Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

015: Apply For Outstanding Recruits To Li Ran

Inside the dormitory.

Before going to bed at night, Li Ran had a thought, and the character attribute panel was projected in front of him.

【Host】: Li Ran

[Position]: Deputy squad leader of the third squad of the first platoon of the recruit company

[Military rank]: None

[Strength]: 11 (the initial value of 6 for ordinary adults is passing, 10 is the upper limit, and the host has no upper limit)

[Speed]: 11 (the initial value for adults is 6 for passing, 10 is the upper limit, and the host has no upper limit)

[Senses]: 11 (the initial value of 6 for adults is passing, 10 is the upper limit, and the host has no upper limit)

[Skills]: "Introductory Skills for New Recruits"

[Achievements]: 2000

[Mall]: Already opened

[Lottery]: Enabled (each lottery consumes one thousand achievement points)

"As expected, I am not even a private soldier now."

Looking at None displayed in the column of military rank, Li Ran muttered something in a low voice.

When they arrived at the recruit company, Li Ran and the other recruits did not wear any military ranks on their shoulders. Li Ran also asked Wang Qiang about this.

Recruits will only be awarded the lowest rank of private after completing three months of recruit training.

To Li Ran's surprise, he had accumulated 2,000 achievement points and was able to draw two prizes.

Although there are many good things in the system mall, the amount of achievement points that need to be redeemed is scary. 2,000 achievement points cannot be exchanged for anything in the mall now, so why not draw a prize and give it a try!

"Start the lottery."

After reading, a prompt sounded in Li Ran's ear.

"This lottery consumes 1,000 achievement points. Do you want to draw a lottery?"


"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the combat expertise skill, which has helped the host learn automatically."

"Good thing." Li Ran's eyes are shining, he has mastered various fighting skills, and with his current physical fitness, who will be his opponent in fighting?

"Continue to draw."

"This lottery consumes 1,000 achievement points. Do you want to draw a lottery?"


"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the firearms specialization skill, which has helped the host learn automatically."

All good things were drawn in the two draws, and Li Ran was very excited for a while.

I'm so lucky, I have to smoke a cigarette to celebrate.

The lights in the dormitory building were turned off, only the toilet light was still on. Li Ran went to the toilet, clicked, and lit a cigarette.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Li Ran punched and kicked a few quickly. If it wasn't the right time, he would have wanted to find someone to practice with.

"Why are you still up so late, kid?"

A voice rang in his ears, startling Li Ran who was immersed in the fantasy of fighting with others.

Looking back, it was Wang Qiang, the squad leader.

"Squad leader." Li Ran shouted.

"Why aren't you sleeping yet?"

"Come out, smoke a cigarette, go to the toilet and then go to bed."

Li Ran's casual look made Wang Qiang's face twitch. As a recruit, Li Ran was the only one who dared to do this and smoke in front of their veterans.

The key thing is that he really can't control it and has no need to.

"You are now the deputy squad leader of Class Three. Pay attention. Although I don't care about your smoking, you must pay attention to the impact. If the recruits in other classes see it, what will they say about you behind your back?"

"Yes! Be careful next time." Li Ran smiled, and after speaking, handed a piece of Huazi to Wang Qiang: "Squad leader, would you like one?"

Looking at the cigarette handed over by Li Ran, Wang Qiang turned around and looked around for no one, then said to Li Ran: "Follow me."

The two came to a corner of the back door of the dormitory building, where few people usually come.

After arriving here, Wang Qiang lit up his cigarette with confidence and said to Li Ran: "If you want to smoke in the dormitory building, you can come here to smoke."

This place is where Wang Qiang and several veteran squad leaders come when they smoke.

It is very hidden and will not be discovered mainly by recruits. Although it is okay for their veterans to smoke, they have to consider the impact now.

"I understand, monitor."

"I told the platoon leader that you did 400 abdominal rolls around the pole. The platoon leader is now considering applying for an outstanding recruit for you. You must continue to work hard and don't slack off. Do you understand?"

When it comes to abdominal coiling, Wang Qiang still clearly remembers that when he told the platoon leader, the platoon leader looked shocked.

It can be said that Chen Pai's eyes were as wide as bells at that time.

"Excellent recruit? Squad leader, can this help me meritorious service?" Li Ran asked.

Wang Qiang was almost angry to death. Why was this new recruit thinking about meritorious service all day long? Is the key meritorious achievement so easy to achieve?

"This is an honor and a recognition of your performance during your time in the recruit company. Although it is not as good as third-class merit, it is still very good for you as a recruit." Wang Qiang explained.

"I understand, thank you monitor." Li Ran nodded.

"I'm done smoking, let's go back and rest."

As soon as Wang Qiang finished speaking, two figures came over, the monitors of Class One and Class Two.

"Hello, two monitors!"

Seeing the two of them, Li Ran immediately said hello.

The two of them knew that Li Ran was from the same platoon, and they knew that the recruit in front of them was very good, so they were very polite to Li Ran and responded with a smile and a nod.

"Two monitors, have a cigarette."

Li Ran was very knowledgeable. He took out his cigarettes and gave them to the two of them, and then gave one to his squad leader.

If this had happened to other recruits, the two veterans would have kicked him away.

The new recruits dare to do this to the veterans and corrupt them with cigarettes. There is no way!

But it was given by Li Ran, so it was different.

"Squad leader, let's talk. I'll go back first."

After Li Ran left, the squad leader said to Wang Qiang with an envious look: "Lao San, I really envy you. There is a recruit like Li Ran in the class. Not to mention his personal strength, let's see what happens." .”

"I heard that Li Ran did 400 abdominal exercises around the pole. Is this true?" asked the second squad leader.

"Really, I can do 400 in one breath. After I came down, I didn't feel dizzy or vomited, but I was just a little tired." Wang Qiang said, "I was shocked at the time. It was the first time I met such a recruit."

"Third brother, you are in luck. If I had a recruit like this under my command, I would wake up laughing even in my sleep."


The next day!

The news that Li Ran did 400 abdominal wraps in one breath spread among the recruit company, causing a sensation in the recruit company for a while.

(Fourth update, please provide various data support, please give me some motivation, the author kneels down to thank you!! I beg you!!)

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