the shock in his heart.

Then he put his gaze on Pansy, Hardy's body aside.

Now that the other party can bring back such a video.

There must be more important information.

For Jeff's gaze.

Pansy, Hardy also nodded tacitly.

I started to think about the introduction of the U-17 members of the Free Country one by one.

After these materials were said by him.

The whole room fell into a strange silence again.

Jeff asked Pansy Hardy hard.

""Then say that.

"Senyu Shinji may have defeated Byōdōin Hōō?"

This is his more fearful thought.



Pansy, Hardy answered in the affirmative.

Make his heart heavier.

Hardy also sighed.

For Senyu Shinji.

He watched several games in Japan.

No matter which game it is above.

The strength displayed by the opponent almost made him fall into fear.

In that kind of wind and light.

Can crush the opponent directly.

Especially when playing against Lee Yubin, the head of the Korean national team.

That kind of terrifying momentum.

Almost let him fall into the room.


The opponent's strength is almost doubling every day.

Just a few months.

It has reached a world-class level.

He even defeated the Phoenix of Equality (king's) courtyard.

It's hard to imagine how much potential the other party has!

"It seems that there will be another terrifying opponent in the future!"

Jeff sighed long.


Directly put Japan's U-17 in the same position as Germanic.

For the subsequent U-17 World Cup.

They need to be vigilant.

Not to mention the shock on the Freedom team.

the other side.

The main venue for the U-17 World Cup preliminaries.

Katyusha, the capital of the bear country!

At this moment, he was already in a state of heavy snow.


Inside the U-17 training camp here.

The crowd was surging.

The crowd gathered in a room with warm views.

A meeting is in progress.

"Gilbert, tell everyone the information you got!

Walker Relf, ​​who was sitting in the first place, said in a deep voice.

Everyone randomly placed their eyes on Gilbert's body.

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