Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

016: Plateau Tigers! Sharp Knife Reconnaissance Company!

The news that Li Ran, the deputy squad leader of the third squad and a recruit, performed 400 abdominal pole wraps in one breath spread throughout the recruit company, causing a sensation in the recruit company.

For this group of recruits, the recruit training has just begun and they have not yet been exposed to pole training. Some of them have no experience with the difficulty of abdominal pole curling.

But after some new recruits tried it under the guidance of veterans, they realized how difficult it is to wrap their abdomen around the pole.

"400? It's really scary. I made two and couldn't continue."

"I made one and almost fell off."

"Oh, our squad leader said that if their veterans can do fifty, they will be very good."

"Why is he so awesome? He is so strong. We are all new recruits. Why is there such a big gap?"

"Our squad leader said that he broke the record for the highest abdominal pole wrap in the fifth border defense group. He was so awesome."

There was a lot of chatter among the recruits, all discussing Li Ran's arrogance.

Li Ran's fame spread all over the recruit company, and he became a well-deserved focus of the recruit company.

Not only the new recruits, the veterans were even more shocked than the new recruits.

They are veterans and know a lot about being in the military, so they are very aware of the weight of Li Ran doing 400 abdominal rolls in one breath.

Although abdominal curling is an event that some veterans no longer play, doing 400 in one breath is not called training, but ability.

Strong man, although Li Ran is a new recruit, he is a strong man in the army.

Especially the two platoon commanders of the second and third platoons. Chen Hai, the second and first platoon commanders, are from different companies. They spend all their efforts to lead the recruits. The purpose is not to dig out some good seeds during the recruits' training.

Fortunately, when this batch of new recruits join the company, they can draw some good talents to their own company.

The appearance of such a strong man in the first platoon made the second platoon leader and the third platoon leader extremely envious.

The first platoon is making a lot of money, and they are so good in the recruit company. With such soldiers in the company, they will definitely become top soldiers, and maybe they will become the king of soldiers!

Soldier King, in the army, that is the code name for an absolutely strong person.

Compared with the top soldiers and the king of soldiers, there is a certain gap.

After all, the soldier who can be called the King of Soldiers represents the strongest.

On the training ground, Li Ran was still the same as before, teaching other people in class three to perform some basic movement training as the deputy squad leader.

Not far away, Wang Qiang, the squad leader, looked at this scene with pride on his face.

Look, this is my new recruit, how awesome he is.

He has strong personal strength and cares about his comrades. Other recruits are training, but this soldier under his command has been able to train with the rest of the class at the same time. This is his card.

As the squad leader leading new recruits, what does he want?

Isn't it just to bring out a few promising recruits and gain face in front of other veterans?

There is no doubt that Class 3 is the most beautiful kid on the training ground.

While the veterans from other classes were busy training the new recruits they led, their eyes drifted to Class 3 from time to time, with envy that could not be concealed in their eyes.

Look, there is a recruit like Li Ran in the third squad, which makes the third squad leader very proud. It is really worry-free to lead the troops.

Looking at the new recruits under his command, each of them is still a little confused even in listening to the commands.

Thinking of this, they felt angry. They were both carrying one head on two shoulders, so why was there such a big gap?

"Company commander, that is Li Ran."

Not far away, a row of long fingers pointed at Li Ran and said to a captain officer.

The captain is very strong, with dark skin and a resolute face. He exudes a fierce aura and is not someone to be trifled with at first glance.

After carefully looking at Li Ran up and down, the captain said, "He's not short, he's just a little thin. Did this kid really do 400 abdominal coiling rods in one go?"

"The third squad leader told me personally that there is also a ten-kilometer cross-country race with light equipment. The third squad leader has never outrun this kid."

"It's interesting. I didn't expect that there would be a treasure among these new recruits. I would like to meet this kid myself."

After the captain finished speaking, he walked towards Class 3, and Chen Hai quickly followed.

Seeing the training of these people in Class 3, which were improving day by day, Wang Qiang was feeling proud when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a strong figure.

Upon closer inspection, he turned out to be his own company commander.

Why is the company commander here? Wang Qiang was surprised. He didn't expect the company commander to come in person.

"Let them assemble." The captain said to Chen Hai.


Chen Hai trotted up to the crowd and shouted: "Everyone gather."

With an order, the squad leaders of each class stopped training and gathered for work.

Soon, the entire recruit company was assembled

"Report to the company commander! The entire recruit company has assembled. Please give your instructions." Chen Hai came to the captain, clicked his feet together, stood at attention in a standard manner, raised his right hand in salute, and said loudly.

"Take a break."

Seeing the new recruits taking a decent rest, the captain nodded slightly.

"Everyone has been here for almost a week. Today I meet you for the first time. Let me introduce myself. My name is Li Hu. I am the commander of the seventh reconnaissance company of the fifth border defense regiment. I am also the commander of your recruit company." Hei. Captain Face said loudly, his voice full of anger.

"Originally, I should have gotten to know you all on the first day you came here, but I can't tolerate the disdain in my eyes, and I can't stand the lazy and embarrassed look you had when you first came here. Although you look a bit like you now, But you can’t be called soldiers yet. You can only be called soldiers when you finish your recruit training and get your title."

"Being a soldier is hard, and being a border guard on the plateau is even harder. But without the suffering of people like us, who will protect the beauty behind us?"

"I hope you will perform well in the following recruit training and strive to be assigned to my seventh reconnaissance company when you join the company. The seventh reconnaissance company is the sharp knife company of the fifth border defense regiment and is also the strongest company. If you can join the seventh company, This is the greatest recognition of your strength.”

In front of everyone, the captain seemed to be bragging.

But the confidence and pride in the captain's tone are unquestionable!

Plateau Tigers! Sharp Knife Reconnaissance Company!

The Seventh Reconnaissance Company is the strongest, and that is recognized by the entire Fifth Border Defense Regiment!

(The fifth update is here. I’m very surprised to have a brother give me a reward. I thank you on my knees. I’ll continue to ask for all kinds of data support. I’ll give more to those who are free. If you have the ability, I’ll give you a little more. Thank you! I’d like to reiterate that I won’t follow the special forces route. I will only follow the special forces route. Commander route!)

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