Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 555 Horror in the ordinary!

aside the court.

The members of the National Teddy Bear team were suddenly sluggish.

"The main general's giant bear claw has been cracked?"

"How is this possible?"

"Is this the strength of Senyu?"

Every one of them had a strong color of disbelief in their eyes.

The degree of shock has surpassed all.

Teddy Bear Tennis is famous throughout the Teddy Bear country!

Although the bear claw blow is not the strongest blow.

But it is the fastest trick!

But now.

Senyu Shinji on the court managed to defuse the tennis shot so easily.

Now they have no idea how terrifying Senyu Shinji really is.

Above the court.

The racquet in Ralph's hand tightened.

"Can't you even hit a bear claw?"

No matter how calm his character is.

But now after encountering such a situation.

It is also difficult for him to be so calm in his "6, 2 and 7" heart.

He started to think about how Senyu Shinji hit the tennis back.

The opponent not only showed super speed.

Even the ability to react is very emotional.

It's just that.

He directly resolved his giant bear claw attack easily.

"What a terrifying existence!"

Ralph's heart became heavier.

Now he is absolutely certain.

Senyu Shinji's strength has really reached a world-class level!

"Even if you are world-class strength!"

"I want to defeat you thoroughly!"

An extremely fierce aura rose directly from Ralph's body.

Suddenly, the court was full of anger.

He rolled around him heavily.

Now Ralph understood it all.

The Senyu Shinji he is facing now is stronger than everyone he has encountered before!

He not only carried the face of the entire bear country.

Also at this moment.

A strong fighting spirit was inspired by Senyu Shinji's strength.

this moment.

Mao Xiong seemed to be completely plunged into excitement.

It was the opposite of the calm he used to be.

"Your Excellency Senyu, you are very strong!"

"But at the same time it also inspired the fighting spirit in my heart!"

"Let's fight!"

Ralph looked at Senyu Shinji on the opposite side with a look of excitement.

As his words just fell.

The tennis ball in his hand was thrown straight up.

Then he slammed the racquet in his hand fiercely.


Accompanied by a violent impact sound.

The tennis shot suddenly exploded.

It was like a flash of extremely fast light.

In an instant, he appeared in front of Senyu Shinji.

Face this hit tennis.

Senyu Shinji's expression is still so calm.

It's just a step to the left.

Then he directly waved the racquet in his hand.

next moment.

The racquet in his hand was directly tilted forty-five degrees and swung out completely.

The tennis ball was cut quickly.

Then burst out directly.

Ralph on the opposite side stared at Senyu Shinji.

I want to see something from his movements.

The moment Senyu Shinji hit back.

His body also moved.

Directly rushed to the landing point of the tennis ball.

The racquet in his hand waved quickly.


Ralph snorted softly.

The tennis ball shot to the opposite side again.

See here.

Senyu Shinji just moved one step forward again.

Then came to the point of tennis again.

I saw that the racquet in his hand seemed to be slamming directly in the opposite direction.

He drew a tennis ball hard.

But in Ralph's line of sight.

He was shocked to find out.

Senyu Shinji was able to cut even this way.

The tennis shot went straight back.

next moment.

Smashed to the ground fiercely.

But the tennis is just spinning wildly on the ground.

It didn't eject at the first time.

All of this is because the tennis ball contains a very powerful spinning force.

This led to the tennis ball being able to temporarily topspin on the ground.

See this scene.

Ralph's expression condensed.

Rushed to the tennis ball.

Because he remembered the zero chop shown by Senyu Shinji before!

"You must fight back quickly!

He directly touched the tennis ball in his hand to the ground.

Move forward quickly.

A spark burst out from racquet and the ground.

Then he hit the tennis ball hard.

One of Ralph's stunts was revealed in an instant.

Giant bear claws!

It's still the same trick just now.

But this time.

He reached the extreme of the speed on the tennis ball.


The power of tennis is also weakened.

This is the fastest tennis Ralph can show!

After seeing this scene

"Old techniques are useless, don't you understand?"

"Also, since you are called a Teddy Bear, then there must be other stunts!"

"Hurry up and show them all!

"Otherwise, I will let this game end faster!"

Senyu Shinji's speed is directly revealed at this moment.

In the eyes of everyone.

He just stepped on the spot.

But the next moment.

Senyu Shinji's figure appeared directly in front of the tennis ball.

Even the easy counterattack succeeded.

See Ralph on the opposite side.

Can not help but murmured a word.

"Do you lose faster?"

Senyu Shinji has already solved his stunts easily one after another.

this moment.

The huge pressure that the other party brought to him became more and more intense.

Ralph took a deep breath.

Then suddenly he raised his head to look at Senyu Shinji.

The eyes are extremely fierce!

"In this case!"

"As you wish!"


this moment.

Just after his voice fell.

His arm suddenly became completely bloodshot.

Pieces of muscles swell directly.

It seemed to be filled with extremely terrifying power.

Facing the flying tennis ball.

His eyes were fierce to the extreme.

In his hand, the racquet bombarded directly on the tennis ball.

this moment.

The ultimate power is all revealed.

Embrace of the giant bear!

0.1 after a violent impact.

Suddenly appeared in front of everyone with a super powerful smash!

Even everyone could see Racquet in Ralph's hand because of the violent blow just now.

They have all been seriously deformed!

It can be seen how powerful he swung just now.

As the tennis continued to spin on the racquet.

Constantly being squeezed.

Even later it became an irregular ellipse with crazy rotation.

this moment.

The air waves on the entire court moved with the racquet in Ralph's hands.

A series of terrifying Nasi roars appeared on the court.

It seemed like a giant bear was showing his own power violently.

next moment.

Such a powerful blow instantly exploded.

The tennis ball is covered with a strong atmosphere of giant bear.

Just whistling thinking of Senyu Shinji flying over.

The sonic boom was almost deafening. .

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