is under review because of the name issue.).

127: Military reform tide! Lieutenant General’s Expectations for Li Ran

On the way back to the Fifth Frontier Defense Regiment.

Wu Yong and the others sat in the troop carrier and vomited violently. Everyone wanted to spit out all their bile.

The instructor is really too ruthless, the training is over, and they have to teach them this lesson.

Not long ago, they watched the whole process of an armed PL’s execution at the execution ground. What they saw with their own eyes was unbearable to look at.

The breakfast they ate today was white tofu nao with a little red in it. Thinking of this, everyone couldn’t help but vomit. The instructor is really too cruel.

The rest of the people who returned to their respective units one after another were not much better. They started to vomit from the moment they got in the car, and kept vomiting until they got off the car. Looking at it like that, they definitely wouldn’t eat lunch. It’s the same thing whether they eat at night or not. .

“Looking at you, you can’t resist that little scene? Can you guarantee that you won’t kill the enemy at close range in the future?” Li Ran said lightly.

Whether it is for snipers or other fighters, killing an enemy at a long distance and killing an enemy at close range are completely different things.

“Brother Ran, there’s no need for us to stare at him for ten minutes without blinking.” Wu Yong complained.

It’s fine to let them watch, the key is to let them stare at it for ten minutes without blinking, to see every detail clearly, who can bear it.

“If you don’t see clearly, how can you remember deeply?”

Wu Sanpao on the side was also very uncomfortable at this time, and his stomach was in a tizzy. Although he didn’t eat breakfast, he was so strong in his life that he didn’t allow himself to be unable to accept such a scene.

So, when he was at the 07 execution ground, he was watching the whole process from the sidelines.

The reason why I didn’t vomit was because there was nothing in my stomach and I couldn’t vomit it out.

The people in the car got off the car one after another at the gate of their own unit. Finally, at three o’clock in the afternoon, Li Ran returned to the reconnaissance company with Wu Yong and the others.

After hearing the news that Li Ran and others had returned, company commander Li Hu, instructor Song Hang, and all members of the reconnaissance company came out to greet them.

If it wasn’t for the fact that firecrackers are not allowed in the army, Li Hu would even want to set off firecrackers.

During the month when Li Ran was away, he went to the regiment headquarters to hold a meeting. At that meeting, the colonel repeatedly cited Li Ran as a model soldier, and praised him as the company commander of the reconnaissance company for being a good leader.

He also said that the snipers trained by Li Ran were a long-term pioneering work for the Fifth Frontier Defense Regiment, and even for the entire military region.

Moreover, I told the chief officers of each company to entrust them with important tasks after the training of the snipers sent by their own companies for training is over, so that they can play their due value.

That means, the chief officers of the various companies present are very clear about what it means, that is to use the snipers of those companies as seeds, let them take root in the company, and then cultivate more similar excellent snipers.

Unexpectedly, not long after that meeting ended, some of the snipers sent to training by each company were sent back because of unqualified training results.

At that time, all the chief readers were stunned. They all thought that the person they sent had made some mistake there.

After some understanding, they learned that they couldn’t keep up with the training there, and they were helpless. Then they really had nothing to do. This training was decided by Li Ran alone.

Every person who came back from the elimination was beating his chest and feet, hating himself for not living up to his expectations, and for missing such an opportunity.

Li Hu also learned about this from Sanlian and Liulian next door.What’s more, people from the third company and the sixth company were sent back because of unqualified training results. Even in the end, only one of the sixth company survived, and the third company was wiped out.

During that time, he, the commander of the reconnaissance company, was also worried, fearing that his soldiers would be sent back.

He is clear that when Li Ran is training, he only looks at the training results, not the relationship.

The people of the reconnaissance company did not disappoint him. None of them were sent back, and they all persisted until the end. He felt very comfortable being the company commander.

Li Hu stepped forward and patted everyone on the shoulder one by one to express their encouragement.

“It’s been a long time of hard work.”

Wu Yong and the others forced a smile with difficulty, their faces were very ugly, because they were almost dehydrated from vomiting.

“Knowing that you haven’t eaten yet, I specially asked the cafeteria to add extra meals today. The big and fat braised pork, I promise you will enjoy it.” The instructor He Tao said with a smile.

In order to reward Li Ran and Wu Yong and other people who went to train, the cafeteria specially provided additional meals. The braised pork cooked in the cafeteria of the reconnaissance company is a must.

The others were drooling when they heard it. They were blessed by the training team, and today they are lucky.

“Braised pork is my favorite, big and fat braised pork, thank you company commander, you guys should eat more.” Li Ran said deliberately.

It was hard for Wu Yong and the others who were unable to vomit for the time being. After hearing this, they couldn’t control themselves again, ran to the side and vomited wildly.

This scene left others at a loss.

“What’s wrong with them? Could it be motion sickness?” Li Hu couldn’t help asking.

It would be fun if I went out for training once and ended up getting motion sickness. Scout motion sickness, isn’t that a joke?

The point is, how can there be any reason for being a soldier to get motion sickness?

“It’s not the company commander. The few of them are allergic to braised pork today.” Li Ran laughed.

“Allergies?” Of course, Li Hu had the unfortunate reason for such a nonsense.

In the end, it was Wu Sanpao and Li Hu who explained the details.

After learning what had happened, Li Hu was speechless for a moment. Unexpectedly, Li Ran is becoming more and more good at playing now.

Returning to the reconnaissance company, the training mission was over, and Li Ran resumed his previous rhythm in the reconnaissance company.

After dinner in the cafeteria, he went to the library to read. The size of the library has expanded, and the number of books has increased by dozens of times. He still hasn’t finished reading a lot of them.

Ever since he made his mark in the army, Li Ran found himself getting busier and busier.

Wu Yong and the others were resting in the dormitory. They almost vomited for a whole day, and Iron Man couldn’t hold it back.

The rest of Class Three got entangled with Wu Sanpao and asked Wu Sanpao to talk about whether any interesting things happened during the training. Everyone has the heart to gossip.

After coming to the library, Li Ran found an unexpected person here.

“Er Niu, when did you come?”

In a corner, Li Ran found Wang Erniu who was reading a book.

“Brother Ran, I’ve only been here for ten minutes.” Wang Erniu said, showing the usual naive smile.

“Er Niu, it’s not bad. You are getting more and more aware of your studies. The company commander told me that you are the hardest working person in the reconnaissance company, and your grades are improving very quickly.” Li Ran praised.

Wang Erniu was the only soldier in the recruit company who followed him to the company.

Although he didn’t perform well at the beginning, Wang Erniu was very obedient, able to endure hardships, and the stupid bird flew first.

It’s just that after leaving the company, because Li Ran’s performance was too good, the light completely covered Wang Erniu.

Even though Wang Erniu usually performed well in the reconnaissance company, everyone’s attention was on Li Ran.

Even the instructor He Tao approached and talked to Wang Erniu, mainly because he was worried about Wang Erniu’s mentality problems.

After all, Li Ran, who was in the company with him, was already a first-class soldier and was about to be promoted, while Wang Erniu was only a private.

Fortunately, Wang Erniu’s mentality is very normal. The better Li Ran is, the more he will be stimulated to catch up with him.

“Brother Ran, I went to the company with you. You are too good. If I don’t work hard, I won’t be able to meet people in the company.”

“Come on, if you don’t understand anything, you can ask me.”

“Thank you, Brother Ran.”


military area.


In the office!

“Old Wang, what do you think of today’s meeting?” Major General Wu Deqing, chief of staff of the military region, was also here, looking at the lieutenant general commander in front of him, and asked directly.

Ten minutes ago, a video teleconference was held by the Lieutenant General of the General Staff Headquarters.

“How else can we see it? Change clothes, how to change, how to change, isn’t it still the old rules, when it’s our turn, we don’t even know it’s the Year of the Monkey.” The lieutenant general said, with a slightly dissatisfied tone.

“That’s what I said, but judging from the chief’s attitude, it’s imperative and imminent. It’s only a matter of time before it’s our turn.” The major general said: “Although our military region is one level lower, we always take a step behind. We are special, once a change is made, it will affect the whole body, and the reality of the situation does not allow us to have a window of combat power.”

“I understand what you said, but I have to wait for the big brother to implement the inspection first. They are all crossing the river by feeling the stones. Even if I take the initiative to express my position and want to lead the way, the chief will not agree. If a change of clothes, how many people have to leave, and the system will change again, our situation is complicated, how do we move?”

“But we still have to be prepared.”

“Let’s not talk about that for now. This time, the chief is very satisfied with our military region’s initiative to train new types of snipers, and plans to fully promote it in other military regions.”

Speaking of which, the Lieutenant General smiled.

at the meetingAt the meeting, it was really a face to be affirmed and praised by the head of the General Staff Headquarters.

“As for the promotion of that little guy from the Fifth Regiment, it has been a month of pressure. I discussed it with the people in the army and was promoted to a second lieutenant. He will be awarded the rank first, trained in advance, and sent to the military academy when the time comes. What do you think? ?”

“I have no objection. I would like to see if this little guy can come up with some new tricks in leading the troops?”

For Li Ran, Lieutenant General Commander had a sense of expectation that he couldn’t explain clearly.

(Seeking all kinds of data support, asking for automatic subscription! Asking for everything! Thank you!).

128: Make an exception! Promoted to Second Lieutenant

Li Hu said that since he became the company commander of the reconnaissance company, he has never been as happy as he is today.

So much so that he once wondered, is it the Chinese New Year today?

If it’s not the Chinese New Year, how come all the happy events come together?

In the office.

Looking at the orders issued by the military area, Li Hu couldn’t help but asked He Tao, the instructor next to him, “Old He, show me what day it is today? Is it Chinese New Year?”

“Old Li, this is definitely the first time in the history of our reconnaissance company.” He Tao was also surprised.

“Not only is it the first time in our reconnaissance company, it is also the first time in the whole regiment.” Li Hu said proudly: “I still wonder why it has been a month since the regiment submitted the application for Li Ran’s job. No reply, now I understand.”

“The decision made by the leaders of the military organization must have been carefully discussed, and this is considered to be a precedent.” He Tao said.

“Then let’s get down to business first.”


With Li Hu’s order, the reconnaissance company assembled on the playground. On the side, the August 1st military flag fluttered in the wind, as if telling everyone that today is a day of great significance.

At the request of company commander Li Hu, all members of the reconnaissance company wore formal attire.

Company commander Li Hu and instructor He Tao also wore formal attire.

“Comrades, today is a very important day for our reconnaissance company.

Because just today, the military region issued two honor orders and one promotion order to our reconnaissance company. ”

“As a member of the reconnaissance company, we are both honored and harmed. Today, under your witness, I will hold an award and promotion ceremony for the two of them.”

After Li Hu finished speaking, the instructor He Tao took a step forward and read out the order of awarding honors and promotion issued by the military region.

“The command of the Zi Military Area Command, in recognition of Comrade Wu Sanpao’s hard work in the training of new-style snipers, a special third-class award is awarded to the individual once!”

“The command of the Zi Military Region Command, in order to commend Comrade Li Ran for his hard work in the training of new-style snipers, a special third-class award is awarded to the individual once!”

In charge of the second stage of sniper training, Li Ran, who served as the instructor, won a third-class military medal awarded by the military region, and Wu Sanpao, who was an assistant, also won a third-class military medal.

Li Ran didn’t have any big mood swings. It was almost the same as he expected.

Wu Sanpao was a little excited. Although he knew that this third-class work was given to him by Li Ran, no matter who came to be the assistant, he could get this third-class work.

But no matter what, this is the real third-class work, isn’t it?

He already has a third-class merit, and another one can be promoted. For him as a second-rank non-commissioned officer, the road to his military career has become longer.

One day in the future, he, Wu Sanpao, will be able to change from a non-commissioned officer to an officer.

Li Hu took a step forward, and put third-class military medals on the chests of the two in turn.

Everyone else saw it, and they were very envious. Who wouldn’t be envious of their achievements? Who doesn’t want it?

After wearing the military medals for the two of them, the instructor He Tao read out the order again. This time, it was the promotion order issued by the military region to Li Ran.

“After a serious review, Comrade Li Ran met the criteria for promotion. Due to Comrade Li Ran’s outstanding performance, after research, the routine publicity process for promotion was cancelled, and Comrade Li Ran was promoted to the rank of second lieutenant~‖.”

After He Tao read out the promotion order, Li Hu, the company commander, took another step forward and conferred the title on Li Ran in a very serious and solemn manner.

Under the witness of everyone, the crutches on Li Ran’s shoulders were replaced with the rank of Second Lieutenant Mao!

“Comrade Li Ran, from now on, you are an officer of the Longguo Field Army. I hope you can abide by your heart, defend your home and country, and continue to fulfill your mission and responsibilities wholeheartedly. Can you do that?”


A simple but very solemn honor and promotion ceremony came to an end.

But the meaning it represents is very important.

After the ceremony, everyone gathered around one after another. Although they were envious of meritorious service, they were even more shocked by Li Ran’s promotion order.

Because, Li Ran’s promotion this time is completely breaking the routine, and the normal process is not like this at all.

According to the normal process, to be promoted to a second lieutenant, the promotion order will be issued first, and then the promotion staff will be announced, followed by a review, and then sent to the military academy. They will study in the military academy for three years and graduate after passing the graduation assessment.

After graduation, there will be a three-month training period for trainees. Only when they meet the training standards can they be truly promoted to Second Lieutenant.

Among them, the delay was much longer.

It’s the first time in history that Li Ran omitted most of the things in one sentence, breaking the rules.

“Brother Ran, you’re really too fierce, so break the rules and move forward.”

“I was awarded the title before I went to the military academy for further study. Anyway, it’s my first time.See you, real cow. ”

“People are more popular than people. Brother Ran’s promotion speed is too exaggerated. It took less than three months to be promoted from private to second lieutenant, not counting the recruit company.”

“Brother Ran’s meritorious service is like drinking water now, and I think Brother Ran’s promotion in the future will also be like drinking water.”

“Brother Ran became an officer in the blink of an eye. Mao is so handsome.”

In fact, Li Ran himself did not expect that the leaders of the military region would make an exception for him and give him the rank of second lieutenant before sending him to the military academy for further study.

It’s tantamount to letting him become an officer in advance, and he’s addicted to being an officer.

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for achieving promotion to second lieutenant, achievement value +

! ”

“Li Ran, congratulations. From now on, you are an officer.” Wu Sanpao congratulated Li Ran.

“Squad deputy, don’t congratulate me, you’re almost there.” Li Ran said.

Wu Sanpao now has two third-class merits, so he can apply for promotion later on.

“I can’t compare with you. Even if you are promoted, you have to follow the process. Let alone, people are more popular than others.” Wu Sanpao was severely hit.

Did you see it? Even if he was promoted, the second lieutenant was the last one, but there was still a gap between him and Li Ran.

They are all promoted to be second lieutenants. They are promoted out of the ordinary and lack the strength to make the superiors willing to break the rules? Impossible.

At this time, the company commander Li Hu called Li Ran aside for a conversation, and the instructor He Tao was also there.

“Li Ran, your promotion to second lieutenant this time is an exception, but it doesn’t mean you don’t have to go to the military academy.” Li Hu reminded: “You still have to go to the military academy, but you have to wait until the next term of the Lu Academy starts. to go.”

In the army, if you are promoted to a military academy, it is impossible to immediately send you to the military academy for advanced studies. Then the Lu Academy is not messed up?

They are all arranged according to the time. When the time comes, the promoted personnel will go to the military academy for further study.

“I see.”

“But now that you have been awarded the title, with your strength, there is no need for student officer training. From now on, you will serve as the third platoon leader and handle some of the daily work of the third platoon. If there is anything you don’t understand , you can ask the first platoon leader and the second platoon leader.” Li Hu said.

The position of the third platoon leader in the reconnaissance company was vacant. Now Li Ran was promoted to second lieutenant. He happened to be the platoon leader first, so he was familiar with the work of the platoon leader and practiced.

This is not only the meaning of Li Hu, but also the meaning of the head of the regiment. As for the head of the regiment, of course it means meeting with the head of the military region.

“` “Yes!” Li Ran said, a little surprised, this is a windfall.

Unexpectedly, within a short time after enlisting in the army, he would be the platoon leader, second lieutenant platoon leader, and manage three squads. It feels really good.

“Old He, I’ve finished my words, do you have anything else to say to the third platoon leader?” Li Hu asked.

“Let me just say, you are the platoon leader from now on, you must pay attention to every word and deed, and you must set a good example for the soldiers in the platoon, do you understand?” He Tao said.

“Yes! Instructor.”

After finishing the business, Li Hu said to Li Ran: “Your boy, come with me.”

“Company commander, where are you going?” Li Ran suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

“Go to the third company and the sixth company. The reconnaissance company has produced the first soldier who has been exceptionally promoted in history. Of course, we have to show it off and show it to them.” Li Hu said sarcastically.

“Company commander, can you not go? I’m afraid of being beaten.”

“Don’t worry, you are an officer now, no one dares to touch you, go.”

Li Hu forced Li Ran to walk towards Sanlian and Liulian.

As an instructor, He Tao sighed helplessly when he saw this scene. He said just now that Li Ran, the platoon leader, should pay attention to his words and deeds. But you, a company commander, did this in front of Li Ran, and you still had to pull Li Ran went together.

Isn’t this (good promise good) tantamount to passing the words of his instructor as fart.

Forget it, forget it, He Tao has gotten used to it after working with Li Hu for so many years, as long as he doesn’t make mistakes of principle.

After Li Hu brought Li Ran to Sanlian and Liulian to show off, Sanlian and Liulian became a sensation.

The soldiers of the third company and the sixth company were all stunned. Although they had already understood Li Ran’s strength, they were promoted to second lieutenant officer in such a short time in the next company, which made them really unexpected and dare not think.

If you are promoted, you will be promoted, and if you don’t go to the military academy, you will be awarded a rank. Breaking the rules and not following the normal process.

For a moment, everyone was very emotional and shocked. There was indeed a gap between people.

After seeing the Mao rank on Li Ran’s shoulder, the third company commander and the sixth company commander even pulled Li Hu aside and secretly asked, does Li Ran have any background? Is it an immediate family member of a certain boss in the military region?

For example, I have a commander’s grandfather or army commander’s father or something.

Otherwise, why are you so arrogant?

But Li Hu and the others, who are the chief officers of the company, are very clear that Li Ran really doesn’t have a background in the sky. He has come to this point because of his personal strength. There is no other reason besides this.

(Seek all kinds of data support, ask for automatic subscriptions, ask for everything! Finally, let’s take the lead.)

129: Attempt to form a synthetic army

In the dormitory building.

Standing in front of the military mirror, Li Ran tidied up his attire. Li Ran was very satisfied with his current appearance.

Not to mention, this tenth military rank looks different, and it looks much more comfortable than the two crutches.

Moreover, the rank of an officer, the higher the rank, the more pleasing it is to look at.

From one cent to one cent, and then from one cent to two cents, the last bright starThe star is the goal of countless people.

A soldier who doesn’t want to be a general is not a good soldier. Now Li Ran has a very deep understanding of the meaning of this sentence.

“The third row is good.”

“Good morning, platoon leader.”

“Lee is ready.”

The soldiers of the reconnaissance company passing by said hello to Li Ran. Some called the third platoon leader, some called the platoon leader, and some called Li platoon directly.

To Li Ran, these soldiers are all veterans of the reconnaissance company, but now when these veterans call Li Ran platoon leader, none of them are unconvinced.

This is the benefit of Li Ran’s high prestige in the reconnaissance company.

When your strength reaches a certain level and makes others believe and look up to you.

At this time, your level is raised, which is a matter of course in the eyes of others, and there is no dissatisfaction.

Now it’s time for a freshly graduated military cadet to become the platoon leader. Do you think the veterans of the reconnaissance company will be so convinced?

Just kidding, military academy graduates are student officials in the eyes of veterans. If they don’t show some strength, veterans will not be convinced.

Today is a rest day, and the company doesn’t need to train, so Li Ran, the platoon leader, naturally has nothing to do.

And Li Ran also confessed that if he needed something, he would go to the library to find him.

Resuming the previous rhythm again, Li Ran came to the library and began to read. The security personnel guarding the library saw Li Ran’s military rank, and their faces were incredible, thinking that their eyes were blurred.

He is very familiar with Li Ran, because no one visits the library as many times and as long as Li Ran.

But he remembered that he had two crutches before, so why did he become a hair in the blink of an eye?

This made him really puzzled. At the same time, he felt that he still had to read books to study. Knowledge is very important. If you look at people, read books if you have nothing to do, and you will become an officer if you read them.

Li Ran picked up a book and just sat down when a mechanical reminder sounded in his ear.

“Ding! Mission released: Form a synthetic army that meets the system’s judgment standards. This mission is not limited in time and scale. Mission completed: the system will automatically judge and reward. Mission failure: no punishment for now.”

Hearing the task released by the system, Li Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, it’s still here!

Synthetic troops!

He has seen this term frequently in military books that record foreign military-related materials, and synthetic troops are synonymous with foreign military modernization operations.

When it comes to the development of modern troops, no one has more say than Bald Eagle’s troop development system!

There’s no way, who can make people’s industries develop fast and their equipment advanced.

Back then, when the field army was still light infantry, they had already switched from motorized to semi-mechanized.

Nowadays, the field army has just changed from motorized to semi-mechanized, and it has already been fully mechanized, and has entered the information-based integrated army.

This gap, if there are no unexpected circumstances, cannot be made up in two or three years.

However, Li Ranlai, who has read countless military books and materials, analyzed that as long as the direction is right, the field army will be able to move from semi-mechanized to information-based synthetic troops very quickly.

In Li Ran’s view, from semi-mechanized to mechanized in the field army, it is just a process of carrying out a comprehensive refitting. Take the main battle tank as an example.

The original old-fashioned main battle tank required four people to operate it, but the new-style main battle tank only needed three people. This means that one person needs to be reduced.

After reducing one person, the requirements for the remaining people become higher, but at the same time, it brings a substantial benefit, which is the precise improvement of efficiency.

Li Ran didn’t say these things to Li Ran, but Li Ran read them, because the bald eagle also went through such a stage when it was fully mechanized.

The field army crossed the river by feeling the stones and plucked the bald eagle’s feathers. This must be the way to go.

But it’s impossible to blindly imitate, copying cats and drawing tigers, because it will be out of shape, not only can’t increase combat effectiveness, but will reduce combat effectiveness.

Learning from strengths to make up for weaknesses, exploring and researching a system suitable for the field army is the kingly way.

It’s not difficult to go from semi-mechanized to mechanized, it’s just a matter of time, but it’s difficult to go from fully mechanized to informatized and integrated troops!

Although it can be found out by groping slowly, it takes a long time, and Li Ran who has the system can shorten this time, because only in this way can there be hope of overtaking.

After reading, Li Ran moved his mind and opened the system mall.

“Exchange the report on the “Planning of the Non-commissioned Officer’s Functional Diversification System”.”

“Exchange the “Synthetic Unit Force” report.”

These two reports cost Li Ran a total of 40,000 achievement points. Li Ran had wanted to exchange them for a long time, but the achievement points were not enough before.

After the successful exchange, Li Ran started to read. He had to understand it thoroughly before reporting it.

With Li Ran’s current military reserves, it’s easy to get a thorough understanding, but it’s a waste of time to write word by word.

Originally, Li Ran planned to study this aspect when he was in the military academy, and then he could use it as his graduation thesis.

But now that the system has released this task, let’s advance it.

The first report, “Planning for Non-commissioned Officer’s Functional Diversification System”, is very important. The current field military non-commissioned officer system is too single. A non-commissioned officer may only be in one unit forever from enlistment to retirement. What he has learned and his profession Knowledge is limited.

However, in a mature synthetic force, the non-commissioned officers are the backbone, and the non-commissioned officers are in the team and can effectively organize and execute relevant (ahej) combat orders.

At the same time, a Master Chief can very well assist aA commander can effectively complete the combat command, which also involves the training system of the chief officer in the non-commissioned officer system.

Synthetic unit forces have very high quality requirements and technical requirements for their personnel, so this has led to the importance and necessity of diversifying the functions of non-commissioned officers.

Because it is impossible to train a large number of officers to serve as the backbone combat force in the composite unit, but it is possible to train a large number of non-commissioned officers.

In the second “Synthetic Unit Forces” report, battalion-level synthetic unit forces will become the mainstream formation of warfare in the future, which is different from the current conventional battalion-level combat units.

The combat functions of the future synthetic battalion are very comprehensive, including infantry and artillery coordination, infantry and tank coordination, infantry assault, electronic countermeasures, armed reconnaissance…

It can be said that it is equivalent to condensing a main combat regiment-level unit, or even a main combat division-level unit into a battalion-level combat unit.

Among them, the command efficiency and attack efficiency of the synthetic battalion needless to say, it will be very terrifying.

But to build such a synthetic battalion, you need enough professional and technical personnel, and the requirements for soldiers’ military quality are very high.

After completely digesting the two reports, Li Ran did not immediately leave the library to submit the two reports, but was thinking.

The system asked him to form a synthetic unit now, which is a bit harsh. You know, he is now a second lieutenant platoon leader, and there are only about 30 people under his command.

Should he try to form a synthesis platoon first?

But having said that, it seems that it is not impossible.

To form a synthetic platoon, at best, the number of people will be much smaller, the functions will be simplified, and the requirements for the soldiers in the platoon will be higher.

At least from Li Ran’s point of view, if you want to form a synthetic platoon, training according to the current daily training outline is completely unacceptable.

The training outline for the synthetic platoon has to be determined by himself!

Just do what you say. It is much better to do this kind of thing earlier than later. It is better to try early to accumulate experience. Even if you fail, you are not afraid, and there will be no big loss.

By the time Li Ran came out of the library, it was already dark.

On the way back, Li Ran was going to find the company commander and ask the company commander to submit the two reports on his behalf, but he saw two lonely figures sitting there not far away.

“There will be this step sooner or later, you don’t have to.”

Seeing Wu Sanpao’s preoccupied appearance, smoking one cigarette after another, Shi Dahai comforted him with a smile.

“Is there really no chance to stay?”

Even though Wu Sanpao knew that it was not easy for Shi Dahai to go from the second-rank non-commissioned officer to the third-rank non-commissioned officer, and it was almost impossible to go on, but he still asked a question without giving up.

Because he was brought out by Shi Dahai alone.

“I’m really old and hopeless, but I tried my best.” Shi Dahai said with emotion: “”

“You don’t sleep at night, why are you two so sad?” At this moment, Li Ran’s voice came.

“Three platoon leaders.”

Wu Sanpao and Shi Dahai immediately greeted each other.

Originally, Li Ran was an ordinary soldier in the third squad, not even the squad deputy. In the blink of an eye, he became the third platoon leader of the third platoon. Shi Dahai felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

But I have to sigh in my heart, it’s good to be young, with strong learning ability and strong creativity!

“I don’t talk about this in private.” Seeing so many cigarette butts on the table, Li Ran asked curiously: “What troubles have you encountered? Tell me, maybe I can help you solve your problems?”

Hearing this, Shi Dahai smiled.

He knew that Li Ran was strong, and also knew that with Li Ran’s help, Wu Sanpao established a third-class function and promoted it.

But he can’t, even though he also has a third-class merit, it is impossible to be promoted even if he has a third-class merit now, because the age is past the standard for promotion, and there is no chance to be promoted if he wants to make meritorious service.

Unless you are lucky enough to make a first-class contribution, but how is that possible?

But Li Ran’s words sparked a little hope in Wu Sanpao’s heart.

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130: Shocked! Shock! Li Ranniu is in heaven

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Continuing the military career of an “old” third-term non-commissioned officer is probably impossible for anyone to do.

But when it came to Li Ran, Wu Sanpao felt a glimmer of hope in his heart.

This kind of hope is not pinned on Li Ran’s use of any background relationship. Besides, Li Ran doesn’t have such a powerful background.

He hoped that Li Ran could find a way, such as helping the squad leader make a contribution~ or something.

Although, this kind of hope is too slim, unless you make a first-class contribution, – otherwise it will be of no avail.

And if you want to make a first-class meritorious service, or live a first-class meritorious service, this matter is completely useless.

“The squad leader is about to retreat.” Wu Sanpao said, his expression a little gloomy.

“Sanpao, you don’t have to do this. I’m a real old guy, and I’ve been in the army long enough.” Shi Dahai smiled, although he was reluctant, but he was very open.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Li Ran and said with great satisfaction and admiration: “I have been a soldier for more than ten years, and you are the first soldier I have ever met. Although you were not brought out by me, at least you were a soldier before. Class 3, I’m your squad leader, even if I retire, I’ll be able to brag about it when I tell others about it.”

The most gratifying thing about being a squad leader is to see that the soldiers in his squad are promising.

It’s just that Shi Dahai is a bit pity, according toThe potential and strength that Li Ran showed, if he can stay in the army, maybe one day he can see the day when Li Ran wears the general star.

It is not uncommon for the major general to salute the non-commissioned officer and call the squad leader.

It’s a pity that he can’t see him anymore.

After hearing what the two said, Li Ran patted Shi Dahai’s shoulder, and he understood what was going on.

To put it ahead of time, he really has no choice but to watch Shi Dahai retire when the time comes.

But not necessarily, because Shi Dahai, a third-term veteran non-commissioned officer, is definitely a potential candidate for an excellent non-commissioned officer. With a balance in all aspects, he will definitely become an excellent non-commissioned officer after systematic training.

The existence of the Master Chief can well assist the company chief in charge of daily military training, management and education of the troops.

Shi Dahai, the monitor of class three, who in class three is not convinced?

“Is the company commander in the dormitory now?” Li Ran asked.

But now he doesn’t have time to explain too much to Shi Dahai. The main reason is that Shi Dahai won’t believe it. He has to find the company commander first.

“Yes, but the company commander may be in a bad mood right now, so be careful.” Wu Sanpao reminded.

Before he came out, he found that the company commander’s face was dark. They all knew that Shi Dahai was about to retreat. Could the company commander not know?

You know, Shi Dahai, the squad leader of the third squad, is the company commander’s favorite squad leader.

“It’s okay, I’ll let him laugh in a while, and let’s go first.”

Li Ran went to look for company commander Li Hu, leaving behind two people who didn’t know why.

Seeing that Li Ran didn’t say anything, Wu Sanpao’s heart sank completely. It seemed that Li Ran was helpless in this matter, but he thought too much.

No matter how good Li Ran is, how can there be a way for this kind of thing?

“Okay, you don’t need to feel sad for me, who is going back. I hope to see your order before leaving.” Wu Sanpao laughed.

In the dormitory.

At this moment, Li Hu’s face was dark, and he locked himself in the room, smoking a stuffy cigarette, very depressed.

The third squad leader, who is my favorite, rewinds quickly. Although the official order hasn’t come down yet, he feels it.

No matter what he thinks about this matter, it’s useless even if he goes to the commander. The point is, he’s just a company commander, and he doesn’t have that much face.

Thinking of this, Li Hu felt uncomfortable. He buried his head in the quilt, wanting to cry and release his emotions.

Finally, it was almost brewing, at the moment when tears were about to come out, who knows.

Boom boom boom~

At this time, Li Hu was startled by the sudden knock on the door, and the feelings that had been brewing disappeared in an instant.

“Who is it? Laozi is in a bad mood right now. Don’t bother Laozi because there is nothing important.” Li Hu roared angrily.

“Company commander, it’s me. I have something to do with you.” Li Ran’s voice came.

Hearing it was Li Ran’s voice, Li Hu turned over from the bed with a grunt, and quickly adjusted the quilt.

Li Ran is here, so he must maintain a good image of himself, and must not lose face in front of the most outstanding soldiers.

Li Hu picked up a towel and wiped his face, adjusted his expression in the mirror, put on a smile, and opened the door after he was satisfied with everything.

“Company commander, what are you doing in the house? It took so long to open the door.”

Li Ran looked around the room suspiciously. He always felt that his company commander must be doing something ulterior before opening the door.

“What do you care about me? What do you want me to do?”

Li Hu asked Li Ran to come in. He said so, but he was very polite in his actions and wanted to pour water for Li Ran.

“Company commander, don’t worry, I’m just here to submit two reports to you.” Li Ran said, and handed in the two reports as he scattered a flower for his company commander.

With such a strong smell of smoke in the room, it was obvious that Li Hu had started to smoke on a large scale before, and he was really in a bad mood.

Li Hu took Hua Zi, lit it first, took a sip, and then casually opened the two reports submitted by Li Ran.

“What new things have you written, kid?”

“”Planning for the Functional Diversification System of Non-commissioned Officers” and “Synthetic Unit Forces.”

Hiss, the titles of the two reports made Li Hu gasp, extremely shocked.

Immediately afterwards, when he read the contents, he was completely shocked and stunned.

He couldn’t understand the synthetic unit troops, because he couldn’t understand what informatization was mentioned in it.

However, the report “Planning for the System of Diversified Functions of Non-commissioned Officers” aroused his great interest. The professionalization of non-commissioned officers and the establishment of a training system for non-commissioned officers.

“Company commander, non-commissioned officers have a special status and a prominent role among all types of personnel in the army. The army does not necessarily need a large group of officers, and it is difficult for ordinary soldiers to form the backbone of the army due to various reasons such as high mobility. Therefore, non-commissioned officers This collective is of great significance to the army.” Li Ran explained.

As for the synthetic units, he didn’t explain it, because it was unnecessary, and Li Hu’s thoughts were all on the “Planning of the Non-commissioned Officer’s Functional Diversification System” report.

“You kid is so awesome. I really want to open your head and see what’s inside your little head.” Li Hu was so shocked that his body was completely shattered.

“Company commander, what about this report?”

“Understood, I will hand it in to you early tomorrow morning.”

“Then I’ll go first.”

0 ·····································································

“go Go.”

Li Hu’s attention is allPutting it on the report, without raising his head, the smoke was completely burned out in the end, and it burned Li Hu’s thoughts back to reality.

At night, the soldiers of various squads on the same floor as Li Hu slept in fear.

Because, in the company commander’s dormitory, weird laughter came from time to time, which made their scalps tingle when they heard it, thinking that the company commander was stimulated by something.

In the end, after the white helmet pickets appeared, the company commander was honest.

The next day!

“You three squad leaders will continue to lead the training according to the same daily training outline. I’m going to the library. If you have anything to do, come to me.”

After Li Ran gave instructions to the monitors of Classes 7, 8, and 9, he went to the library while everyone was stunned.

This scene shocked everyone in the third row.

Brother, strictly speaking, you are the third platoon leader on the first day. Even if you have prestige in their hearts, you still have to go through a process.

As the saying goes, on the first day when a new official takes office, there are three fires, and they are not allowed to take their three classes together for training or for some ideological work guidance.

… … … …

In the end, he just handed over the training and other matters to the three monitors, and left as a shopkeeper?

“Platoon leader, this is really…”

“Forget it, let’s lead the team to train as usual.”

“It’s a good thing that the platoon leader doesn’t bother us. Don’t bother us if we have nothing to do.”

The soldiers of the third platoon were also a little thankful for the behavior of Li Ran, the newly appointed third platoon leader.

It’s a good thing that the platoon leader doesn’t bother to let them continue to train step by step with the same training rhythm as before. At least it won’t disrupt their previous training rhythm.

As everyone knows, Li Ran is just preparing the new training outline for the synthetic platoon. He didn’t finish his work yesterday and will continue today.

Before the higher-ups give instructions, he can’t change the training syllabus arbitrarily, and train not according to the training syllabus. He should use this time first to do all the preparations well.

the other side.

Headquarters of the Fifth Frontier Defense Regiment.

In the head’s office!

Li Hu arrived at the regiment headquarters early in the morning by car and came here.

“Why did you come to see me so early in the morning?” Lei Tingfeng asked.

“Leader, take a look at the two reports written by Li Ranxin first.” Li Hu handed the two reports to Lei Tingfeng, and couldn’t help but add another sentence: “I suspect that our five regiments will soon be unable to contain this kid.” .”

“Our fifth regiment can’t hold him. Which regiment can hold him? You, the company commander, should pay attention to what you say. If it spreads out, it will affect the mentality of the soldiers.” The colonel criticized dissatisfiedly, and then looked at the report.

Just kidding, how many pairs of eyes are staring at Li Ran outside now? If you, Li Ran’s company commander, have this kind of thought, it will be bad if other people hear it.

Lei Tingfeng is different. He is very confident. The five frontier defense regiments are the best. Li Ran can only and must be in the five frontier defense regiments. No one can poach them.

It’s just that after Lei Tingfeng read the two reports, his face became serious as he looked at them, and finally stood up abruptly.

“Captain, what are you doing?”

“Go to the military area.”

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