Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

186: Full Marks In All Majors! The First Person In Lu Academy

In the principal's office!

Senior Colonel Sun Fu, Director of the Academic Affairs Office, took the application submitted by Li Ran to the Lieutenant General, but the Lieutenant General did not respond for a long time.

"Principal, I thought he was just talking casually, but I didn't expect it to come true." Sun Fu said with a bitter smile.

Sun Fu knew that Li Ran wanted to study other professional subjects by himself. Li Ran also told him at the beginning and asked for a week.

You know, you know, but it is completely impossible for Sun Fu to study other professional subjects by himself in just one week. Even if he finished studying, Sun Fu never thought that Li Ran would apply for the exam.

As a result, I have really applied for exams in other majors, and I have also applied for all the remaining majors. Who would have thought of this?

"This kid." Regarding this, the lieutenant general was helpless.

"Principal, what should we do now? Should we reject his application?" Sun Fu asked.

Li Ran's application for the exam involves many departments.

"Since he wants to take the exam, let him take the exam. Arrange a joint exam for him. Take the written exam first, and then the practical exam after the written exam. He is the only candidate, so it won't cost much." The lieutenant general said, approving Li Ran application.

Sun Fu sighed inwardly that this was the first time in so many years in Lu Academy that all professional departments had arranged a joint examination for one student.

After the news came out, Lu Yuan was shocked.

For the freshmen who entered the school in 1999, the great master who entered the school with them is going to make school history again, which is simply awesome.

In their hearts, Li Ran is the representative figure of their class of students.

"The great god is better than the great god. I can't find any other adjective to describe the great god."

"The great master is trying to get undergraduate degrees in all majors. It's so fierce.

"If all the exams are passed, it will create school history."

"We are here to learn. The master is here to break the history of the school. There is no comparison."

Wu Sanpao was so shocked when he heard the news that he couldn't recover for a long time. It had only been a week since Li Ran made such a big noise again.

Aren't you satisfied with obtaining a bachelor's degree in infantry tactics and armor command? Are you still thinking about studying the remaining professional subjects?

Are you here to further your education, or are you here to wholesale professional qualifications?

Is the amount of study energy really so excessive?

Wu Sanpao was helpless. Three months of new training was nothing to him as a veteran, but in order to ensure that he could keep up with the courses when the formal classes began, Wu Sanpao also went to the library to learn infantry on his own whenever he had time these days. Related textbooks for the Department of Arms and Tactics.

As a result, the more he watched, the more Wu Sanpao felt stressed!

There is no harm without comparison. To be honest, Wu Sanpao is really envious of Li Ran's brain.

This news caused a collective uproar among the mid-level officers.

"It's too arrogant, it's really too arrogant, it's just grandstanding, it's just grandstanding.

"When this kid comes to our coordination class, we must let him know who has the final say in Lu Yuan."

"Oh, I don't believe that he can pass the undergraduate examinations in so many majors just by studying on his own.

"If he can pass the exam, I will eat the tank alive."

"Count me in. I won't say more. If he can pass even half of these professional exams, I will swallow them alive.

Mid-level officers collectively expressed strong dissatisfaction with Li Ran's behavior.

In their opinion, Li Ran was too arrogant and too popular as a new student, and they all knew that if Li Ran successfully skipped the grade, he would enter the military coordination class.

If you can't find a way to dampen your spirits, what will happen next?

Will you take them seriously when you come to the military coordination class?

All the mid-level officers expressed their opinions, with the exception of one person, Man Dazhi. As Li Ran's defeated general, Man Dazhi was shocked by Li Ran's ten-hand tactics after the tactical review and doubted his life.

What shocked him even more was that he actually didn't do anything wrong in the battle deployment, but he still lost, and he lost in a mess.

This kind of gap is purely tactical. As a defeated general, he has no shame to express his opinion on Li Ran's behavior.

After the last practical assessment, Man Dazhi even admired Li Ran in his heart.

But as a collective of mid-level officers, any part of the body can be soft, but the mouth must be hard.

As for the senior military officers who have always been very steady in dealing with things and speaking out, they still remained silent.

Don't ask them what they think. If you ask, they will just follow the organization and nothing else will happen.

A young student dares to apply for such an exam, and the president of Lu Academy dares to approve such an application. Doesn't this already explain everything?

Therefore, under the instruction of the Lieutenant General, the largest examination in the history of the Lu Academy was arranged for Li Ran.

This scale does not refer to the size of the examination, but the content of the examination spans every major in the Army Academy, from engineering to communications, from communications to others, covering infantry arms tactics and armor except that Li Ran has passed the undergraduate examination. All majors except command.

Such an examination scale made many department leaders in Lu Academy feel numb.

To be honest, it was their first time meeting them!

Inside the Academic Affairs Office.

"Are you crazy? You want to finish all the theoretical examinations in so many majors in one day?" The senior colonel was shocked.

The arrangements for this undergraduate examination jointly organized by various majors and departments for Li Ran have been released. It was originally scheduled to complete the theoretical examination within four days, and then conduct the practical assessment for majors that require practical assessment.

As a result, Li Ran required that all theory tests be completed within one day.

After completing the theory test in one day, even if it is divided into morning and afternoon, you must do at least six papers in each half day, and twelve papers in one day. The key is the exam.

"Director Sun, it's just a theoretical test. It's just a matter of writing a few words. There's no need to waste time on it for three or four days. One day is enough." Li Ran said.

One test paper is calculated as thirty minutes. Six test papers in the morning are three hours, and three hours in the afternoon are completely enough.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" The colonel couldn't help but ask again.

Chaos, everything is too chaotic, completely breaking the past rules, there is nothing Ji Ran can't do except that people can't think of it.


There was no other way. Seeing Li Ran's insistence, the senior colonel had no choice but to report to the lieutenant general whether he would approve Li Ran's move.

"Just one day, he is not afraid of being tested, so what should we be afraid of?" said the lieutenant general.

Therefore, at the command of the lieutenant general, the theoretical examination originally scheduled for four days was compressed to one day.


The much-anticipated theoretical examination across multiple majors and departments has officially begun.

Teachers from relevant majors will serve as invigilators for each exam. Once Li Ran submits the paper, he will immediately start correcting the paper and finally announce the test results together.

Inside the classroom.

All eyes were on Li Ran who was writing rapidly. Even if it was not the first time he met Sun Fu, the director of the Academic Affairs Office, he was still shocked by Li Ran's state.

MD knows that Li Ran is not that perverted.

When I took the tactical theory test that relied on infantry and armored command before, I followed this rhythm when doing the questions. I didn’t expect that it is still the same now, and it was the first time for the other invigilators to meet me.

"Let me go, he doesn't even think about it when he does the questions?"

"This speed is faster than copying the answers directly."

"Director Sun, was he like this in the last theoretical exam?" an invigilator couldn't help but asked in a low voice.

In response, Sun Fu nodded silently.

After the exam ended in the morning, I had a meal, and then took the exam soon in the afternoon. The exam was fast-paced, but Li Ran's answering speed was not affected at all.

It is worth mentioning that the theoretical examinations for these majors are all based on undergraduate examination standards. Questions are drawn directly from the question bank. It is not like last time. The two deans of the Department of Infantry Arms Tactics and the Department of Armor Command specially set the questions. , because there is no need.

In the evening, in the cafeteria.

Li Ran was eating dinner in the canteen very calmly. In order to ensure good order in the canteen, the two pickets at the door of the canteen were like bodyguards, watching eagerly.


"All the master's theory test scores are out."

As soon as the words came out, clatter~

In an instant, all the students in the cafeteria ran out to check Li Ran's theoretical test results, and they were more interested than Li Ran himself.

The canteen that was originally crowded was instantly empty.

The two pickets at the door looked at me and I looked at you, but they still didn't make any move, as if they were right where Li Ran was.

"I'm the only one, why don't you two leave?" Li Ran said casually.

In this regard, the two pickets wearing white helmets did not waver at all.

Li Ran finished his meal and walked to the door of the cafeteria, ready to go back. Looking at the two people who were so dedicated, he thought for a moment and took out two cigarettes.

"One for each person?"

Hearing the words 3.8, the two pickets' eyes suddenly lit up. After seeing that no one was around, they silently accepted one of Li Ran's scattered sticks.

Bikan pickets are responsible for inspecting and stopping military personnel's violations of regulations and disciplines, and have the right to criticize, educate and control the personal freedom of relevant personnel who do not follow advice, and report to superiors for handling or notification.

But this is also divided into people. The pickets perform their duties well, but it does not mean that they have low emotional intelligence.

For example, have you ever seen a picket arresting a senior military officer?

The students in the Lu Academy knew about Li Ran's superiority, and of course they also knew that if ordinary students dared to spread smoke to them, they would definitely take it away, and they even tried to corrupt the pickets.

But Li Ran's behavior of spreading smoke is different. This is not called corrosion, but a thank you and recognition for their efforts to maintain order.

Yes, that’s it!

Ten minutes later, exclamations echoed one after another in Lu Yuan, resounding continuously.

Li Ran's theoretical scores for all majors in this exam are announced, full marks! Full marks for all!

The theoretical test scores for each major are all full marks!

All majors in Lu Academy received full marks in theoretical examinations.

Li Ran, the first person in the Lu Academy of history!

(Please support with various data, ask for everything, ask for everything! Be sure to subscribe for tomorrow’s chapter, thank you!).

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