Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

198: Someone Among Us Actually Rebelled

The members of Team B saw that the Lieutenant Colonel spoke from the bottom of his heart and was very sincere, so they decided to believe him one last time.

More than forty minutes later!

Every member of Team B was in despair, as if they had been drained dry.

"I won't fight anymore. I won't fight anymore."

"This is definitely a command like a stupid pig. It's too torture. Please let me go."

"Whoever wants to fight will fight. If labor and management beat me to death, I won't be in team B anymore. Just transfer me to team A. As long as I can play one game in team A in ten days, I have no problem with it.

"I want to apply to join the A team. If I don't play like this, even an Iron Man can't handle it."

In terms of a person's normal endurance, losing is not terrible. What is terrible is that you keep losing. The key is that you keep losing and keep getting better. There is no hope at all.

Is this the level of command among the mid-level military officers of the Army Academy?

One or two, a major, a lieutenant colonel, a battalion commander from an armored regiment, and a chief of staff from what tiger regiment? Are they at this level?

After fighting for half a month, a captain wolf was killed every time?

Fighting and losing again and again, and fighting again and again after being defeated, they did not consider the feelings of those who executed the orders at all.

"Brothers, I'm sorry, don't worry, next time, next time I will definitely lead you to turn defeat into victory and defeat Li Ran." The lieutenant colonel comforted him.

But what he got in return was eye rolls and middle fingers.

Next time? Just dream, you won’t be in team B anymore. Who wants to be in team B? This is not a team for normal people.

No matter how good their mental quality is, they can't handle it. After half a month, all their self-confidence has been destroyed. As a result, now they see the members of Team A walking with their heads down, which is embarrassing.

The commander is too hot-headed, so bad luck for them.

So, the members of Team B found the colonel instructor.

"Report, I apply to leave team B and join team A."

"Report, I will also apply."

"Report, as long as I'm not in the team, I can go wherever you want.

Where is Team A now? For half a month, under the command of the captain, Team A has been invincible and has created various excellent results. It can be said that Team A is the team of winners.

Being in Team A, not only can you enjoy the honor brought by an excellent commander, but you can also progress and learn quickly.

As for these mid-level officers and commanders, they are all scum in front of the captain, far from it.

No matter how strong the captain is, these mid-level officers will be more useless, each one more useless than the last.

And their team B has completely become a negative teaching material. The key is not that they are not good. The quality of them and the members of team A is actually about the same. The only difference is in the commander.

"I will consider your application." The colonel teacher said, feeling very helpless.

In so many years, this was the first time he had seen these people take the initiative to apply to be transferred out of the formation.

But I have to say that the captain is really too strong. These mid-level officers were completely manipulated in front of the captain. When it comes to tactics, they can't be mentioned at all. When it comes to command, they are also quite different.

It can be said that the commanders of both sides are almost not on the same level.

This crushing and invincible attitude has only been seen by the colonel instructor in one student, that is Qi Long, who came to the Lu Academy for further training and is now the commander of the 10th Heavy Armored Division.

Yes, judging from the colonel's teachings, if nothing unexpected happens, the captain will definitely become the commander of the 1st Heavy Armored Division in the future.

Even stronger than the current commander of the Heavy Equipment Division!

A large-scale confrontation involving just one armored company, under the command of the captain, can always come up with various tricks, such as dog fights, tactical interludes, and armored beheadings. In the past half month, there have been endless ways of fighting.

Almost every confrontation can be used as a teaching case for infantry-tank drills and confrontations, which is very exciting.

Tian Hu, a lieutenant colonel and battalion commander from an armored regiment, is autistic.

Not only did Wang Hu become autistic, but the entire group of mid-level officers also became autistic after half a month of confrontation.

In the half-month confrontation, they took turns to fight, showing off their own special skills, but none of them could beat Li Ran.

Even in the fastest battle, they were defeated in just half an hour.

Now, the way the lower-grade students look at them has completely changed. Their prestige in the hearts of the lower-grade students has completely disappeared. Even the members of Team B they command openly despise them.

As a collective of mid-level officers, they were completely nailed to the rack of shame.

"Why? Why can't we win even a dozen confrontations in half a month? What's the problem?"

"It shouldn't be, it really shouldn't be, why do you always lose?"

"He has too many evil intentions, at least 800 evil intentions. We can't play tricks with him.

"But we can't defeat him in a head-on confrontation. Why is his command so silky smooth?"

A group of mid-level officers doubted their lives and began to self-examine and reflect on why. No matter how they commanded them, they were no match for Li Ran and were tortured by Li Ran every time.

"Who has a cigarette? Give me a cigarette." At this time, Wang Hu looked at everyone eagerly and said.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the venue suddenly stagnated, and everyone unanimously remained silent.

Smoke, you lose!

In the past half month, I started betting on one pack of special cigarettes in each confrontation with Li Ran, then two packs, three packs became bigger and bigger, and finally, after losing them all, I started betting on other brands of cigarettes.

Until now, they have lost all their cigarettes, and a cigarette is a luxury for them.

"No, who still has cigarettes now?"

"That's right, my pocket is cleaner than my face right now."

"I haven't smoked in three days."

"The last time I smoked, I licked my face and asked a junior student for it."


Everyone sighed, their voices full of sadness. They were still thinking about defeating the captain, saving their dignity, and winning back the cigarettes. But now they have not completed any of them. They are losers!


At this time, the crisp sound of the lighter was particularly harsh.

When everyone looked around, they saw Man Dazhi holding a flower stick in his mouth and lighting it in front of everyone.

"Dazhi, do you still have cigarettes? Or Huazi." Everyone was surprised.

"I tell you guys, stop holding on, go and reconcile with the master, apologize, and all the previous unpleasantness will be over." Man Dazhi said calmly.

Although he is a mid-level officer, he is sober. As early as a week ago, he took the initiative to abandon the darkness and turn to the light and became a determined master.

Yes, as a mid-level officer, he switched sides and went to Li Ran. At the same time, this decision also made Man Dazhi feel that the mechanism was different.

Because although the great god is famous and powerful, he is really a nice person and very kind. After the reconciliation, he also gave him a bag of flowers, which was very generous.

"Dazhi, what did you call him? Great God?" Everyone was shocked again by what Man Dazhi called Li Ran.

"That's right, Master, what's the matter?" Man Dazhi said calmly: "Hua Zi, the Master gave it to me. The Master is so kind and generous. I am the Master now. If you have any activities in the future, don't call me." , I will not participate."

"By the way, you can think about what I said before. There is nothing wrong with following the master.

Before leaving, Man Dazhi added a special sentence.

The remaining mid-level officers looked at each other in shock.

*`]Rebellion", people in their group of mid-level officers actually "rebelled". This is the first time such a thing has happened in many years.

"Damn it, I didn't expect Man Dazhi to be so unambitious that he was bribed with just a pack of Huazi?"

"It's just that I'm really ashamed to be associated with such people."

"I feel ashamed now when I think about how I was a brother to him before."

"It's too much. Once you are a mid-level officer, you will lose your face."

Everyone was very angry. Unexpectedly, at this time, Man Dazhi would "betray" and abandon them.

"Brothers, I didn't expect Man Dazhi to be such a person. I really misjudged him." Wang Hu said sadly: "For the remaining brothers, we have been able to persist until now, and we have no regrets. We will continue to persist." Go down, never bow to the "evil forces", and resolutely rectify this unhealthy trend."

"You're right, we have to stick to it."

"That's right, persistence is victory."

"We must maintain the dignity of mid-level officers."

"He risked his life, he just fought to the end.

In the office of the dean of the Armor Command Department!

"A group of embarrassing things, they fought for half a month and never won once. They were abused this time." Fang Xingwu watched the second closed disciple he was proud of for half a month and Bu Tan, a student in the coordination class, practiced fighting. Data, couldn't help but say.

To be honest, this result made the major general (King Nuo) very shocked and experienced.

Within half a month, starting with a Butan training and confrontation every day, all the students in the coordination class were beaten one by one by Li Ran, and they all ended their lives like torture.

Even though these mid-level officers fought like this with Li Ran, to say that they are not good at command is really not true.

Many of them are battalion commanders and chiefs of staff from armored regiments. They must have command qualities and cannot be rookies.

There is only one reason why he behaves like a rookie in front of Li Ran, and that is that Li Ran is too strong.

Li Ran's strength is too strong, and the gap between these mid-level officers and Li Ran is too huge, which will give people the illusion that these mid-level officers are all rookies.

"There is no point in continuing the infantry-tank drill and confrontation. We can start the war game deduction course." The major general thought secretly.

Originally, he was thinking of letting Li Ran learn more about the wisdom of mechanization through tank-tank drills and confrontations, but now it seems that there is no need for that.

Every time I hit her, I was abusing her. If the beating lasted too long, Li Ran would be too swollen, so that would be fine.

Then let Li Ran start the war game deduction course. At least in the war game deduction, the scale of command can be increased by at least one regiment level. At this time, there are more things to consider, and it trains people more.

(Please ask for all kinds of data support, ask for everything, ask for all kinds of data, thank you!).

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