, Section 3.”


Shi Dahai randomly checked Li Ran and Wang Erniu’s recitation of the internal affairs regulations, and both Li Ran and Wang Erniu answered correctly.

Although Wang Erniu was a bit slow in learning, under the influence of Li Ran, he was very persistent. As the saying goes, the stupid bird flies first, otherwise Wang Erniu would not have been able to come to the reconnaissance company.

After checking the two of them, Shi Dahai called Li Ran out to have a private conversation.

“The platoon leader has already told me about your performance in the recruit company. In terms of quality, I, the squad leader, can’t compare to you, but I will do my best to guide you.” Shi Dahai said sincerely.

“Thank you monitor!”

“You’re welcome, this is what I should do as the monitor. In addition, if you have any special needs in studies, you can also tell me. I will try my best to find a way to satisfy you.”


“That’s all, go back to sleep.”

After Li Ran and the old soldiers staged such a performance tonight, Chen Hai called the squad leader Shi Dahai over and told him some things alone.

Li Ran’s soldier is different from ordinary soldiers. Chen Hai hopes that Shi Dahai can subtly change Li Ran, let Li Ran understand the responsibilities of a soldier, and cultivate Li Ran with a strong sense of mission.

In particular, it is particularly emphasized that Li Ran’s continuous learning and progress must be promoted as much as possible.

In fact, Chen Hai conveyed the thoughts of company commander Li Hu to Shi Dahai.

Li Hu has already begun to think of ways to keep Li Ran in the barracks. Of course, it is indeed immoral to persuade others to give up hundreds of millions of family property and not inherit it and serve as a soldier in such a bad place.

But think about it another way, if Li Ran is willing to stay on his own initiative, then it has nothing to do with him.

When his head turned around, Li Hu couldn’t help but praise himself for his witty comparison.

Therefore, the atmosphere in the class and the guidance of class leader Shi Dahai are very important.

The next day!

For Li Ran and Wang Erniu, it was a new day and the training of the reconnaissance company officially started.

In the morning, the wake-up whistle sounded.

The veterans of the third class were already used to it. They immediately turned over, put on their clothes, got up, and gathered in front of the dormitory building.

“Move faster.”

Squad leader Shi Dahai’s urging voice sounded.

Li Ran got dressed first, and was the first to run out of the door, gathering at the door. Others watching this scene were dumbfounded.

“Hiss, so fast.”

“I’ll go. No matter how the queue gathers, he is so fast.”

“I didn’t expect someone to surpass the class assistant in this.”

In the past, Wu Sanpao was always the first when the third shift got up in queue, but this time he became the second. Li Ran, who just got off the company, became the first.

Wang Erniu’s speed was a little slower, but luckily it was within the passing standard.

At the door, everyone from class three had already assembled.

“Very well. I originally thought that the addition of two recruits would slow down the speed of assembly. It seems that I was overthinking.”

“There are all of them. Turn right. The target playground is 10,000 meters. Run.”

“1, 2, 1!”

“1, 2, 1!”

“10,000 meters?” Wang Erniu was startled. He used to run five kilometers every day when he got up in the recruit company. Even if he increased the training intensity later, it was only five kilometers with full equipment.

Why is it 10,000 meters for the next team to go out for exercises in the morning?

“Erniu, it’s like this in the reconnaissance company. Other companies are five kilometers in the morning, but we are 10,000 meters.”

“This is just the beginning, Er Niu. The reconnaissance company still has a lot to learn, beyond your imagination.”

“Our reconnaissance company can become the best company in the whole regiment, not because the company commander poachs a few recruits with good grades from the recruit company every year. It depends on training.”

In the queue, the veterans of the third squad explained to the bewildered Wang Erniu in a low voice.

As for why not explain to Li Ran? Because there is really no need.

A person who ran 10,000 meters in less than 30 minutes with a load, cares about the 10,000 meters in the morning exercise?

Hearing this, Wang Erniu’s face immediately collapsed.

He originally thought that it would be easier to get off the company, but he didn’t expect it to be much more difficult than being in the recruit company.For Wang Erniu, it was a bit of a challenge for him to join the reconnaissance company that had the hardest training for the first time.

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No, I ran slowly after 10,000 meters in morning exercises, and was reprimanded by the monitor.

After morning exercises, I returned to class and began to tidy up the housework, study the rules, wash up, and eat breakfast.

After having a good breakfast, the class started in the morning to learn some theoretical knowledge that a scout needs to master. For a scout, there are many things to learn.

These studies were not difficult for Li Ran, but Wang Erniu was very distressed.

He was originally stupid, and he was slow to learn things. After he got off the company, he didn’t expect the pace of learning to be so fast, and he couldn’t keep up for a while.

Before lunch, at the entrance of the cafeteria, everyone in the reconnaissance company sang a military song before dinner.

“Brother Ran, what should I do? I feel that I can’t keep up with the training of the reconnaissance company. If this continues, the class will definitely be hindered.” Wang Erniu said in distress.

While speaking, he took a few big bites of rice into his mouth. The more worried he was, the better Wang Erniu’s appetite was.

“Stupid birds fly first, the same as in the recruit company.” Li Ran said: “If you learn slowly, you will spend a little more time than others. If you persevere, you will win.”

… … 0

“Okay, Brother Ran, I will do as you say.” Wang Erniu nodded.

The conversation between the two was heard by Shi Dahai who was sitting not far away, and he was a little depressed.

What’s the matter, is he, the squad leader, a display? If you have any questions, ask the monitor!

But both of them said that, so it is impossible for him to tell Wang Erniu again, come to me directly, don’t ask Li Ran, I am the squad leader, and I can give you the best help.

The life of the lower company has changed a lot compared to the recruit company, and the method of learning and progress must also be improved.

On this point, no one has more say than him as the squad leader. After all, the current squad deputy Wu Sanpao was brought out by him when he first became the squad leader.

After eating, everyone went back to the dormitory for a lunch break, and in the afternoon they had to do 400-meter obstacle course training.

On the comprehensive training ground, people from the third class are training in the 400-meter obstacle course.

Li Ran and Wang Erniu were recruits, so Shi Dahai asked the deputy to show them how to run.

400-meter obstacle run: refers to the runway composed of eight groups of obstacles, including piles, trenches, low walls, high board diving platforms, ladders, single-plank bridges, high walls, and low pile nets.

“For the 400-meter obstacle course, pass in 2 minutes and 30 seconds, good in 2 minutes and 15 seconds, excellent in 2 minutes and 00 seconds, Li Ran, you should run it first.” Shi Dahai said.


With an order, Li Ran rushed out straight away, and the runway composed of various obstacles seemed to not exist in front of Li Ran.

Li Ran galloped all the way without stopping at all, which stunned the rest of the class three.

The 400-meter obstacle course still runs like this?

Let you run, not let you fly! So direct and violent!

Soon, Li Ran’s result was released, and it was completed in one minute, so easy!

“Squad leader, I strongly request that Li Ran not be allowed to carry out this kind of physical training with us. It’s too shocking. How can we practice like this?”

The veterans of the third squad wanted to cry, but Li Ran’s abnormal strength made them lose their training mood.

(Fifth update, seeking various data support, seeking automatic subscription!) Fan.

061: Nightmare! Crazy rolled up (seeking first order)

After a day’s training, the time after dinner in the evening is free time for everyone in class three.

Unless there are any special circumstances, they don’t train at night, they are all rest time.

People in the third class generally like to play poker for nothing, or play the guitar, and come to my old class leader, how are you doing recently?

Compared with the recruit company, the entertainment items for the veterans are obviously much more than for the recruits.

“Er Niu, where are you going? Come and play cards.”

Yan Xingsheng saw that Wang Erniu, who had just reconciled, was about to go out, so he couldn’t help asking.

The veterans don’t make things difficult for Wang Erniu anymore. Instead, they have a good impression of Wang Erniu, a simple but honest recruit who has something alive in his eyes.

Although every time new recruits go to the company, the veterans are embarrassed, that is, they just ask the recruits to do more work, and they can be a little lazy.

But now, they don’t embarrass Wang Erniu anymore, instead Wang Erniu is more proactive. When he sees that the water bottle is out of hot water, he will take the initiative to fetch hot water, and when he sees that the floor is dirty, he will take the initiative to mop the floor. Recruits who are too lazy to die.

“I’m going to run on the playground to practice my physical fitness.” Wang Erniu said.

“It’s getting dark, let’s go, let’s play cards together.” Yan Xingsheng was stunned.

“three four zero”

“Let’s play. Brother Ran said, the stupid bird flies first. I’m not physically fit, so I can’t hold back the class.” After Wang Erniu finished speaking, he went out for a run.

“Er Niu, I think this kid can do it. This awareness is too high, not bad.” Yan Xingsheng praised.

After finishing speaking, he suddenly asked again: “Huh? Where’s Li Ran? I haven’t seen him since training in the afternoon.”

When Yan Xingsheng said this, everyone remembered.

After training in the afternoon, I didn’t see Li Ran anymore, nor did I see him in the cafeteria.

“He had already gone to the library to read, and Er Niu even bought him a meal from the cafeteria. It was already cold there.” Said a veteran next to him.

“No, there are any good books in the library. They are all professional books.bored to death. “Yan Xingsheng couldn’t help but said: “Next time, I suggest that the company commander get some novels to read, otherwise there will be no fun at all. ”

“Okay, go ahead and tell me, if you can convince the company commander to read the basic novel, I’ll wash your socks for a week.”

“I was just joking.”

It was suggested that the company commander get a few novels and put them in it. It’s not that no one has mentioned it before, but he was scolded by the company commander.

What did I say to make a novel for you, I’m afraid you will stay up all night and not sleep. As a scout, your physical fitness can’t keep up, and you will die.

At this time, class monitor Shi Dahai came in, looked around the class, saw Yan Xingsheng and others playing cards, and said, “Are you bullying Er Niu again? I saw him go out by himself just now, you play cards and take him with you. ”

“Squad leader, you really wronged us, Er Niu, our brothers really like him, how could we bully him, and it’s too late to take care of him.” Yan Xingsheng said quickly: “I let him play with us, He doesn’t play by himself.”

“Then what is he doing out now?”

“I went to the playground and ran 10,000 meters. He said that he was worried that he would drag the class down and wanted the stupid bird to fly first.”

Hearing this, Shi Dahai was taken aback.

He has been the squad leader for so many years, and he hasn’t met such a worry-free recruit for many years.

One is more obedient, conscious, and sensible than the other, so don’t let him worry at all.

Li Ran knew it. He went to the library after the training. He was reading all the time and didn’t come back after eating. With Li Ran’s physical fitness, he didn’t need any special training for Li Ran.

Wang Erniu was the one who was close. At first, he was thinking of going back to class to deliberately make things difficult for Wang Erniu, and to help him train his physical fitness and so on.

It turned out that Wang Erniu was so self-conscious and took the initiative to run 10,000 meters for training, which really made him at a loss for what to say.

There are two recruits, one is excellent and outrageous, and the other is sensible and self-conscious about outrageous!

Then look at the veterans under my command. Those who were playing cards and picking their feet one by one, what they look like. The gap is too big.

We can’t let this group of old fritters continue to degenerate.

After reading, Shi Dahai took out his whistle and blew it directly.

The whistle sounded, startling all the veterans present. They quickly dropped the cards in their hands, thinking that something had happened.

In the end, it turned out that it was my monitor who blew it.

“Squad leader, why are you blowing the whistle now? It’s scary.”

“Look at what you look like. The two new recruits who have just joined the company work harder than the other, and their attitudes are more correct than the other. You are not ashamed.” Shi Dahai reprimanded: “All of you have 50 push-ups.”

When Shi Dahai said his words, the veterans were dumbfounded.

Ever since they became veterans, the squad leader has never looked like this. The sudden appearance will kill them.

“Squad leader, stop joking with us, it’s always been like this before.”

“Stop talking nonsense, didn’t you hear what I said?” Shi Dahai became strict.

Seeing this, the veterans had no choice but to put down the things in their hands and start lying on the ground to do push-ups. Anyway, there were only 50 of them, and they couldn’t be exhausted.

“Listen to my password.”


The veterans did a push-up. As a result, when Shi Dahai went up, he kicked his fart alone.

“Have you been told to wake up? Forgot everything?”


Hearing this, the faces of the people in class three became like bitter gourds.

If you do push-ups like this, the 50 push-ups will consume no less energy than 200 push-ups.

New recruits are afraid of training, and veterans are afraid of sentry. This is the reason. If the squad leader wants to play you, he can play you to death by various means.

For example, now, when it comes to 1, he just leans down, and Shi Dahai can’t get up unless he calls 2. The key is that the interval between 1 and 2 is a bit long.

A good push-up forced them to do a plank.

This scene in class three aroused the curiosity of other class members.

“What’s wrong with class three? Made their class leader angry?”

“I don’t know, it was fine before.”

“It’s the first time I saw the third class training at night. It’s really strange.”

At 9:30 in the evening, half an hour before the lights were turned off, Li Ran came back from the library. He had already read half of the professional books in the library, and he had a lot of professional knowledge about military affairs.

After returning to class, he saw other people lying on the bed looking exhausted, and asked curiously, “What’s wrong with you?”

“It’s nothing, just the squad leader asked us to do 50 push-ups.”

“That’s all for 50 push-ups? It can’t be 0……”

“Normally, 50 push-ups are not enough, but 50 push-ups took us for more than an hour. Do you think it’s not enough?”

After hearing this, Li Ran understood.

“Did you make the squad leader angry? Why are you teaching me a good lesson?” Li Ran asked.

Hearing this, the veterans looked depressed.

What does this make them say?

Could it be that you told Li Ran that the squad leader saw that you and the two recruits, Er Niu, were working too hard and that they were too lazy, so he deliberately trained them? If he said that, it would be too shameful.

But then again, in front of Li Ran, they have already been humiliated, so it doesn’t matter.

“Li Ran, no, Brother Ran, I’m calling you Brother, can we stop being so prominent in the future? When we are free, let’s have fun and have a rest. If you work so hard, the squad leader will not like us.” Veteran they begged.

Li Ran and Wang Erniu, two crazy and introverted newcomersSoldiers, the veterans have no sense of presence when they are rolled, and even let the squad leader keep an eye on them for a while.

Originally, when recruits go to the company, the squad leader’s tricks should be used on recruits, but it turned out to be on veterans like them.

Hearing the veteran’s cry, Li Ran instantly understood.

“What about Er Niu?” Li Ran asked.

“Er Niu went out to run 10,000 meters.”

“Er Niu has also worked hard, not bad.”

Li Ran wanted to laugh a little. Sure enough, no veteran would be innocent once he got involved.

Because of his introversion with Er Niu, these veterans became the focus of the squad leader’s attention.

“Okay, brothers, don’t act like women, just smoke a cigarette, and it will be your compensation.” Li Ran gave everyone a cigarette.

Seeing Hua Zichao, the wounded hearts of the veterans were comforted.

But having said that, what kind of family is Li Ran?

“Brother Ran, what kind of family do you have, Huazi can still smoke like this.” Someone asked.

“It’s just an ordinary family worth billions.” Li Ran said lightly, not wanting to hit the veterans in front of him.

4.9 At this time, Wang Erniu also came back, exhausted, out of breath and covered in sweat.

I ran 10,000 meters and did other physical training. I didn’t come back until I couldn’t bear it any longer.

“Er Niu, not bad, keep working hard.” Li Ran praised.

Wang Erniu smiled foolishly: “Brother Ran, it’s getting late, I’ll take a shower first, otherwise the lights will be turned off.”

After speaking, he went to get the water bottle, but found that there was no water in it, so he was just about to fetch water.

“Er Niu, Er Niu, you rest here, I’ll fetch water.” Yan Xingsheng snatched the thermos bottle from Wang Er Niu’s hand.

Just kidding, the squad leader has already set his malicious eyes on him. If he doesn’t have the vision to see, it’s probably going to be bad luck again.

But the veterans of the third squad still don’t know that once the introversion starts, it can’t be stopped, it will only become more and more involuntary.

Wang Erniu has his own goals, Li Ran has his own plans, and the remaining veterans who want to mess around, in this ruthless introversion, will either be involved or be involved to death, and become the key care objects .

Once the involution is launched, no veteran is innocent….

(Sixth update, I ask for all kinds of data support, order, and self-determination, brothers, give me some trust, beg!).

062: The Propaganda Unit Comes! Li Ran is going to report to the group (ask for the first order)

When the recruits go to the company, they basically do physical training plus some theoretical courses at the beginning.

Normally, after the new recruits leave the company, the life of the veterans will be much more comfortable, but everyone in the third squad has fallen into crazy introversion and self-doubt.

The strange change of the third squad spread throughout the entire reconnaissance company.

“Have you heard? The third class has gone crazy this week? One trains harder than the other.”

“That’s right, I have to do push-ups for an hour every night, my good guy. It looks like the whole class is preparing for the preparatory squad leader training.”

“Crazy, really crazy, why did the third class suddenly work so hard?”

“When will the assessment be? The third class got the news in advance?”

“Impossible. Our squad leader said that we haven’t received any notice of the assessment.”

The sudden change in the third class aroused curious discussions from the top and bottom of the reconnaissance company. Why, when everyone was resting, all the people in your third class were training?

Why do you look so reckless in training in class three? Is it possible to prepare for something?

The only two recruits are given to your third class. Logically speaking, shouldn’t the veterans of your third class have a more comfortable life? How did it become stricter than before the recruits went to the company?

All the changes in the third class are naturally due to Li Ran and Wang Erniu.

Needless to say, Li Ran’s training performance, whoever trains with Li Ran, is purely looking for a big injustice. Li Ran, who originally possessed such strength, can be proud and fight for some privileges for himself.

But Li Ran didn’t fight for 07’s privilege of taking a rest. At most, he smoked in front of the squad leader, and the squad leader didn’t care.

After training every day, Li Ran would go to the company library, which even made the veterans of class three wonder if the company library had secretly replenished some novels and other entertainment books?

When they went to look for it, they found that Li Ran was reading a professional military book with great interest.

Regarding this, the veterans of the third squad could only say one thing in silence, but brother Niubi, this is rushing to get a job.

Also, this little comrade, Wang Erniu, is also too diligent. He gets up earlier than them for running every day. After the daily training is over, he also trains extra. He is very serious and his physical fitness is getting better day by day.

With Li Ran and Wang Erniu so introverted, squad leader Shi Dahai increased his training for the veterans of the third squad.

All the new recruits who just got off the company work so hard?

You are a veteran, but you are so careless?

As a result, the life of the veterans of the third class is a bit more difficult than that of the new recruits before they joined the company. The key point is that the veterans of the third class are still full of grievances and have nowhere to vent.

The platoon leader Chen Hai reported the change in the third squad to the company commander Li Hu. After learning about it, Li Hu laughed loudly and unabashedly embarrassed in front of the instructor He Tao.

“Old He, you see. This is the top-notch effect. The third squad was brought up by two recruits.”

“I really didn’t expect it. Your idea is really good. If this continues, the overall score of the third class will become the first in the company.” He Tao exclaimed.

“Do you know what makes me happiest?” Li Hu said with a mysterious look.


“I heard from the third squad leader that Li Ran spends his days in the company’s library after training every day, reading military books to supplement his knowledge.”

“Is there any problem with this?”

“Can’t you see it? This kid wants to stay in the army, maybe he’s preparing for the military academy entrance exam.”

Thinking of this, Li Hu felt that his thoughts were not in vain, and that all his efforts were worthwhile.

“Is there a possibility? He might just be bored and want to find some books to read? Those daily trainings are nothing to him.” He Tao analyzed.

“Old He, if you say that, it’s meaningless. Why isn’t boredom more comfortable than reading a book?” Li Hu said a little dissatisfied.

“Yes, yes, yes, you are right.”

“However, your analysis is not unreasonable, so I deliberately sorted out Li Ran’s performance in the recruit company and his performance after leaving the company, and sent it to the propaganda unit of the Zhengzhi Office of the regiment.”

“You want Li Ran to appear in the group newspaper?”

“What? Isn’t his performance worthy of the group report?”

“Match, match, but if you do this, it’s tantamount to causing trouble for this kid.”

Li Ran, a recruit who just left the company, his deeds in the recruit company and after he left the company were published in the regiment report, which is equivalent to showing his face in front of all the soldiers in the regiment.

The five frontier defense regiments have thousands of people. Although the reconnaissance company is the strongest company, it doesn’t mean that other units have no experts.

It is tantamount to pushing Li Ran, a new recruit, in front of the soldiers of the whole regiment, and it will definitely attract some dissatisfied young men. If they are not convinced, this trouble will come.

“What’s the trouble? A master must be lonely. I have to find a way to make this kid not lonely, and let him experience the charm of continuous competition in the army. Only then will he be willing to stay.”


The entrance of the dormitory building.

Today is also the first day off for Li Ran and Wang Erniu to go to the company. The company is different from when they were in the recruit company.

When the recruits were in the company, they could only rest on Sunday in a week, but in the company, there were two days in a week, Saturday and Sunday.

And if you want to go out, it is more convenient to ask for leave than the recruit company.

A warrior off-road vehicle stopped at the door, the door opened, and a second lieutenant wearing glasses got out of the car.

The Second Lieutenant strode into the dormitory and went directly to Class Three.

Finally passed the devil’s week and ushered in the rest day. The veterans of the third class finally had time to rest. Those who played cards played cards, those who went out to play basketball played basketball, and those who lay down lay down.

The Second Lieutenant knocked on the door and asked directly, “Is Li Ran there?”

Hearing the voice, the veterans of the third class looked a little surprised at the person coming.

“Yo, isn’t this Director Song? What wind brought you here?”

Someone recognized the second lieutenant in front of him. He was Officer Song from the propaganda department of the regiment. He was in charge of the propaganda of the regiment newspaper.

“The new recruit Li Ran from your company aroused my interest. I didn’t expect that a new recruit could defeat you veterans of the reconnaissance company. He just reads in the company library when he has nothing to do. Such soldiers are worth interviewing.” Officer Song Some excitedly said.

As the officer of the propaganda department in the regiment, his duty is to write excellent, good-looking, and eye-catching regiment newspapers.

You know, the head of the group will also read the group newspaper.

But the content of the group newspaper is all positive and uplifting content. With so many people in one group, how can there be so much good-looking content to write. Creation requires inspiration, and more importantly, good materials.

No, this recruit named Li Ran from the reconnaissance company is a very good material.

Hearing this, the expressions of the veterans present did not change at all.

It’s numb, and it blushed at first, but now, only fools can blush.

With Li Ran’s strength, what’s wrong with defeating them? It feels like he can sweep any company.

“He’s not here, he should have gone to the library.”

“Okay, then I’ll look for him in the library.”

As long as it is the material that can inspire him to create, no matter how far away or how troublesome it is, Director Song is willing to go without the slightest complaint. This is the professionalism of a creator.

Director Song’s interview with Li Ran, is there much to watch?

The veterans also went to the company library together.

When I came to the door, I could see Li Ran’s figure inside from the door.

“Officer Song, he is Li Ran.”

Officer Song adjusted his glasses, looked him up and down carefully, and after seeing Li Ran’s movements, he couldn’t help but ask, “Are you sure he’s reading a book?”


Hearing this, the veteran who came with him looked over and was shocked by Li Ran’s behavior of reading. 340

This is not called reading, it is clearly flipping through books!

It takes less than a dozen seconds to turn over a page of content, which is faster than they can read ten lines at a glance in a novel.

Reading like this? What can I remember?

“Officer Song, he might be looking for something.” Someone explained to Li Ran.

Officer Song walked in and came to Li Ran’s side. Sensing someone coming by his side, Li Ran looked up.

“Comrade Li Ran, hello, my name is Song Lei, and I’m the officer of the Propaganda Unit of the regiment department.” Song Lei took the initiative to introduce himself.

“Secretary Song, hello.” Li Ran also responded politely.

“I want to ask you a question. Were you reading just now?” Song Lei couldn’t help but want to ask this question.

“Yes, is there any problem?” Li Ran asked with a smile.

“You can remember the way you read books like thisface content? ”


“You’re lying to me, can you remember the content with this kind of reading speed at a glance?” Song Lei directly refuted it with a face of disbelief.

Li Ran didn’t bother to explain too much, so he directly changed the subject and said, “Officer Song, what is your need for me?”

“I’m here to interview you.” Li Ran didn’t want to explain, so Song Lei simply didn’t ask. Anyway, it didn’t have much impact on his interview this time. Why does he care so much?

“Interview me for what?”

“I want to interview you on your performance in the recruit company and after the company, as well as the impact you have brought to the entire class. After the interview, I will write an article and publish it in the group newspaper.” Song Lei said, very satisfied pride.

The content I wrote is for the whole regiment, even the head of the regiment to read.

Hearing this, the corners of Li Ran’s mouth slowly rose. This is the rhythm of wanting to make himself famous among the five frontier defense regiments!

(The seventh one is here. The way of reading books here is a pit, which will be filled in later. Seeking various data support, please make your own decision!).

063: Come to the Regiment Headquarters! Requirements for the head of the colonel (ask for the first order!)

Song Lei spent an entire hour interviewing Li Ran, and the results of the interview made Song Lei very satisfied.

Hot spots, all hot spots, he is confident that when he organizes the language and writes the article and publishes it on the group newspaper, it will definitely cause a sensation in the group, and even get the appreciation of the group leader.

Song Lei returned to the regiment headquarters in the car contentedly. Before the next regiment newspaper is published, he needs to organize his language well and write a beautiful article.

“Brother Ran, you will soon become famous in our group.” Yan Xingsheng said enviously.

Li Ran’s participation in the group newspaper means not only being on a group newspaper, but showing his face in front of the whole group and even the group leader.

Maybe in the future, the group will give a group award or something.

You know, what’s the purpose of training so hard as a soldier, besides wanting to have the strength to defend the country, isn’t it because you want to win honors to prove yourself.

“What’s the benefit of being famous?” Li Ran asked deliberately.

“That’s a lot of benefits. You’re showing your face in front of the whole regiment. Our reconnaissance company is very public, and the company commander likes it. You will also attract the attention of the regiment leader, and maybe he will give you a regiment award.” The more Yan Xingsheng talked, the more envious he became, as if he was the one who was about to report to the group.

Hearing this, Li Ran smiled, gave each of the third class a cigarette, and said slowly: “People are afraid of being famous, pigs are afraid of being strong, and the head of the group has known me for a long time, so I don’t care about this time.”

Li Ran’s words stunned the veterans of Class Three.


The head of the group already knew about Li Ran?

Everyone was shocked at first, but after thinking about it carefully, they realized that it was the same. Li Ran was so famous in the recruit company, and it would be difficult for such achievements not to attract the attention of the regiment leader.

After doing good deeds for the herdsmen in the Tibetan area, the herdsmen even came to thank them in person, and they all went to the head of the group. It is impossible for the head of the group not to know.

For a moment, the veterans could only sigh in their hearts that Li Ran was really amazing.

They went from recruits to veterans, and they have been in vain for so many years.

The episode of the interview was over, and Li Ran didn’t plan to stay in the company library anymore, because he had read all the books in the company library.

There are only more than one hundred books in the company’s library, all of which are professional books on military knowledge. No wonder no one reads them at all.

Normally, it is impossible for a company’s library to only have these few books. The main reason is that the Fifth Frontier Defense Regiment is located in the Tibetan area, and the conditions are difficult. It would be nice if the company had a library.

Some frontier regiments don’t even have such conditions!

But after reading more than a hundred military books, Li Ran also mastered a lot of knowledge about the army, from professional skills to system construction and even some tactics.

In short, he is no longer the Xiaobai he was when he first joined the army. He is no longer the person who knows nothing but strength.

But Li Ran still wants to read more military books. There is one aspect of military books that can only be seen in the army.

If you have any problems, go to the squad leader. If the squad leader can’t solve it, go to the platoon leader. If the platoon leader can’t solve it, go to the company commander.

After Li Ran told Shi Dahai about his learning needs, Shi Dahai immediately notified Chen Hai without the slightest hesitation, and Chen Hai had no choice but to report to company commander Li Hu.

In the company commander’s office!

“The more than one hundred books in the team’s library are not enough for you to read~‖?” After learning about Li Ran’s needs, Li Hu couldn’t help but said.

“Reporting to the company commander, I have read all of them.” Li Ran said.

Hearing this, Li Hu almost bit off his tongue in shock.

“Have you finished reading it, do you remember it? Remember it, have you understood it yet?”

“Reporting to the company commander, I have written everything down. Some knowledge can be sorted out by myself, but there is still some knowledge support in the middle. I need to read more professional books.” Li Ran said directly.

Li Ran’s words sound a bit strange, but they are actually not difficult to understand.

There are more than 100 professional military books in the library, and the explanations of hard professional skills are very simple. Just memorize, understand, and have the opportunity to practice and demonstrate it.

However, in some other aspects, it requires various related knowledge to support and combine with each other in order to integrate and understand.

After all, when the company library stores books, it doesn’t pay attention to whether these books are related or not.

“You kid has a limit to bragging. You’ve only been in the company for a few days. Even if you watch it 24 hours a day, you can’t finish it.It is said to memorize it. “Li Hu expressed doubts, but he didn’t believe it at all.

“Company commander, if you don’t believe me, you can test me. You can just take a book from the library. You can choose the content in it. I will recite it to you on the spot.” Li Ran said confidently.

Li Hu didn’t believe this evil, so he asked someone to go to the library and take out a book, then he opened a page at random and started asking questions.

After a while, Li Hu was dumbfounded. Li Ran didn’t lie to him. He had indeed memorized all the contents, and he still had his own understanding.

“How did you do it, kid?” Li Hu couldn’t help asking.

“Company commander, I have a good memory, and I can remember everything I read once.” Li Ran said directly.

“You have this ability, why do you have a high school degree?”

Li Hu has read Li Ran’s file. With this ability, isn’t the university taking the exam with eyes closed?

“Company commander, do you believe me when I say it’s treason?”


Li Ran was surprised by this, he didn’t expect Li Hu to believe so simply.

“There are only so many books in the company library. If you want to read other books, you have to wait a while. I will apply to the regiment to supplement the library, or I will take you to the regiment headquarters. There is also a library in the regiment headquarters. The books are all chosen by the head of the group, but they must be approved by the head of the group.” Li Hu thought for a while and said.

A book that was personally selected by the head of the frontier defense regiment must be a good book.

“Company Commander, I want to go to the regiment headquarters’ library first.”

“Okay, I’ll take you there now, kid. I’ll try my best to apply for you. I can’t guarantee whether the team leader agrees or not.”

“Thank you, Company Commander.”

The reconnaissance company is more than ten kilometers away from the regiment headquarters. Among the five frontier defense regiments, it is considered to be the closest company.

This is also due to the fact that the reconnaissance company is directly under the command of the regiment headquarters. If it is another company, there will be a battalion headquarters above it, and then to the regiment headquarters.

Li Hu directly asked someone to drive Li Ran to the regiment headquarters. The journey was unimpeded, but he was checked when he entered the regiment headquarters.

Even if the job above is the company commander of the reconnaissance company, it’s no exception!

Arriving at the regiment headquarters building, compared to the company, the regiment headquarters building is quite good. Li Hu asked Li Ran to wait at the door now, and he went to report to the regiment leader first.

In the head’s office.

“Bullshit, read more than a hundred books in your company’s library in a week? Does he have a photographic memory?” Hearing Li Hu’s report, the colonel didn’t believe it at all.

“Leader, do I dare to deceive you about this kind of thing? I tested it myself, and I recited it word for word, and I still have my own understanding.” Li Hu said: “The key is that whoever is a normal person would lie to this in their spare time? To read more books? Could it be that those books in the library are classified as confidential?”

“` “Do you think you can easily enter the library in the army? There is no security level?” The colonel asked back.

“I know there are, but we definitely don’t have them in the Fifth Frontier Defense Regiment.”

“Stinky boy, you mean that the Fifth Frontier Regiment has no weight, right?”

“Leader, just say whether you agree or not?”

“It’s not that I don’t agree. Only military officers and cadres can go in and read this library in the regiment headquarters. Do you understand what I mean? It’s not that I don’t let him go in if he went to a military academy. Do you understand if he goes in and reads?”

On this point, what the colonel said is indeed the truth.

At the beginning, there was no library in the regiment, but he personally arranged to build it later. The military books in it are very professional, and they are only books used by officers.

A military officer, he has attended a military academy and received systematic military education.

Show it to a private? Do you understand?

“I trust my soldier. If he doesn’t understand, he will give up. If you don’t let him see it because of you, we are likely to block the development of a genius.” Li Hu expressed full confidence in Li Ran.

“Since you are so confident in your soldier, I agree to let him go in and have a look.”

After the colonel finished speaking, Li Hu smiled. Before he could thank him, the colonel said again, “But I have one condition.”

“You say.”

“You can read the book, but he has to write a paper for me. If this kid dares to agree, I will allow him to go in.” The colonel asked Li Ran a difficult problem.

“Thesis? Isn’t this (okay, okay) that you need to write it only after graduating from a military academy?” Li Hu said dissatisfiedly, “He has never been to a military academy, so how could he write a thesis?”

“I don’t care about it. Anyway, I have put forward my conditions. I don’t limit the type, subject matter and format. As long as he writes an article, even if it is a review, the premise is that I am satisfied.” The colonel insisted.

After coming out of the head’s office, Li Hu’s face was very ugly. He thought the head was deliberately making things difficult for others, or making things difficult for a new recruit.

“If you don’t agree, then you don’t agree, and you have to put forward such a condition.” Li Hu was very dissatisfied in his heart.

Li Ran, who was waiting in the regiment headquarters building, saw Li Hu come out, and asked, “Company commander, did the regiment commander agree?”

“Agree means I agree, but I made a request that is too much for you.” Li Hu said: “You have never been to a military academy, so it is impossible for you to fulfill this request.”

“What request?” Li Ran was puzzled.

“After reading the book, write a military essay or review that satisfies him.” Li Hu said slowly.

Hearing this, Li Ran breathed a sigh of relief. What did he think it was, that’s all?

“Company commander, I agree to the request of the regiment commander.”

(The eighth update, the tenth update, has actually reached it long ago, because each

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