Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 589 From the very beginning, it was doomed to be a fiasco!

"how is it?"

"Are you surprised or surprised?"

Senyu Shinji looked at Milne Claire Latin with a gentle smile on his face.

The look of harmless humans and animals made it hard to see that he had ridiculed Milne Claire~Latin twice in a row just now.

Milne Claire Latin was straight-eyed.

I didn't want to say a word with Senyu Shinji at all.

After a few sneers.

Looking directly at the opposite side with cold eyes.

He knows what to continue.

He will be completely blown away by Senyu Shinji's language!

"Your mental quality is really bad!"

Senyu Shinji looked at Milne Claire Latin who said nothing.

Suddenly it became emotional.

This word reached the ears of Milne Claire Latin who was on the opposite side.

Almost directly caused him to bleed out on the spot.

The whole person trembled involuntarily.

The racquet in his hand was tightly held by him.

Senyu Shinji did not continue.

After all, it is still in the game.

"Serve it!"

Milne Claire took a deep breath.

The tennis ball in his hand slapped directly on the ground.




Then he picked up the tennis ball directly.

The whole person jumped directly in place.

The racquet in his hand was also directly and flagrantly waved.

Accompanied by a heavy impact.


The tennis shot went straight out.

It seemed like a spear.

It stabbed Senyu Shinji on the opposite side fiercely.

A wave of rippling air directly rolled around.

Smoke and dust all around!

A burst of sonic boom burst into my ears.

Its power is even terrifying.

It can be said.

The speed of this shot on the tennis ball is simply amazing.

Watching the tennis balls roaring.

Senyu Shinji directly patted and laughed softly.

"This time it's a falling star!

"How powerful is it, you know better than me?"

Senyu Shinji's words seemed to be the whispers of the devil.

This made Milne Claire's anger in Latin's heart even higher.

But it doesn't pay any attention to it at all.

He doesn't believe Senyu Shinji's words at all now.

The words of a junior high school student who can tease a professional player twice.

Is that something that people can believe?

He even wanted to shout such a word out loud to the audience.

Senyu Shinji's mouth, deceitful ghost!


Just at this time.

Milne Claire had just hummed in his heart.

A horrible tennis ball suddenly rushed forward with an unparalleled roar.

Heavy waves of air kept rushing toward him.

Then it hit him hard.

next moment.

The tennis ball shot out like a meteor in the sky.

Bright and dazzling.

It's overwhelming.

The surrounding space is shattered and time is still.

The tennis ball was scorching hot like a shooting star, quickly burning the surrounding air.

In this way, it cut through the sky and fell to the ground.


A horrible crackling sound spread throughout the stadium.

Immediately afterwards.

The pounding air wave continued to spread to the surroundings with visible momentum.

Set off a storm.

Milne Claire Latin was in a breath of silence.

Suddenly lost consciousness.

And after the tennis ball hit the ground.

The roar suddenly woke him up.

"Did you lie to me this time?"

But the next moment.

He suddenly realized a rather serious problem.

That is, he seems to be flying!


Accompanied by a dull crash sound.

Milne Claire Latin installed directly on the wall of the stand.

Then fell heavily.

It can be said.

When he realized that he had been blown away.

The whole person suddenly became horrified.

Then the heart-piercing pain directly attacked him.

It seemed that his nerves were so fragile at this moment.

A scream of screams kept echoing around the court.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Not only that.

Milne Claire Latin's body was still convulsing involuntarily.

Now he dare not move at all.

As if it only needs to be active.

That kind of heart-piercing pain will become even worse.


"You bastard among bastards!"

Milne Claire Latin looked up at Senyu Shinji on the court with a hideous and distorted face.

He wanted to stand up now.

Then he hit the tennis ball on Senyu Shinji's body fiercely.


Don't say stand up.

Even crawl a little now.

He couldn't finish it in the first time.

………For flowers 0-

The pain in his body almost dragged him directly into the abyss.

The sound of rapid breathing kept ringing in his ears.

Cold sweat kept flowing from the top of his forehead.

It lasted for a few minutes.

Milne Claire was able to get up from the ground with a compelling ability.

But Milne Claire Latin is no longer what he was just before he played.

There is no such thing as a strong professional player.

He is completely embarrassed now.

The whole person's face was still distorted and hideous because of the pain on his body.

In the stadium auditorium.

The Japan national team is here.

"It's not Coach Senyu's opponent at all!"

Ping Shanzhi said with some emotion.

"Coach Senyu is very strong, this situation couldn't be more normal!"


"Now the game has just begun!"

"If Milne Claire Latin does not use his full strength, the end result will only be a disastrous defeat!

The Japanese national team sighed with approval.

After all, the strength of Senyu Shinji.

They are some of the most experienced people.

Above the court.

"Continue to serve!"

Senyu Shinji smiled gently.

As if nothing happened at all just now.


The key is.

It's a game now.

No matter what means Senyu Shinji uses.

As long as it is within the rules.

Then he is the strong one.

No matter how many scars are on Milne Claire Latin on the opposite side.

As long as the game continues.

Then he must persevere to the end.

If it doesn't work.

You can give up the game.

No one has ever forced anyone to persevere.

Milne Claire Latin walked to the court with a blank expression.

The tennis ball in his hand was constantly slapping on the ground.

Now his eyes became extremely solemn.

The light of Selfless State kept flashing on his body.

He knew that he could not continue to be in this passive state.


In the end, he will only be greeted with a miserable defeat.

next moment.

The tennis ball in his hand was thrown straight up.

Racquet also swung out with unparalleled power.


Immediately following the collision of racquet and tennis ball.

A burst of bright light burst out directly on the racquet.

Just hit the ball! One,

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