Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

177: The Colonel Was Shocked! The Major General Was Silent

For Man Dazhi, as the commander of the defensive side this time, he not only represents his personal command, but also represents the collective of mid-level officers of the Landing Yard.

A newcomer from outside who is not from the seven military regions dares to make trouble in the Luyuan. Is it possible that he is a middle-level officer and there is no one in the group?

So what if I get a perfect score in the tactical theory assessment?

What about two first-class merit medals? No, two first-class merit medals are indeed very impressive, but they only represent strong personal military qualities.

Command strength and personal military quality are completely different things.

Man Dazhi absolutely did not believe that a young rookie like Li Ran had commanded a large corps in combat, because it was impossible. The rank of lieutenant in the army was at most a deputy company, or even a company commander.

The key is that it is the first time to come to Luyuan for further study. What does it mean? It means that you have not received any command, training or study from the Luyuan system.

You may be able to command a little, but that is a wild approach and cannot be put on the stage.

He is a dignified major and a mid-level officer, and he has worked his way up step by step. Is there anyone in the entire Lu Academy who doesn't know that he is full of ambitions?

Ambition, ambition, ambition, the backbone of the future field army.

Man Dazhi had already begun to imagine that under his command, Li Ran, a newbie who had just arrived in Lu Lu, would be beaten to such an embarrassing state that he knelt down begging for mercy and abandoned his armor.

After the practical assessment, the most popular figure in this year's Luyuan Academy hugged his thigh, shivering, and said with a look of admiration: "You are the real master. It was me who was ignorant before and had the vision. 08 If you don't know Mount Tai, please seek shelter."

The principal of the Lu Academy and the two deans of the Infantry Arms Tactics Department and the Armor Command Department personally patted him on the shoulder and said: "You are the light of the Lu Academy and the hope of the future of the field army. The next commander of the heavy armored division is very important." You are none other than you, no, you are a rising star."

Lu Yuan Mengxin regarded him as his idol, the mid-level officers were proud of him, and the senior officers even took the initiative to extend an olive branch to him as a future general.

When he thought of this, Man Dazhi, who was in a fantasy state of sexual intercourse, couldn't help but laugh out loud.


At this time, the major of the assessment team who was in charge of recording saw Man Dazhi's dazed look and couldn't help coughing twice, interrupting Man Dazhi's YY.

"Let me remind you, the time is only thirty minutes, and there are still twenty-five minutes left." The major said calmly.

Is there something wrong with this mid-level officer from the coordinating class of the Lu Academy? The assessment has begun. He is not doing what he is supposed to do. Why is he dazed there? Not only is he dazed, he has such a wretched smile on his face, and he also makes such strange screams. Noise, I can't tell what's wrong.

Man Dazhi was a little dissatisfied with the major of the assessment team for interrupting him.

The remaining twenty-five minutes are enough for him, and he can't even use them. How serious is he to deal with a mere newcomer?

It's a joke for mechanized troops to fight in street battles. He is still on the defensive side and can win with his feet.


Man Dazhi coughed twice and cleared his throat.

He still needs to do some work to mobilize morale before the war, otherwise he should show his majesty as a mid-level officer!

"Dear alumni of the Lu Academy, today, as students under my command, Man Dazhi, you should feel lucky for this, because I will lead you to achieve results you have never achieved before, and I will let you experience, The pride and pride of being a winner, please tell me if you are excited or happy."

Man Dazhi delivered a pre-war mobilization speech very proudly.

But after the words fell, the students who were on the defensive side this time were all dumbfounded, and no one said a word.

Looking at Man Dazhi in front of me, I wondered if he was sick.

The face of the major on the assessment team also darkened. What the hell is this? Are all the mid-level officers in the Lu Academy collectively qualified now?

This pre-war morale mobilization is simply unbearable to watch.

The major of the assessment team did not hesitate at all and directly wrote zero points on the score sheet.

Although he didn't get a response, Man Dazhi didn't panic at all. It was normal. In his eyes, these students were all lower-grade students. They had never experienced big scenes while studying in the Lu Academy, nor had they experienced the pleasure of crushing opponents, so It's normal not to have a sense of empathy for his words.

In this regard, Man Dazhi did not panic at all.

It won't take long for these newbies to experience the thrill of being a strong person.

Man Dazhi was very familiar with the topographic map of the street fighting training ground and began to fight.

"Team 1 is deployed here to set up crossfire and complete control of the two surrounding streets."

"Team 2 is deployed here..."

"Squad 3, you are a single anti-tank team, ambushing here. Their tanks will definitely pass by here. This is a must-go place. If you see it, give me a good beating."

"The armored team is placed here, waiting for my order to join the battle, and finally forms a siege on them.

Man Dazhi, who quickly completed the combat deployment, could not help but boast, "Beautiful."

It has to be said that his combat deployment is so flawless that not even a fly can get in. The comprehensive street fighting training ground is large. It is unrealistic for him to deploy defense lines from the periphery with his limited manpower. That is to abandon the periphery and occupy the core of the city. One-third of an acre in the area is enough.

With such an arrangement, not even a fly could fly in. He really couldn't think of any way the attacker could defeat him.

"Is everything clear?"

"Listen clearly."


After Man Dazhi gave an order, the defensive team members immediately entered the designated position according to the combat deployment formulated by Man Dazhi.

At this time, if Jiang Xingguo were here, he would be shocked to find that the battle deployment carried out by Man Dazhi was exactly the same as what Li Ran analyzed and estimated, and there was no difference at all.

Even some details that the defender needs to consider, Man Dazhi still has omissions.

This way!

As the attacker, Li Ran's combat deployment has also come to an end.

"Do you all know your respective functional arrangements?" Li Ran finally confirmed.


"Okay, let's start taking action."


Unlike Manzhi's side, the morale of the students commanded by Li Ran was very high because Li Ran's combat deployment made them excited.

Especially Li Ran's ultra-long-range tank fire support, Li Ran was able to use a formula to calculate the trajectory and position of the Type 59 tank shell after it exceeded the effective direct range.

This move was simply shocking, they had never seen it before.

This time, Colonel Zhao Kanghui and Major General Fang Xingwu, who were the examiners of this mixed practical examination, were watching the actions of the attacking students from a distance and talking.

"How do you think Li Ran will conduct a battle? No matter how you look at it, he can't win this test. Even if he wins by chance, it will be a miserable victory." Zhao Kanghui couldn't help but say.

If this assessment puts aside pure armor and is just an infantry street combat command assessment, he thinks that Li Ran might still have hope of victory.

But now, with the addition of armored forces, that is no longer the case.

The defender who occupies a favorable terrain has armor strength, and the defensive strength is not as simple as one plus one. Even if the attacker has twice the number and armor of the defender, it will not have an advantage.

"As long as this kid doesn't lose too badly and does everything required in the assessment, I will give him a pass," Fang Xingwu said.

Increasing the difficulty is just to test Li Ran's potential.

He answered the questions so well in the theoretical test. Will the practical assessment still surprise him?

He knew it was difficult, but he had a yardstick in his mind. As long as Li Ran's performance was similar and not too outrageous, he would still be given.

"Even if you deal with him like this, it will inevitably attract a lot of criticism. You are just causing trouble for him." Zhao Kanghui said.

"If you want to become a qualified armor commander, if you can't even accept this blow, no matter how smart he is, your future achievements will not be very high." Fang Xingwu said.

Hearing this, Zhao Kanghui stopped talking.

After all, he served as the commander of the First Heavy Armor Division and trained a current heavy armor division commander. In terms of armor command, no one in the entire Army Academy has more say than the veteran Major General Fang Xingwu.

"Tank Group A, drive to coordinates 24,143, and form a straight formation with an interval of 10."

"Tank Group B, move southwest at full speed."

Under Li Ran's command, tactical orders were issued one after another, and immediately, the defenders all started moving in an orderly and orderly manner.

"What is this kid going to do? Where does he ask people to drive the tank?"

Seeing the movement on Li Ran's side, Zhao Kanghui was confused for a moment.

Each tank had no intention of entering the city. Instead, four tanks drove in the opposite direction, and the other four went around the periphery of the city.

The eight tanks were divided into two groups and acted separately.

"He has no intention of letting tanks enter the city. The idea is good, but Man Dazhi is not a fool. As a defender, as long as he is not a fool, he will not put the electric testicles outside the city." Fang Xingwu analyzed.

The main force of mechanized troops is tanks and armor. It is indeed fierce to put them on the plains and set up a battle array. However, in a complex terrain environment like a city, the bulkiness of the tanks will be infinitely amplified.

The key point is that Fang Xingwu didn't understand. What does Li Ran mean by this operation? Even if he wants to put the armor outside the city, what does this move mean?

Are those four tanks planning to withdraw from this practical assessment?

But soon, after learning about Li Ran's deployment arrangements for the four tanks, Zhao Kanghui was shocked, and Fang Xingwu, the veteran major general, fell silent...

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