Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

1249: Strategic Bomber 20! Celebration Banquet

Inside the factory.

At this time, all the researchers in the arsenal project team were very excited, and they could not hide the joy and excitement on their faces.

Because, after this period of struggle, the project was finally completed, and they successfully completed this great project.

The design drawing of the latest strategic bomber has come out. This latest strategic bomber has completely absorbed all the advantages of the White Swan bomber given by Mao Xiong. And related functions have also been upgraded and transformed.

It can be said that the performance of this new strategic bomber of the Field Army is only better than that of the White Swan bomber, and it is not generally better.

When the latest strategic bomber of the Field Army comes out, it will shock the world.

At that time, whether it was fighter jets or bombers, the field army had already reached the world's top level 743 and became the world's top combat force.

When they thought of this, the researchers in the project team couldn't hide their excitement.

Because no one expected that this project could be completed so quickly, so quickly, and so perfectly.

The biggest contributor to all this is naturally their technical advisor, Ji Ran.

At this time, Wu Hesan, who is the project leader, is not to mention the excitement in his heart. He has been looking forward to the stars and the moon for so long, just for the arrival of this day.

And now, this day has finally arrived.

The project was completed perfectly, and he finally let go of his worries.

Although he knew that with Li Ran here, the project would not fail, but the moment the project was completed, he would completely let go of the stone in his heart.

I can only say that Li Ran is really awesome.

Although this project is only about the completion of the theoretical design of the latest strategic bomber [the latest strategic bomber 20 Ye has not yet been officially manufactured.

But this is no longer a problem for the current field army.

It's very simple, because there are no technical barriers or technical problems for them in the manufacturing of 20 Ye.

There are no technical restrictions, and it is actually very simple to make. It only requires some manpower and material resources, and it just takes some time to wear.

But this time is completely controllable. This time only depends on the current industrial development strength of the field army. It is only about technology, (aibj) not technology.

As for the Dragon Kingdom, its current industrial strength is quite strong, and it is the world's largest industrial country.

As the largest industrial country and there are no technical restrictions, it can be said that there will be no problems at all in manufacturing 20-year-olds, and there is nothing to worry about at all.

"Consultant Li, thank you so much. Thanks to you. Without you, this project would not have been completed so quickly and so well. This is all due to you.

"Wu Hesan said excitedly while holding Li Ran's hand.

Wu Hesan was so excited now that he really wanted to hug Li Ran and kiss her hard.

He was really lucky. He never thought that he would have such an opportunity and complete such a great project in his career as the director of a military factory.

And all of this is possible thanks to Li Ran, because of the existence of Li Ran.

"It's not my fault alone, it's all the result of everyone's joint efforts."

Hearing this, Li Ran said with a smile, but he was very humble and did not mean to take the credit for himself.

"Consultant, I have asked the canteen to provide extra meals. There will be a celebration banquet today for everyone to relax." Wu Hesan said with a smile.

On such a happy day, how can we not hold a celebration party?

Hearing this, Li Ran smiled, but did not refuse.

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!).

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