Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

099: Break Through The Sniper Defense Line! Special Forces Are Redundant.

An adult yak carcass fell from the sky and landed in front of the "prey".

The sniper mercenary codenamed Fox was stunned when he saw this scene through the scope.

"What, fuck!"

Even if he is a sniper who should be calm and calm at all times, at this time, the fox couldn't help but curse.

He really couldn't understand why a cow suddenly fell from the sky and blocked his sight.

"Wild wolf, what is going on? A damn cow appeared out of nowhere." The fox cursed.

"It looks like he was thrown out, do you believe it?" The captain of the mercenary team, who had been observing the movement with a telescope, was also confused at this time.


This way.

The second lieutenant who fell to the ground looked at the yak carcass in front of him and doubted his life. He looked confused and could not recover for a long time.

What's going on?

A yak descended from the sky? Where did a yak carcass come from?

He happened to be in front of him so accurately, and the distance was so well controlled. If he had been closer, the yak would have crushed him to death.

If he really wanted to crush him to death, it would be a relief for him. His comrades would no longer be knocked down by enemy snipers just to drag him down.

It is estimated that even this yak himself did not expect that one day, in addition to being eaten by others, his body could also be used to block bullets.

When Li Ran came to the second lieutenant, he didn't have the time to explain that there were more than one people to save.

He grabbed the second lieutenant with one hand and immediately pulled him over on his knees.

Immediately afterwards, he went to save the next one without stopping.

Although the yak's skin is thick and can temporarily resist bullets, if the opponent shoots at one place for a long time, it will be penetrated.

Therefore, time is relatively tight, and he must seize the time.


Gunfire rang out.

A bullet hit the carcass of 460 yak directly.

Immediately afterwards, the second shot was fired, and another bullet hit the same place.

Although it is unclear how this yak was brought here, it is impossible for the sniper of the mercenary team to just let the duck fly away like this?

He could tell that the other party was using the yak carcass as a cover to save people.

How many bullets can a mere yak carcass stop?

The sniper rifle bullets with full penetrating power kept hitting the same position on the yak carcass, and finally, when the last bullet successfully penetrated.

Li Ran had also used the yak carcass to buy time and rescued everyone.

The bullet penetrated the yak carcass and entered the soil.

"The medical soldiers treat the wounded. They will not be killed if they are not hit. For the remaining people, you pursue them in a roundabout way from the left, and I will hand them over to the sniper from the right." Li Ran said.

Although everyone was shocked by the exaggerated scene just now and doubted their lives.

But now is obviously not the time to dwell on this issue.

"How do you deal with that sniper?" the second platoon leader asked.

At this moment, he had no doubts about Li Ran, but worshiped her from the bottom of his heart.

To be honest, he had not thought of such a way to save people, and he did not dare to think about it. To a certain extent, it was feasible, but he took it for granted that the actual situation did not support their doing so.

But such an impossible thing was accomplished in Li Ran's hands.

Exaggeration, really exaggeration!

How could one person have such terrifying power?

"You give me ten smoke bombs, and I will use the smoke as cover. You don't have to worry about the rest. I won't let snipers pose a threat to you. Just take care of the others. Is there any problem?" Li Ran said.

"No problem." The second platoon leader agreed directly.

Li Ran has solved the biggest problem. If they can't kill the remaining enemies now, they can go to the logistics farm to raise pigs.

"Okay, then follow this plan." Li Ran said.

Soon, Li Ran put ten pieces of smoke on his body and started to make a sideways detour from the right.

At the same time, the three platoons also organized their forces and began a roundabout pursuit from the left side.

For this group of mercenaries, the biggest threat at present is not the soldiers who were chasing them before, but this soldier who suddenly appeared and came from the side single-handedly.

The wild wolf just used the telescope to vaguely see that this man had brought the yak there.

At that time, I wondered if I was blinded.

"Kill him." Yelang ordered.

The fox immediately started targeting Li Ran.

At this time, Li Ran started throwing smoke bombs, first three smoke bombs were thrown in front, and soon, white smoke came out.

At this time, Li Ran acted immediately and attacked!

The opponent's sniper is a master, and he can use the classic tactic of surrounding corpses to support him, which is not something that ordinary snipers would think of.

Facing a sniper's defense line, if you want to break through, you have to fight hard.

That’s 2.5 seconds for a senior sniper!

A senior sniper needs 2.5 seconds from aiming to hitting a moving target. This time can only be achieved by a senior sniper.

Therefore, during these 2.5 seconds, as long as you move fast enough, you can get closer to him by reaching the next bunker before 2.5 seconds.

Of course, the opponent's sniper can miss several times, but Li Ran cannot miss once. Once he misses, he is hit.

Due to Li Ran's location, the surrounding terrain is relatively open, so Li Ran must use smoke bombs to replace this bunker. Before 2.5 seconds, he enters the smoke area, quickly hides, avoids shooting, and then continuously breaks through the defense line.

This difficulty is greater than before, and it further tests Li Ran's speed and timing.

But having said that, Li Ran is not an ordinary person, and the test for ordinary people is very huge, but for Li Ran, "he is sure.

Although Li Ran has no actual combat experience, he has enough strength to make up for the lack of combat experience.

As long as (aibf) doesn't panic and thinks calmly and uses his brain to come up with a solution, Li Ran can complete it.



The fox pulled the trigger, but by this time Jianran had already entered the smoke area and successfully avoided the shot.

Immediately afterwards, two more smoke bombs were thrown.

Li Ran moved again.



Another miss.


Another miss.

One after another, all his shots missed. At this time, as a sniper, Fox's palms began to sweat. He realized that this target was unusual and the pressure on him was huge.

Not only the fox, but also the other three team members felt tremendous pressure at this time.

A large number of field troops rushed towards them from the other side.

Li Ran kept approaching the enemy snipers. The closer he got, the more obstacles around him provided Li Ran with a good hiding place.

After the last smoke bomb was thrown, Li Ran was only ten meters away from the fox.

At this time, the driving is reversed, Li Ran becomes dark, and the enemy is in the light.

The fox finally couldn't lie down anymore, and slowly stood up with the sniper rifle in hand, constantly searching the surroundings. He knew very well that the soldier was not far from his position and was probably hiding in a corner.

Next second!

He saw the soldier in the scope, but then his pupils dilated because he was a step too late.


Li Ran fired, and the bullet from the 85 sniper rifle passed directly through his head.

The sniper that posed the greatest threat to the soldiers of the Fourth Company was eliminated by Li Ran with one shot.

Da da da~

At the same time, gunfire rang out not far away.

"Retreat, retreat immediately."

After the wild wolf discovered that the fox had been killed, he immediately ordered a retreat. If he didn't run away at this time, it would be too late. If he didn't leave, he would be completely surrounded.

But if I want to leave at this time, it is obviously a step too late!

The identities of the hunter and the prey were exchanged, and Li Ran named them one by one with a sniper rifle.


“This shot was fired for the sacrificed soldiers of the Fourth Company.


"This shot was for the injured soldiers of the Fourth Company.


"This shot was fired because you didn't even spare the yak carcass."

Three gunshots were fired, all three people were named one by one, and all were killed. The battle was over!

In a mercenary team of five people, except for the first one who was unlucky enough to be hit by a stray bullet, the remaining four were all eliminated by Li Ran alone.

"Clean the battlefield, be careful, lest you die." The commander of the second platoon said loudly.

The battle was over, and the Fourth Company soldiers and others still didn't recover for a long time, mainly because the originally very difficult battle had become so simple and exaggerated after Li Ran came.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have dared to believe it?

Inside the regimental headquarters!

Lei Lei Feng also received the battle report and learned that the battle was over. After Li Ran eliminated all the enemies by himself, the tent fell into a deathly silence.

Everyone present, including Lei Feng, was stunned and some couldn't believe it.

They had been worried before, not expecting Li Ran to solve the crisis. They only hoped that Ji Ran, the sniper, could buy them some time.

After reporting to the military area, the Snow Leopard Special Forces will arrive soon.

As a result, the special forces had not arrived yet, and the battle was solved by Li Ran alone.

"Captain Lei, what's the situation now? We rushed over as soon as we received the message. Is there still enough time?"

At this time, Yuan Peng's voice came.

After receiving the order from his superiors, he, the squadron leader, personally led the team over.

Normally, for the arrival of the Snow Leopard Special Forces, everyone should have the same expression as seeing the savior, but now it seems a bit redundant.

Everyone in the tent looked at Yuan Peng, the squadron leader of the special forces, with strange expressions.

"You guys are a step late." Lei Lei Feng said with a strange expression.

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