Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 593 At the end of the four games, the field is overwhelming

It can be said.

If this area can be completed later.

Then this trick is definitely a unique skill that belongs to Senyu Shinji alone!

This and light hitting are completely two concepts!

After all, no matter how powerful it is.

As long as the talented tennis player can explore the opponent's skills.

It can even be imitated.

But if it belongs only to Senyu Shinji's unique skill.

This is definitely a miracle!

Following the court, Senyu Shinji gradually became a little eye-catching about his Senyu realm.

Brand-new fields are directly in front of everyone.

The air waves seem to have truly formed a sea of ​​air.

The roaring sound of waves directly surfaced above the court.

Sometimes it rotates counterclockwise quickly.

Sometimes slowly circling clockwise.

Milne Claire Latin’s tennis strike hasn’t even really shown its power yet.

Then he was directly hit by the air wave of Senyu's unloading field!


With the tennis ball falling out of bounds crisply.

Senyu Shinji won the third game straight away!


The audience is silent!

Even the opposite Milne Claire Latin was completely silent.

The turbulent momentum on his body just stopped abruptly.

Suddenly downturned.

At this time of 650.

"Since you didn't seize the ten-minute chance!"

"Then prepare to meet the defeat in the next five minutes!"

Senyu Shinji's gentle voice reached everyone's ears clearly.


As if the thunder thunder constantly roared for nine days.

It was so deafening.

It's so shocking!

this moment.

Milne, Claire Latin looked at Senyu Shinji standing on the court opposite.

The heart suddenly burst.

Then it jumped violently.

The fear in his heart grew wildly.

He is now.

Really have a strong and extreme fear of Senyu Shinji!

The referee on the side blew the whistle of the game directly.

Then the two exchanged venues.

That's it.

The fourth game kicked off.

Senyu Shinji is still so personable.

Such a proud group of heroes!

But that's the temperament.

Directly and invisibly gave Milne Claire Latin an extremely heavy pressure.

Even his chest became a little dull.

I saw the next moment.

The tennis ball in Senyu Shinji's hands was thrown high.

Then the whole person stepped directly on the spot (cgab).

Jumped up.

The racquet in his hand suddenly pressed down.


Accompanied by a crisp sound.

The tennis shot flew out suddenly.

After hearing such a crisp sound.

Milne Claire Latin looked for the tennis ball with a wary look.


Regardless of whether he looks before or after.

Still did not find the slightest trace of the tennis ball.

this moment.

It seems that the tennis ball has just disappeared!


Milne Claire Latin suddenly became shocked.

next moment.

The tennis ball appeared directly to his left.

Just when Milne Claire Latin wanted to rush to fight back.

The tennis ball flashed and disappeared again!

As if no tennis figure was found at all.


This shot of tennis is basically a very ordinary ultra-high-speed tennis.


The speed that Senyu Shinji gave to tennis is really fast to the extreme.

It is almost impossible to see a tennis ball with the naked eye.

next moment.

With a crisp sound.

The tennis ball fell directly on the baseline position.

Then ejected out.


Milne Claire Latin was plunged directly into sluggishness.

Didn't figure out what happened to this tennis shot.

That kind of speed is simply impossible to appear on the tennis court!

It's so fast!

"The speed of the tennis shot just now was really fast!"

"There is no trace of tennis at all!"

"What a weird blow! Isn't it a trick?"

The crowd in the stadium audience suddenly looked at the court with shocked faces.

I didn't want to understand why the tennis suddenly appeared for a moment.

The Japan national team is here.

Just when everyone was surprised.

"Fold the ball!

"And it's a super high-speed folding ball!"

Sanada Xianichiro suddenly exclaimed.

He is quite clear about folding balls.

After all, his black aura is one of the types that can show a folding ball.


Senyu Shinji's tennis ball.

I didn't think of the kind of folding ball that was shown through ball skills at all.

It completely shows the speed to the extreme!

Sanada Genichiro even felt that the tennis game just now was not only extremely fast.

It even folds at least three times!

Above the court.

Milne Claire Latin whispered with a depressed face.

"Is there really no way I can get a point from his hand?"

His heart was filled with unwillingness.

Obviously he has tried his best!

Obviously, the power of the three Selfless State doors is fully revealed!

Obviously, Asura Shinto's power is also fully displayed.


No matter what power he uses.

In the end, it still couldn't break the opponent's domain.

this moment.

The gap between him and Senyu Shinji suddenly became apparent!

No matter what kind of power he shows.

They couldn't narrow the gap between them that seemed like a moat!

Milne Claire Latin's heart was filled with unwillingness.

Then a feeling of powerlessness completely drowned him.

"Why is this?!!"


Milne Claire Latin directly snarled up to the sky.

There was a deep despair in the voice!

He even wondered if his tennis really had any meaning.

Look at Milne Claire Latin like this.

Senyu Shinji chuckled directly.

"Your tennis is for me."

"It just doesn't make any sense!

Then serve directly.

Face tennis this time.

It can be said.

Milne Claire Latin fought back again.

But in the end it didn't change the result at all.

this moment.

All his stunts turned into a bunch of children's toys in front of Senyu Shinji.

Now this game has absolutely no meaning to continue!

As long as it is Senyu Shinji serve.

Then you will definitely score!







It almost took less than a minute.

Senyu Shinji won the fourth game directly and easily!

On the other hand, Milne Claire Latin was panting and staring at the score board.

I didn't care about the sweat that came down at all.

The loss in my heart became more and more obvious.

Look at Senyu Shinji on the opposite side.

The smile on his face has not changed the slightest from beginning to end!

He was filled with despair!.

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