Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

187: The Third First-Class Merit! Promoted To Captain

In the conference room.

All the deans and directors of each department are here. In addition, there are Zhao Kanghui, dean of the Infantry Arms and Tactics Department, and Fang Xingwu, dean of the Armor Command Department.

Everyone gathered here, for no other reason than to discuss Li Ran's next exam.

"Principal, based on Li Ran's theoretical scores, our engineering department believes that there is no need for a practical exam. We will directly recommend you to the undergraduate program without writing a thesis."

"Our communications department also has the same opinion."


One of the directors and deans of other majors that Li Ran applied for the exam decided to exempt Li Ran from the practical examination and thesis, and directly recommended him to the undergraduate program.

There are two reasons for this idea. One is that Li Ran's theoretical test is indeed perfect. The other is that Major General Fang Xingwu, the dean of the Armor Command Department, believes that there is no need to conduct practical tests and papers, which is completely delaying his second job. Disciple’s study time.

That's right, Li Ran is now regarded by Major General Fang Xingwu as the second closed disciple in the heart of Major General Fang Xingwu.

In Fang Xingwu's view, Li Ran is a student of the Armored Command Department. With such potential, if he is carefully cultivated, he will definitely become an excellent armored commander in the future. Commanding a heavy armored division is not a dream.

Why would such a potential seedling continue to take exams in other majors if he doesn't waste time cultivating him? It's a pure waste of time.

The theory test is just a test, doesn’t the score speak for itself?

Why waste time on taking practical exams and writing papers? It would be over if he were directly admitted to the undergraduate program. Anyway, Li Ran ended up studying in the Armored Command Department.

Everyone knows the temper of the veteran Major General Fang Xingwu. Among the deans, he is the only one with the rank of Major General. At the same time, it is enough to illustrate the status of the Armored Command Department in the Army Academy, that is, it is the trump card subject.

"If you all decide this way, then Li Ran will be exempted from the practical examination and thesis stage, and will be directly admitted to the undergraduate program." said the lieutenant general.

I originally thought that Li Ran was just a small fool, a young man who wanted to challenge himself, but the result was beyond everyone's expectations. He scored full marks in the theoretical examination of all majors in the Lu Academy.

Breaking the history of Lu Academy again and becoming the first person in history!

The emergence of Li Ran is an improvement for the development of Lu Yuan.

There is hope, there is hope among the younger generation of future officers of the field army!

Seeing that the matter was finalized, Fang Xingwu was very satisfied with the result. He took out his special cigarettes and scattered one each.

"Director Fang, the Armored Command Department has really found a treasure this time. Li Ran has a bright future.

"I'm really envious. It's the first full-professional undergraduate program in the history of Lu College.

"This kid can definitely be set up as a role model."

"I think this is a good idea. Look at the students coming to the Lu Academy for further study. Each batch is worse than the last."

The lieutenant general sitting in the front seat also lit a cigarette in his hand and said calmly: "Li Ran is the first student to receive a full-professional undergraduate degree from the Lu Academy. We will hold an undergraduate bachelor's degree program for him tomorrow afternoon in the school auditorium. Degree Certificate Awarding Ceremony.”


After the Lieutenant General finished speaking, everyone present couldn't help but take a breath of air-conditioning, with shocked expressions on their faces.

Even Fang Xingwu did not expect that Lieutenant General Fang would make this decision. Although Li Ran was the first person in the history of Lu Academy to obtain a full-professional undergraduate degree, a bachelor's degree awarding ceremony was specially prepared for him in the auditorium for this purpose. Is the ceremony a little too solemn?

"The General Staff has issued an order." The lieutenant general added lightly.

After hearing this, the shocked expressions on everyone's faces disappeared, and they understood instantly.

This makes sense. The General Staff issued an order, and it was 100% aimed at Ji Ran.

Dong Dong Dong~

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Report!" Sun Fu's voice sounded outside the conference room.

"Come in.

The Dean of Academic Affairs opened the door and ignored the smoke in the conference room.

"Principal, Li Ran submitted the undergraduate thesis in each major." Sun Fu said, holding a thick stack of thesis reports in his hand, all of which were submitted by Li Ran.

The colonel's words stunned everyone present.

Good guy, they just decided to exempt Li Ran from taking practical exams and papers. Unexpectedly, Li Ran had already written them.

The lieutenant general was also stunned, not expecting Li Ran to be so fast.

You know, this is not one or two papers, but twelve papers, all written?

The lieutenant general asked the university to distribute the papers to everyone present, and then said: "You inform Li Ran that the practical exam has been waived. He will be directly admitted to his undergraduate degree in each major. A bachelor's degree awarding ceremony will be held for him in the auditorium tomorrow afternoon. , let him prepare and then speak on stage to inspire other students."

Sun Fu was shocked in his heart. The principal's words contained a lot of information.

After Sun Fu left, the deans and directors of each major immediately conducted research on the undergraduate thesis written by Li Ran.

"I'll go, it's so well written."

"This thesis is enough to serve as a master's thesis in our engineering department."

"Tomorrow I will let people announce this paper as an excellent paper.

"What is going on in this kid's head? Why is he so awesome?"

In the conference room, exclamations came one after another.

The next day~

There is a sensation in the Lu Academy. After Li Ran immersed himself in self-study in the library for a week, yesterday and today, shocking news continued to make people numb.

First, he got full marks in the theoretical examination of all majors, and then today, Li Ran was directly exempted from the practical examination and admitted to the undergraduate degree.

This is not even over yet. The twelve papers submitted by Li Ran, no more and no less, have all been announced as outstanding papers.

Various majors are blooming like this. Lu Yuan has not appeared for many years, and it appears again today, all because of Li Ran.

"All I have for the great god is worship with all my heart."

"The great master is really awesome. Compared with the great master, we are simply not worthy of carrying our shoes.

"Why is there such a big gap between two heads carrying the same shoulders?"

"Did I go to the fake Lu Academy? Why can a master be so good? But I am so mediocre."

"Same Lu Yuan, different brains."

Afternoon, Luyuan, University and C of the school!

The auditorium, which can accommodate more than 2,000 people, was almost full of students, including the Class of 1999, Class of 1998, Class of 1997, and even a small number of Class of 1996 students.

After learning that they came to the auditorium only to attend Li Ran's bachelor's degree awarding ceremony, many people were shocked. They all called him a great master, he was really great, and he was so valued by the principal.

Soon, the awarding ceremony officially began.

Li Ran, wearing a formal suit, walked onto the stage and held his head high. He did not wear a military medal this time. He had already worn it when he first entered school. There is no point in continuing to wear it this time.

In front of everyone, the mighty and resounding military song sounded in the auditorium, and at the same time, "the deans and directors of each major came to the stage to present Li Ran with the bachelor's degree certificate of his major.

There are a total of 14 undergraduate bachelor's degree certificates in 14 majors. What a scene it is like when 14 school and department leaders come on stage to award Li Ran alone.

Definitely the first time in Lu Yuan’s history!

At the end of the awarding ceremony, the audience immediately burst into warm applause.

All the students present were very excited. Today, they could witness the history of Lu Academy with their own eyes.

After all, new students in the future may not be able to see such a scene like them.

After the applause ended, President Lu personally walked onto the stage and read out an order issued by the General Staff in front of everyone.

"The Zi General Staff ordered that in order to commend Comrade Li Ran for his outstanding performance in the Lu Academy and submit a report of constructive significance, Comrade Li Ran is specially awarded a first-class personal merit."

After the Lieutenant General finished speaking, the audience gasped one after another.

Does the General Staff reward great masters with first-class personal merit?

What's the situation? What did the master write? To be able to obtain the first-class personal merit issued directly from the General Staff? This is really awesome.

The only ones who knew the truth about Li Ran's first-class individual merit were those who signed a confidentiality agreement, and Li Ran's five previous roommates, who were both envious and aggrieved at the same time.

They had copied the confidentiality agreement ten times. The key was not to know what Li Ran wrote.

But now I finally know why they were asked to copy the confidentiality agreement. One can imagine the importance of a thesis report that will allow Li Ran to win first-class personal merit again.

You thought this was the end? It’s not!

"The Zi General Staff ordered Comrade Li Ran to be promoted to the rank of captain because he has made many meritorious service during his service and made great contributions to the development of the field army. He met the promotion standards.

This time, after the lieutenant general finished speaking, in front of everyone in the audience, he slowly stepped forward, took off the lieutenant rank on Li Ran's shoulders, and replaced Li Ran with the rank of captain.

To be honest, Li Ran himself didn't even expect it, whether it was first-class meritorious service or promotion to captain.

At this moment, he also understood why he was told to wear the rank of lieutenant to attend this ceremony. It turned out that there was a surprise for this promotion.

Is this how to become a captain? The next step is to become a major. Li Ran is still a little excited in his heart.

You know, when he is promoted to the rank of school officer, he will be equivalent to entering the middle-level officer class.

Bang bang bang bang~

The audience burst into warm applause again, this time even more enthusiastic than before.

The students in the audience no longer knew what to say. What happened to Li Ran completely refreshed their understanding.

While in school, he won first-class personal merit and was promoted to military rank. Anyway, this was the first time they met, and it was an order issued by the General Staff. I can only say that he is really awesome. If he is awesome, he will be worshiped and out of reach.

Bachelor's degree awarded! Honors awarded! Promotion!

All three appeared in the same person. No wonder such a grand ceremony was held specifically for Li Ran.

Having said that, Li Ran deserves it!

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