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1248: The Design Of The New Strategic Bomber Is Completed!

The researchers on the project team had no objection at all when faced with the new project plan formulated by Li Ran for them.

Now they really have no objections, and they are very moved in their hearts.

Because this latest project plan prepared by Li Ran also made them understand one thing, that is, their consultant, Li Ran, has always been caring about them.

Although the project is now fast-paced, Li Ran, the consultant, still has them in mind.

Otherwise, Li Ran would not have been able to come up with a new plan immediately when they asked the factory director Wu Hesan to apply to Li Ran for discussion.

Now, this new project schedule can be said to be quite good for them. Compared with before, both the project rhythm and the workload of the project have been greatly reduced.

If they can't even maintain such a project pace and workload, then their work is really in vain and they have no shame in continuing.

Although the project pace and project workload of this new project's schedule are still not very low, it is undoubtedly much better than at the beginning.

At least it's within the range they can bear.

You know, as technicians, they have also carried out various large and small projects. It is not that they have never done such high-pressure and fast-paced projects, nor have they only done it once.

To be honest, staying up late, working overtime, and working with high intensity are commonplace for researchers like them.

If the project is very easy and simple, then they really won't adapt.

That is to say, Li Ran, the technical consultant, feels sorry for them. Otherwise, if Li Ran insists on continuing with this project rhythm, they really have nothing to do.

So in the face of this new project schedule, if they have any opinions, it's really not the same thing.

As a result, the military factory project began according to Li Ran's redesigned project schedule.

Time passes day by day.

Two important projects of the Military Factory and the Dragon Academy of Sciences are progressing rapidly under the leadership of Li Ran.

Finally, at the end of this month, the military factory project ended first.

Li Ran has led everyone to completely analyze all the theories about this White Swan bomber from beginning to end, and also led them to learn a lot.

Of course, learning and analyzing the technology in this White Swan bomber is not just for learning, it is for the purpose of building your own strategic bomber.

One representative of the completion of this project is the design of the latest strategic bomber. Li Ran has also led a group of researchers from the project team to complete it.

With a complete design drawing, every detail of this latest strategic bomber has been designed.

Among them, Li Ran also led the project team to master all the technologies that need to be used.

Even including the various new materials required for the appearance of this strategic bomber, Li Ran led the project team to complete, conquer, and master them.

The last thing left is for the military factory to manufacture the latest strategic bomber according to the design drawings.

Produce materials, start fabrication, and then perform various welding assemblies.

In the face of design drawings and in the face of all technologies being conquered, this task (King Nuo's) is actually not difficult.

You only need to manufacture it according to the design drawings, and then weld and assemble it.

As for the important technical problems involved, Li Ran has already led the project team to solve them all, so there will be no problems.

Without technical barriers, subsequent manufacturing and assembly will be very smooth.

All it takes now is some time.

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!).

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