Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

178: Tanks Serve As Artillery! Physical Cheating Is The Most Deadly

At the coordinates of 24,143 points, there must be a distance of nearly 2,300 meters from the street fighting city. Four tanks are arranged in a straight formation.

"Move quickly and dig deeper."

"This depth is still a little shallow, a little deeper."

"Yes, the depth is almost there. The soil has been compacted."

"Drive the tank back and forth and press twice. Make sure you press correctly and don't press too far."

The trainees serving as tank soldiers were using engineering shovels to quickly dig pits on the ground. The size of the pits was exactly according to the width of the tank.

In order to find out what Li Ran was doing, Zhao Kanghui, Fang Xingwu and Sun Fu came here.

Logically speaking, it is currently in the assessment stage, so it is inappropriate for them to interrupt, but who made the two of them the examiners of this assessment? Whether it is appropriate or not, they have the final say.

"What are you planning to do?"

Seeing Li Ran who was busy giving instructions and measuring the depth, Colonel Zhao Kanghui took the lead and couldn't help but ask.

"Report to Dean Zhao, I am calculating the depth, calculating the trajectory and position of the cannonball." Li Ran said.

"The trajectory and location of the cannonball's fall?" Hearing this, Zhao Kanghui looked confused.

"Yes, I regard these four tanks as long-range artillery support, and I must calculate the trajectory and position of the artillery shells." Li Ran explained.

The maximum effective direct firing distance of this kind of tank is 900 meters. Note that this refers to the direct firing distance of tank shells, which is the straight-forward kind. It does not mean that tank shells can only hit 900 meters. Those are two completely different concepts.

Under normal circumstances, when the main armored forces of both sides meet, they will basically open fire at a distance of 1,000 meters to 900 meters, because they cannot hit them if they are too far away. A main battle tank with an effective direct range of 1,000 meters is definitely very powerful.

Due to the limited elevation angle of the gun barrel, the tank has a limited range on flat ground. If you want to use it as a long-distance artillery, you must increase the elevation angle of the tank.

The elevation angle of the gun bore is fixed, so the only way is to use physics to increase the elevation angle.

Dig a trench that allows the tank to enter. The rear half of the tank is in the trench, and the front half is in a riding posture. With such a height difference, the elevation angle of the tank's barrel can be increased.

As long as the trenches are dug deep enough, it won't be a problem to let the tanks shoot straight into the sky.

Physical cheating is the most deadly!

Although the method is a bit rough, I have to say that it is absolutely effective.

As the dean of the Armored Command Department, Fang Xingwu, after all, the commander of a heavy armored division dealt with tanks all day long. After hearing Li Ran's words, he instantly understood Li Ran's intention.

The idea is good, but it seems a bit unrealistic to Fang Xingwu.

"I understand your kid's idea of ​​raising the elevation angle of the tank's barrel to use it as a fixed artillery piece, but at such a long distance and the city's vast area for street fighting, what can this little fire support do?" Fang Xingwu asked.

"Director Fang, this is not simple. I have already analyzed the location of the firepower points deployed by the defenders. I just need to let them fire at that fixed position. Fire a salvo to ensure that they are damaged first. One-third." Li Ran smiled.

Fang Xingwu was shocked by Li Ran's confident tone, and Tian Fen was curious.

Not to mention Li Ran's analysis and prediction of the defender's fire deployment position. How far away can the tank's shells accurately hit? How can this be calculated or something?

With such a level, those from the artillery department would probably come to Li Ran to learn from Li Ran the next day.

This accuracy is comparable to laser guidance!

"Can you calculate the parabolic trajectory and impact location of tank shells?" Fang Xingwu asked.

"Of course, just plug it into the formula to calculate." Li Ran said with a relaxed look: "Taking into account factors such as the caliber of the shell, the amount of gunpowder loaded, air humidity, customs, etc., directly plug it into the formula to calculate the impact point location."

Fang Xingwu became even more curious. Is there this formula? He has been dealing with tanks all his life, how come he doesn't know it?

Although he didn't know the specific formula, Fang Xingwu could roughly understand what Li Ran wanted to express, but although the meaning was clear, it was too difficult to realize.

Because there are so many influencing factors in all aspects, how can ordinary people have the brains to calculate? It’s not a computer?

"Okay, everything is in place."

Here, four trenches used to physically increase the elevation angle of the tank's gun bore have been dug. Li Ran gave an order and the four tanks slowly drove into the trench.

The front half was on top, and the rear half was in the trench. After all four tanks were in place, Li Ran checked it again. There was no big error, and the preparations were completely OK.

Fire support is in place and everything is proceeding in an orderly manner according to Li Ran's plan.

Within the city.

As the defender, all personnel on Man Dazhi's side have been deployed and have all entered the positions marked by Man Dazhi before.

Half an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

"Call 07, what's going on over there?"

"Report, no offensive team members have been found yet."

"I know, continue to observe, and be careful to prevent them from infiltrating."


"Time consuming? What I am least afraid of is time consuming." Man Dazhi, who was in a tall building, looked around at the scene on the street with a telescope.

More than half an hour has passed since the official start of the assessment. During this more than half an hour, the team deployed at the front still found no trace of the attacker.

Man Dazhi was not worried at all about this, thinking that the attacker wanted to play a time war and psychological war with him.

As a defender, the most fearless thing is time-consuming, because the assessment time is only four hours. When the time is up, if Li Ran and the others fail to eliminate them, then Li Ran loses.

Another ten minutes later.

"Call 01 and find the members of the offensive team.

The voice of the captain of Team 7 came over the intercom.

"How many people are there?"

"It's not clear yet, but it's not the main force."

"Have you found any tanks?"


"Don't worry, wait until they are almost exposed before fighting."


The team members under his command all occupied favorable building positions, built a cross-fire defense line with heavy firepower machine guns, blocked three streets, and also ambushed snipers as long-range shooters.

In addition, all the armored forces are on standby, and the anti-tank missile team is ready. As Lao 6, he will wait for the attacking tanks to appear and destroy them as soon as possible.

How does the attacker fight him?

Just the moment when I was full of ambition, the next second!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Four explosions sounded almost at the same time.

"07, what's going on?" Man Dazhi asked immediately after hearing the noise.

As a result, there was no response from the walkie-talkie, and Man Dazhi felt a sinking feeling. The team he deployed at the forefront was gone. Only if it was gone, would he not be unable to contact him.

"06, have you found any enemy tanks?" Man Dazhi called the anti-tank missile team numbered 06 again.

"not found."

"Nothing was found?" Man Dazhi was depressed. All the tanks on the attacking side fired, but the personnel deployed on his side did not find a single tank? How is this possible?

When something like a tank moves, you can hear the movement across two streets. There is no silence at all.

Are all the students under his command blind?

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this time, four more explosions sounded.

"Call 01, 04 encountered strong artillery bombardment early, request for support, request for support. "

"04, report the location of enemy tanks.


The walkie-talkie made an electric sound and lost its voice. Man Dazhi looked like he had seen a ghost. Team 04 was also solved?

What on earth is going on? Man Dazhi was confused.

The deployment location of 04 is at a high point of the building, and the tank cannot hit it at the elevation angle.

Even if the attacker has mortars, they can't hit them so accurately!

What shocked Man Dazhi was still behind. In the city, the sound of bombings continued to sound. The sound of exploding tank shells and the mixed explosions of 40-guns reverberated in Man Dazhi's ears.

To Man Dazhi's despair, the teams he deployed were disappearing one by one. However, no team could report the location of the attacker.

Finally, when the attacking team members are there, there are one hundred meters.

"Captain, there are people from the attacking side outside." A team member next to him said in horror.

The few teams on the defensive side seemed to have done nothing. They didn't even know what happened, and they were all solved by the attacking side.

When he came back to his senses, he found that he was surrounded by people from the attacking side.

They were already surrounded by the attackers. Once exposed, they would have no chance of escaping, but the attackers seemed to be heading towards them.

"Armored team, come on." Man Dazhi gave the order, a little crazy.

He had no idea what was happening. Only the people following him were left in the team he deployed. All the other infantry teams were killed, and now only the armored team was left.

Boom boom boom~

Unexpectedly, a voice came from the intercom.

"We had a sneak attack and their tanks came out from behind us."


Man Dazhi was shocked. The attacking tank appeared from behind. What happened?

On the battlefield, the four armored tanks on the defensive side were caught off guard when faced with the attacking tanks emerging from behind. Although they were in an open area, this openness was relative.

Not only that, but the anti-tank team from the attacking side also came to their front.

Boom boom boom~

The shells accurately hit the defending tank one after another.

Within a short time, all the defensive tanks were damaged.

The students in the tank got out of the hatch, and white smoke came out of each one.

"It's too brutal, it's really too brutal. We don't even have infantry when we attack from both sides.

"What the hell is this fight about?"

"I'm convinced, I'm really convinced. I've long seen that our commander is unreliable. He's just commanding like a stupid pig."

(Asking for all kinds of data support, asking for automatic subscription, asking for everything!).

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