Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 591 New stunt, slash thunder!


The nine roses above the court rushed directly to the opposite Milne Claire Latin.

Then a petal of wine kept falling.

It seems to be a real tennis ball.

The key is.

Each of these tennis balls seems to contain an extremely fierce killing intent.

People can't help but frighten up.

Afterwards, it continued to spread around the court.

Milne Claire Latin watched this scene.

The look became extremely solemn.

At the moment, he rushed out directly.

A group of figures kept emerging from the court.

It seems to be hitting back tennis.


No matter how he waved the racquet in his hand.

There is no real swing on the tennis ball!

It's all gone!

next moment.

Accompanied by a terrifying crash sound.

The tennis ball smashed to the ground.

Then eject directly out.


It can be said.

Senyu Shinji now has world-class skills in every tennis shot.

The power contained above is so mysterious and unpredictable.

It just made Milne Claire Latin feel more and more tired to deal with it.

at this time.

Milne Claire stared at the racquet in his hand for 26 years.

Then he looked mechanically at the tennis ball falling outside the court.

The feeling of unwillingness and loss in the whole person's heart became more and more intense.

And a voice calmly reached his ears.

"Aren't you ready to use your full strength?"

"Then be defeated at this point!"

Senyu Shinji directly pointed the racquet in his hand to Milne Claire Latin.


A shocking weather rushed into the sky.

The mighty and endless agitating the air waves around the court.

that moment.

Senyu Shinji's figure is exceptionally bright and moving.

It's as if the fairy king really came to the world.

There is an invincible spirit all over the body~!

After hearing this.

Milne Claire Latin suddenly became a little lost.

"Is all my strength?"

The eyes that were still absent just now sharpened suddenly.

It was as if a burst of sharpness showed off directly from his body.

It makes people dare not look directly.


Then a thick dark mist kept permeating his body.

Then circling and scrolling.

In the end, it condensed into a figure directly behind him.

That is the armored knight with a spear in hand!

As if every piece of armor on his body was shining with a sharp cold light.

The long spear in his hand is even more faint black haze circulating.

The above is full of a strong murderous intent.

Pike Knight!

Milne Claire Latin's Asura Shinto!

He directly lightly waved the racquet in his hand.

Suddenly, a wave of air kept rolling up.


The cold voice came directly from his mouth.

As if this moment.

Milne Claire Latin was completely different.

It seems that at this moment he really looks like a strong professional player.

His eyes were filled with cold light.


Killing Ling Ran!

Then he directly yelled to the sky.

"Take it!"

"Senyu Shinji!"

Suddenly, the tennis ball in his hand was thrown high.

Then racquet swung fiercely on the tennis in the next moment.


this moment.

It was like jumping directly from a knight holding a spear.

Raise the spear in his hand directly.

Then he threw it abruptly.

Carrying an indomitable momentum.

And that strong to the extreme killing intent.

He rushed directly to Senyu Shinji.

The medical black mist kept rolling on the spear.

Increasingly, the speed of the spear rose again.

call out!


It seems that the entire space above the court has been directly penetrated by this shot of the tennis ball.

The momentum is amazing!


A heavy raging flame emerged directly from the tip of the spear. "

Instantly covered the spear directly.

this moment.

The medical black haze directly merged with the fierce flames.

It looked like a faint green flame.

As if to completely burn all the souls encountered.

That's scary!

"This is the power of my knight!"

Milne Claire's roaring voice echoed above the court.

The unparalleled tennis ball also fell on Senyu Shinji's court.


next moment.

The fairy king domain seemed to tremble violently.

The revolving waves of air seemed to come to an abrupt end in an instant.

The medical green flame suddenly rose.

As if to burn all this fairy king domain clean.

Heavy waves of air began to stagnate.

Layers of silence fell.

It seems that he can really penetrate the fairy king realm in the next moment.

"Is this your full strength?"

Senyu Shinji's expression is still so calm.

Nothing has changed at all.

Even now he is still standing in place.

No movement in an inch!

Although this time Milne Claire's Latin tennis is very strong.

But for Senyu Shinji.

Still not enough!

Just at this time.

The air wave that had been stagnating suddenly revolved in a more terrifying and rapid way.

As if this moment.

The Phantom of the Immortal King also appeared on the court.

As lonely and arrogant as the nine gods.

And as indifferent to everything as life dominates.


The medical green flames quickly annihilated.

The power on the tennis ball kept passing by.

The spear seemed to break every inch at this moment.


At this moment, Senyu Shinji's eyes seemed to be filled with endless stars.

That's 650 vast.

But it is full of ruthlessness and majesty.

He whispered softly.

"Thunder Slash!'


A horrible thunder and lightning flashed around him.

Purple-black lightning flashed one after another.

at this time.

The racquet in his hand was cut out like a knife.

A terrifying and huge wave of cutting appeared directly on the court.

He rushed to the opposite Milne Claire Latin.


He seemed to be pinched by his throat.

The whole person seems to be caught in endless suffocation

The other side.

The racquet in Senyu Shinji's hand was also cut to the tennis ball.


Lightning and thunder started.

The tennis ball is directly transformed into a bright purple light.

Fly to the opposite side instantly.

A long purple awn broke apart inch by inch.

As if cut off by a sharp knife.


Accompanied by roars.

All the tennis balls fell to the ground.

Then it ejected.

Rushed towards Milne Claire Latin.

Face this hit tennis.

He directly froze in place.

Did not move at all.

It seemed as though he was scared to the extreme.

It also seemed that the speed of the tennis shot just now exceeded his ability to react.


Accompanied by a moment of quietness falling to the ground.


Senyu Shinji smashes the score directly!.

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