Make Akutsu Jin Cry At the Start

Chapter 594 Former No. 1 in Asia

"Is it really going to be defeated?"

Milne Claire Latin looked lost.

It seemed that the gap between the persistence in his heart and the reality simply caused his whole person to sink.

Now he is really going all out!

I thought I could have a close match with this so-called first supernova of the century.

But the end result is so horrible!

It seemed so pale and feeble.

In the auditorium.

The Japan national team is here.

"Milne Claire Latin now seems to have lost ~ faith!"

"It's impossible for him to be in the hands of Coach Senyu-one point!"

"Pro players love to do these useless persistence!"

Everyone looked at Milne Claire Latin on the court.

All shook their heads.

The gap between the two sides is too big!

This is no longer a game that relies on persistence to reverse the situation!

It can be said.

It's not just the people of Japan's national team who think so.

Even the people in the audience think this way.

Just at this time.

A voice firmly yelled to Milne Claire Latin on the court.

"Don't admit defeat!"

Everyone was stunned.

Then he looked at the source of this sound.

It can be said that this shouting person is the partner who participated in the Sydney Cup Professional Challenge with Milne Claire Latin.

Although this partner has been directly eliminated in the qualifiers.

But he still firmly believes that Milne Claire Latin can win this victory!

Above the court.

Milne Claire Latin, who had been lost for a while, suddenly heard this voice.

Then he looked at his companions in the audience.

There was a sense of courage in the whole person's heart at this moment.

The racquet in his hand immediately began to beat the tennis ball.




There were bursts of rhythmic flapping sounds.

It was as if his heart was coming in with extremely strong vitality at this time.

At this time Milne Claire Latin is already ready to continue fighting!

As long as one person still supports him.

Then his faith will stand firm!

Only someone shouted for him.

So even if this game was finally defeated in Senyu Shinji's hands.

Then he thinks it's worth it!

Senyu Shinji on the other side asked softly.

"Do you want to continue?"


Milne Claire Latin didn't seem to hear it.

He continued to pat the tennis ball with a determined face.

Sharp eyes flashed in his eyes.

Now he no longer needs to use words to express his determination!

He wants to prove all this with his actions!


next moment.

The tennis ball was hit directly by racquet.

A burst of horrible sounds appeared on the court.

It's more deafening than before.

There was a buzzing sound in everyone's ears.

I am temporarily deaf!

Tennis seems to have directly become the only spear between the world.

Rush out fiercely.

The waves of white air seemed to open the way for a spear.

A frantically rotating vortex was formed straight ahead.

this moment.

Thunder and lightning!

Sand splashes!



The spear filled with mighty aura directly hit Senyu Shinji's Senyu field!

The piercing noise suddenly burst.

A heavy wave of air fell apart directly.

The vortex even collapsed directly.

The spear suddenly broke apart every inch.


The power of tennis goes directly to nothingness.

Fly straight in front of Senyu Shinji.

at this time.

The tennis ball in Senyu Shinji's hand was also directly slammed out!



The tennis ball fell to the ground with a burst of lightning.

Then eject directly out.


Milne Claire Latin did not stop.

Continue to serve up crazy.

Cavaliers smash the ball!

Almost at the same time.

The three powers of Selfless State and the power of Asura Shinto are directly used!

It seemed that I wanted to use all my power to penetrate the Senyu area hole opposite Senyu Shinji.


It has no effect at all!

The tennis ball was shot out directly!


Senyu Shinji just stood in the center of the court.

Tennis didn't even come to him.

It was directly flushed out of Senyu's domain.

Watching this scene, Milne Claire Latin suddenly exclaimed.

"Why is this?!!"

The belief and will that had just risen was instantly completely overwhelmed by despair. ,

………For flowers 0

Now he looked at Senyu Shinji on the opposite side.

There is really no idea of ​​resisting anymore!

that's all.

Under the crush of Senyu Shinji.

The game went on quickly.







Only three minutes passed.

Senyu Shinji ended the game directly!


The opposite Milne Claire Latin seemed to be drained instantly.

He collapsed weakly on the ground.

Let the sweat keep running down.

this moment.

His eyes lost their expression directly.

As if it became extremely hollow.


In this void.

It is full of despair!

The despair that faith collapses again and again!

Disparity in the strength of despair!

In any event such efforts are ultimately despair.

It can be said.

If Senyu Shinji wish.

He does not even touch on the tennis all about!

this moment.

In order to direct his pride of nothingness.

"Such people simply can not be beat ah!"

米尔恩克莱 Er Lading look of utter prostration lying on the ground.

Eyes glazing stay at the sky.

Senyu Shinji looked at an opponent.

Can't help shook his head.

Then walked straight down.

"Boring race!"

I heard a chuckle clearly spread to Milne - Claire Latin ears.

His companion was also at this time up to help him down.

Everyone in the audience suddenly burst talk sound up.

"Immortal Senyu ah!"

"Although Milne said the opposite - Claire Latin strength is very tough, but Senyu Shinji stronger ah!"

"Look around, perhaps those players on the entire profession Sydney Cup Challenge none of his opponents ah!"

All are endless sigh.

at this time.

Senyu Shinji also came down from the court above.

And this time.

Other teams have also ended the game!


A group is Senyu Shinji.

As for group B side of the dragon country is commanding force forest floor.

He rolled directly Byōdōin Hōō victory!

In Japan, after receiving all the news.

Also could not help feeling again. one.

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