Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 554 Giant bear, a trivial toy!

"Just started?"

Ralph's expression suddenly changed.

Then his eyes became extremely sharp.

He threw the tennis ball in his hand high.

Then jumped up in place.

The racquet in his hand waved brazenly.


Accompanied by a burst of impact sound.

The tennis shot suddenly exploded.

Stay directly above the court ~ the next red awn.

It seems that the violent friction between the tennis ball and the air caused such a light.

A burst of harsh sounds reverberated in the gymnasium.

It is as if tennis contains unimaginable terrifying power.

After seeing this scene.

Players from other countries also couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's worthy of being the main player of the Mao Xiong national team!"

"No wonder everyone praises how powerful his power is!"

Then there was a heavy look on their faces.

At this time, Ralph's ordinary blow on the court.

The above power can reach the power of Ishida iron burst and shatter the sixth type.

So it seems.

It's power.

It is already far ahead of Ishida Tie and others.

Even Duke Watanabe can't catch up.


This is only for others.

This power has no effect at all in front of Senyu Shinji.

I saw his body suddenly rushed out.

Then the racquet in the hand was cut directly.

next moment.

Ralph's powerful tennis was completely eliminated!

The power above seems to have never appeared before.


The tennis ball flew straight to the opposite side.

It still presents an extremely beautiful arc.

"The power on the tennis ball has disappeared again?"

Ralph was surprised.

Those tennis games just now were just tests.

But it has no effect at all.

On the contrary, Senyu Shinji on the other side came back lightly.

But it is still in the game.

No one would give him time to think.

Ralph rushed out directly.

Just after the tennis ball crossed the net.

The racquet in his hand was already waved fiercely.

The racquet is pulled directly from the bottom up.

next moment.

Ralph jumped up directly.

The racquet in his hand was also abruptly smashed on the tennis ball.


Then an extremely deafening roar emerged.

A ray of light flashed by.

The tennis ball cuts through the entire court hole in an instant.

It's like a bolt of lightning.

It fell on Senyu Shinji's court in a fleeting moment.

The sense of sharpness broke out immediately and completely.

Ling Ling's breath kept circling above the tennis ball.

This is one of Ralph's stunts.

Giant bear claws!

It can be said.

This tennis shot is a heavy high-speed ball among Ralph's super powerful tennis!

The tennis ball can be hit by the combination of the inertia of the landing and the strength on itself.

It can be said.

It not only covers super power.

Even the speed is quite fast.

This hit tennis is too fast!

too suddenly!

That flash of cold light.

It makes people feel dazzling and unbearable!

I didn't dare to look directly at it.

For this blow.

Whether it is the crowd in the stadium auditorium, or the players from all countries.

All are extremely shocking!

No one thought it was just the beginning.

Ralph actually showed such a powerful tennis ball directly.

This is Ralph's own Teddy Bear tennis!

It was the tennis he created by observing the living habits of Teddy Bears for a long time!

Full of wild power!

This is the giant bear claw strike!

A blow that imitates the attack of the bear!

The sense of sharpness is just like facing a real bear.

It seems that the next moment will be severely torn apart by this tennis ball.

at this time.

The Ralph on the court is more like a real giant bear!

The whole person's tennis directly became quite violent.

If you meet someone else.

It may have been completely defeated by Ralph's claws now.

But now he is facing Senyu Shinji!

"The breath is quite savage!"

"The edge is also quite sharp!"

"It looks like a claw of a bear!"

"But this kind of tennis is completely useless to me!"

See you here for Senyu Shinji.

I couldn't help but exclaimed.

Then the whole person jumped up directly on the spot.

Explode straight to the baseline position.

As if an indescribable scene appeared on the court.

Senyu Shinji is really faster now!~

In an instant.

He has already reached the baseline position.

...Seeking flowers 0-

next moment.

Get in!

Raise a shot!


Moving clouds and flowing water!

It makes people appreciate a set of extremely beautiful dances.


At this pleasing moment.

The racquet in his hand hits directly on the flying tennis ball.

The giant bear claws stopped instantly!

Senyu Shinji chuckled slightly.

"Let's go back!

Then his arm waved gently.

The tennis ball suddenly shined with an unusually bright light directly on the racquet.

As if a dazzling star fell on this court.

Then he flew out directly against Ralph's body.

Suddenly fell on the baseline position.



The entire court vibrated.

Sand splashes.


The cracks continued to spread.

A deep pit appeared directly above the court.

At this moment, the tennis ball is a scorched appearance that is firmly embedded in the deep pit.


Ralph's giant bear claws were instantly disillusioned!

Senyu Shinji scored again!


The whole stadium fell into silence.

Whether it is the crowd in the audience.

Or players from other countries.

At this moment, they all looked at Senyu Shinji on the court with a dull face.

Even at the end, he couldn't help pursing his dry lips.

The tennis shot just now was really too fast!

It was almost instantaneous.

Ralph's giant bear claw hit was easily returned by Senyu Shinji!

Above the court.

"Don't waste your time!"

"Don't try to compete with me!"

"Otherwise, you will lose faster!"

There was still a gentle smile on Senyu Shinji's face.

In that way, the wind lightly waved the racquet in his hand.

Then he pointed directly at Ralph on the opposite side.

Suddenly a huge momentum directly locked the opponent.

Ralph suddenly trembled all over.

Senyu Shinji is so calm now.

Such a gentle look!

But even this look.

It was so terrifying in Ralph's eyes!

As if the other party was the real behemoth.

And he just feels like a little cat.

This feeling even made him panic and breathe.

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