Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

100: A Big Sniper Hits The Tibetan Military Region!

A step too late?

Hearing this, Yuan Peng's heart sank.

What does it mean to be late?

The fourth company suffered heavy casualties? Or did the enemy escape~?

Damn it, after receiving the order from the military region, he led the team and rushed over in an armed helicopter as soon as possible, at maximum speed.

I didn’t expect that it would be too late now.

But Yuan Peng felt that something was wrong. If this was the case, why didn't the colonel and others have grief and disappointment on their faces? Instead, they looked at him with such weird eyes?

Are you complaining that they came late?

"Captain Lei, what is the situation now? The enemy has escaped? Your people have suffered heavy casualties?" Yuan Peng asked immediately.

"None of them." Lei Lei Feng slowly shook his head and said, "The battle is over. The enemy has been completely wiped out."


Hearing what the colonel said, Yuan Peng was dumbfounded.

The battle is over? The enemy has been wiped out? What happened?

When they received the order from their superiors, the superior's tone sounded like the situation in the Fourth Company was critical, and even the next second, the entire Fourth Company would be annihilated.

They rushed here non-stop. On the way, they were still cheering for the soldiers of the Fourth Company in their hearts, hoping to persevere.

When they got here, they told him that the battle was over and the enemy had been wiped out, so their visit was not in vain.

"What's the casualty situation?" Yuan Peng asked again.

He guessed in his heart that even if he won, the people of the Fourth Company would probably suffer heavy casualties, and the battle victory would probably be achieved at the cost of human lives.

"One was sacrificed and eight were injured. All the injured were rescued. There is no danger to their lives." After Lei Leifeng finished speaking, he seemed to be regretful and couldn't help but lamented: "I wish I had let Li Ran join the battle earlier. If only he If we had joined the battle from the beginning, we probably wouldn’t have suffered such heavy casualties.”

"Li Ran? Join the fight?"

Yuan Peng was confused. Does this battle have anything to do with a superior soldier with no actual combat experience?

From what the colonel said, it seemed that this superior soldier had become the final savior. What on earth was going on?

Even the Fourth Company, which is stationed at the forward outpost all the year round and has experienced combat warriors, cannot deal with it for a while, or even an enemy that is extremely passive. Can Li Ran deal with it?

No matter how good your marksmanship is, but you have no actual combat experience, you should not be afraid of panic on the battlefield?

"Captain Lei, can you let me see a summary of the battle situation?" Yuan Peng couldn't help but say.

Normally, although the Snow Leopard Special Forces received orders from their superiors to come for support, when they arrived, the battle was over and they had no authority to intervene again to understand the collective war situation.

The follow-up process is for Lei Lei Feng to summarize and report the battle situation to the military region.

But considering that Yuan Peng and others came all the way here, it doesn't hurt to let them know something, and this operation is not confidential.

"Captain Yuan, we are old friends. It doesn't matter if I show it to you, but I won't say more about the confidentiality principle." Lei Lei Feng said.

"Captain Lei, I still know this." Yuan Peng nodded.

So, with Lei Lei Feng's approval, Yuan Peng watched the whole process of the fourth company battle. It was unremarkable at first [Lei Lei Feng, the veteran border guard leader, was also right in his tactical advancement.

However, he misjudged the identity of the enemy, causing the third platoon to fall into a passive position and was ambushed.

There was no problem with this, but when Yuan Peng saw the record of Li Ran's participation in the battle, he was completely confused.

Looking back, I walked out in shock.

The members of the Snow Leopard Special Forces who came to perform the support mission saw this and quickly surrounded them. They had been waiting here for a long time and had not yet taken action.

Isn't it said that the situation is critical? Why has it been so slow to act?

"Captain, what's the situation? Why haven't you arranged for us to take action?"

"Let's go up, captain, brothers are all ready."

Yuan Peng was still in shock and could not recover for a long time. When he saw the team members he led applying for battle, Yuan Peng said helplessly: "The battle is over. The fifth border defense regiment has wiped out all the enemies. There is no need for us to participate in the battle."


Just like Yuan Peng's expression before, the members of the Snow Leopard Special Forces were all dumbfounded.

What's the situation? This is, the order said that the situation was urgent and the fourth company could not withstand it anymore. They rushed to support, but the battle was over?

"What's going on, Captain?"

"Don't ask any questions. It's none of our business. Let's go back to the brigade." Yuan Peng said.

At this time, Yuan Peng was not only shocked, but also felt huge regret.

Regret why their special forces failed to train according to the sniper textbook written by Li Ran. Regret why they didn't get Ji Ran to be the sniper instructor for their special forces.

In the battle that the Fourth Company experienced this time, according to the battle records, Li Ran was able to break through a sniper's blockade when confronting an enemy sniper.

And finally successfully approached the enemy sniper to ambush him and killed him with one shot.

In such a situation, it was possible to break through the enemy's sniper's defense line. How on earth was this done?

Just when Yuan Peng was about to lead the team away, the excited voices of soldiers from the Fourth Company came to his ears.

"Brother Ran is back, Brother Ran is back."

"Brother Ran, you are so handsome, let me worship you."

"If you have time, can you teach me how to use it? Those shots of yours are so cool."

"Brother Ran's shots are so awesome that he is definitely the best sniper in our military region. He can suppress the entire military region with one big sniper shot.

"The bird eats the cricket, invincible. Brother Ran, do you want to accept a younger brother? I am a shoe shine thief 6."

At the end of this battle, Li Ran conquered everyone in the Fourth Company with his unparalleled strength, and made the Fourth Company, a group of soldiers who have been stationed at the forward posts all year round and have experienced actual combat, heartfelt admiration.

Whether it was lifting a yak weighing over a thousand kilograms with both hands and throwing it out as a cover.

Still using smoke bombs to successfully break through the enemy sniper's defense line.

The strength displayed makes people admire him. Even if Li Ran is a superior soldier, even if Li Ran has not been in the army for a long time, everyone in the army admires the strong.

With such strength, let alone them, even a major general would have to give a thumbs up and say he is awesome!

Li Ran became the object of admiration from all the stars.

"What's all this mess about?" At this time, the second platoon leader came to Li Ran, scolded the 4th company soldiers who were making noises, and then said to Li Ran: "The leader asked you to go see him immediately.


The second platoon leader's face was very complicated at this time. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe what happened before.

But the facts are before us. Li Ran used his strength to save many soldiers of the Fourth Company. Without Li Ran, they might still be fighting now, and they don't know how many brothers would have been sacrificed.

0......Please give me flowers......

"Captain, why don't you leave?" Seeing Yuan Peng suddenly stop, the team members asked curiously.

"Wait a moment." Yuan Peng said.

He had a question to ask Li Ran. Although he was shocked that Li Ran could lift a yak weighing over a thousand kilograms with both hands, he didn't care.

He just wanted to know what method Li Ran used to break through a sniper's defense.


"Come in.

Li Ran walked into the tent.

At this time, there was only Lei Feng in the tent, and everyone else was taken away by Lei Feng.

"First of all, on behalf of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment, I would like to thank you for your contribution in this battle. Without you, this battle would not have ended so quickly, and there would have been more casualties among the soldiers of the Fourth Company.

"As soon as they met, Lei Leifeng expressed his gratitude to Li Ran very seriously.

After reading the summary of the battle situation, Lei Leifeng knew very well that no one else in the group, except Li Ran, had such strength.

It was such terrifying and exaggerated strength that could end the battle so quickly and reduce the casualties of the Fourth Company soldiers.

"Captain, I am also a soldier of the Fifth Regiment. It is my duty as a soldier to protect my family and my country." Li Ran said righteously.

"Good boy." Lei Leifeng said: "But there is one thing I have to remind you. After the battle situation is reported to the military region, it won't be long before personnel from relevant departments come to you to ask about something. When the time comes, you can tell the truth. That’s good.”


Li Ran didn't understand what Lei Leifeng said, but he could make some guesses.

Maybe his superiors would send someone to investigate and ask him some questions, such as how he could lift a yak weighing over a thousand kilograms with both hands and throw it out.

The superior leaders are not fools, and the existence of relevant departments and units is not just for viewing.

For some special circumstances, special investigations will be carried out.

"Okay, that's all I have to tell you. During this period, you will continue to be the instructor of your training team. I believe you." Lei Lei Feng said.

Judging from the fact that Li Ran was able to break through the enemy's sniper blockade, Lei Feng was full of expectations for the snipers trained by Li Ran.

If the training team members all have such strength, it will play a huge role on the battlefield.


As soon as Li Ran came out of the tent, Yuan Peng immediately approached Li Ran.

"Captain Yuan, are you looking for me for something?" Seeing Yuan Peng staring at him with fiery eyes, Li Ran felt a chill in his back.

This look is a bit penetrating for a man.

"Can you tell me how you broke through the enemy's sniper defense line?" Yuan Peng asked directly without turning around.

Seeing that Yuan Peng was asking this question, Li Ran smiled and said: "It's very simple, 2.5 seconds for a senior sniper."

"What do you mean?" Yuan Peng didn't understand for a while.

"It takes a senior sniper the fastest 2.5 seconds from aiming to shooting, and he keeps striving for 2.5 seconds one after another to make breakthroughs. That's enough." Li Ran explained.

Yuan Peng's scalp went numb when he heard such a calm look.

To put it simply, in actual combat, in complex situations, who can guarantee to continuously strive for 2.5 seconds one after another?

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