Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 590 Great Britain rose!

It can be said.

Milne Claire's light shot was absolutely terrifying.

It's not just going all out and hitting the ball lightly.

Even the power of Selfless State's three doors is applied to the tennis ball!


The tennis shot out with an unparalleled power.

The sound of howling was almost endless.

The entire court seemed to rise up and sway tomorrow.

It's hard to see its existence directly.


next moment.

The air above the entire court was directly blown away by the tennis ball.

A heavy wave of air suddenly rolled around.

As if tennis couldn't be hit back at all this time.


Senyu Shinji on the opposite side saw this shot of the tennis ball.

He said quietly with a calm face.


He at this time.

It is also no longer holding the joking "six-five-zero" mentality like before.

Now the two sides have launched their full efforts.

The real game has officially started.

There is no need to continue playing around.


Senyu Shinji faced this horrible light shot.

Did not make the slightest evasion.

The moment the tennis ball was ejected.

The racquet in his hand hit the tennis ball hard.

Just when the tennis ball hits the racquet.

The light that was so dazzlingly dimmed instantly.

Then it flashed even more dazzling bright light directly.

If the light just now thinks of the rising sun.

Then the light on Senyu Shinji's shot is a scorching sun!


The light shot that was more terrifying than before suddenly shot out.

Waves of howling kept echoing above the court.

See you here for Milne Claire Latin.

Immediately rushed out.

The racquet in his hand also slammed out fiercely!

And the tennis ball was straight into the sky.

next moment.

The power of the tennis ball became nothingness directly in front of his sweet spot technique.

Then racquet smashed out from top to bottom.

Knight smash!

It directly showed a world-class football skill!

With racquet hitting the tennis ball hard.

Suddenly the light on the tennis ball was directly bright.

As if to turn the whole world into light.

That's so bright.

That kind of dazzling!

It can be said.

Hit the top of the tennis ball.

Milne Claire Latin gave him all his powers.

Whether it is the three powers of Selfless State.

Still talking about the power of Asura Shinto.

Or the power of light hitting.

Under the intermingling of these three forces.

The power on the tennis ball seems to grow infinitely.

It's terrifying!

The air above the entire court vibrated for it.

The waves of stormy waves slapped around like the sea of ​​Wang Yang.

The dust was flying and rolling.

Even the light in the entire sky is dimmed.

A roar of terror kept coming to everyone's ears.

next moment.

Tennis is under this terrifying power.

It was directly covered by the fierce flames.

at this time.

Tennis is more like a meteorite flying from outside the sky.



It was almost instantaneous.

The tennis ball hit the court on Senyu Shinji's side.


At this moment, Senyu Shinji's fairy king domain is still circulating on the court.

The air wave kept spinning.

Directly and continuously hit the tennis ball.

It seemed that countless arms were pulling this terrifying tennis ball.

The power above was constantly being obliterated.

The light is dimming all the time.

It was as if a stone was thrown into the ocean of Wang Yang.

It just caused a ripple.

Then in complete weird silence.

The tennis ball flew lightly in front of Senyu Shinji.


He twitched directly.



Tennis seems to have suffered an unparalleled power.

It instantly deformed into an irregular ellipse.


Accompanied by bursts of harsh sonic booms emerged behind the court.

The tennis suddenly whizzed out.

As if the world exploded suddenly.

The noise is really deafening.

There was a buzzing sound in everyone's ears.

It seems to be temporarily deaf.

Just at this time.

The tennis ball suddenly seemed to burst.

Directly towards Milne Claire Latin, countless bright rays of light burst out.

It was as if tens of thousands of crystals shot past.

That kind of beautiful wheel is beautifully defeated.

That's dangerous!

American pirates!

World-class football skills!


The countless brilliant crystal lights on the court...

As if they were all really incomparable tennis balls.

It is impossible to tell which tennis ball is real.

Milne Claire Latin looked at the light coming from flying.

He immediately rushed out without hesitation.

The racquet in his hand waved continuously.




next moment.

It seemed that dozens of his figures appeared directly on Milne Claire Latin's side.

All were constantly waving the racquet in their hands.

And those tennis balls seemed to have been hit back by the opponent.

That's it.

Milne Claire was fully open in Latin.

He directly fought back the American pirates who had just bloomed.

But only Milne, Claire Latin knew it.

Just to fight back the tennis shot.

His physical strength directly consumed one-fifth!

It can be seen how difficult it was just now.

With the tennis ball suddenly shot towards Senyu Shinji.

In an instant, he was directly led in Senyu Shinji's Immortal King Realm.

The power above is constantly being wiped out.

Then he flew to Senyu Shinji's face cleverly.

Milne Claire Latin who saw this scene.

Suddenly his face was unwilling.


Senyu Shinji's field is so powerful!

Either use the knight sprint.

It's still a knight smash.

Or maybe it's a light shot that is filled with all his power.

Can't break it through.

In the end, the 0.1-sided power on tennis can only be reduced to nothingness.

So now Milne Claire Latin must find a way to crack the fairy king realm!

This is his only chance!


He will only usher in the fate of completely depleted physical strength.

Just at this time.

Senyu Shinji directly slammed the racquet in his hand.

There was a gentle laugh on his face.

"You still have less than three minutes!"

"If you don't go all out!"

"Then prepare to leave directly from this arena!"

After Senyu Shinji said it.

Suddenly the tennis shot went out.

There was a burst of bright light on the court in an instant.

Then there appeared a lot of red roses.

There are nine flowers in total.

Each one is so beautiful and dangerous!

Great Britain rose!

World-class skills!.

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