Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

199: War Game! Make A Deal With The Fourth Machinery Department

After the Bu-tan exercise confrontation training course was over and the major general arranged for Li Ran to start a war chess course, Wang Hu and others were so excited that they almost shed tears of emotion.

"Sure enough, the dean still has us in mind. What's the point of commanding a company-scale drill and confrontation every day?"

"That's right, war game deduction is YYDS. Does he, a captain, understand what war game deduction is?"

"With all due respect, there is nothing to be gained by commanding a company-scale confrontation. If we have the ability, we can command an armored regiment to confront the fact.

"That's right. An armored regiment needs to consider logistical supplies and even special strikes. Does a captain like him understand this?"

"The little prince is playing a war chess game, and finally I can teach the captain a lesson."

Wang Hu and others were excited, finally waiting for the opportunity to retrieve the venue from Li Ran.

Sure enough, they still have a place in the dean's heart. Seeing them being abused for half a month, the dean felt sorry for them and gave them such an opportunity to regain their confidence.

Of course, the fact is that Wang Hu and others have completely overthought it.

The major general simply thought that they were too weak, and was worried that if they continued to fight like this every day with infantry and tank drills, Li Ran would become too inflated, which would be bad.

After all, if you abuse food all day long, you will always have the illusion that you are the best in the world.

The major general does not want to develop some bad temper in Li Ran.

War game deduction is a favorite course for mid-level and senior officers. While studying in the Lu Academy, there are limited entertainment and leisure activities. Apart from watching the news broadcast, that is war game game deduction.

War game deductions will always start with a regiment-level confrontation, and it is not easy to move to a company-level deduction.

After all, there are too few opportunities to actually command a regiment-level confrontation exercise. It is impossible to treat it as daily training. If you are given thousands of people and a regiment's equipment to conduct training and confrontation, it will consume too much manpower and material resources.

Therefore, war game deduction is the only effective way that allows you to experience the pleasure of commanding a regiment or even a division.

This is definitely a strong point for their mid-level officers!

the other side.

Li Ran was also very happy after receiving the news. He was finally liberated and no longer had to abuse food every day. After half a month of fighting, he felt quite interesting in the previous week.

The fighting became more and more boring after that. One or two were too weak, and Li Ran even once doubted the command level of the middle-level officers of the Lu Academy.

If the major general did not arrange for the closure, he planned to apply for closure on his own initiative.

It's really boring to torture vegetables, there is no one who can fight.

He is about to take a weapon deduction course. Although Li Ran has never played this before, it does not mean that Li Ran does not know how to do it. After all, he has a system and cheats, and now he has accumulated many achievement points.

When I have nothing to do during the day, I read and study in the library. At night, I am in the dormitory, drawing prizes and other things, and turning on plug-ins.

There is no way, the protagonist's life is so simple and unpretentious.

But now Li Ran encountered a very troublesome thing.

Because he exchanged it for a good thing in the system mall. Even in future generations, it would be a good thing, a good thing that was blocked, a good thing that cannot be bought with money.

F22 fighter engine and related parameter manufacturing drawings!

This thing cost Li Ran hundreds of thousands of achievement points.

There is no way, it is too tempting, the engine is stuck in the neck, and there is no way to break through the technology.

If this thing is provided for scientific researchers to study and learn, how many years can Longguo's engine technology be advanced!

Li Ran's goal is to become an armor commander and want to complete the mission of great revival, but the premise of the great revival mission is to have an invincible and powerful army.

At present, the field army is transforming towards mechanization, and the future will be the era of information-based combined forces, let alone the future.

But these prerequisites are inseparable from one thing, which is advanced military weapons and equipment.

Especially in terms of fighter jets, this thing is so important. It is a huge killer for ground troops.

Having powerful fighter jets and bombers in hand gives you the confidence and capital to speak.

Whether it is a fighter or a bomber, what is the most difficult technology to overcome?

The outer coating material of the so-called stealth fighter? The fuselage material? No, the engine is the core. Only by developing an engine that provides sufficient power can it run fast and fly high.

There is no way, we are lagging far behind, and it is not that simple to catch up.

They are not kind people, and they cannot watch you progress without causing trouble.

A good thing is stuck in your neck, are you angry?

But what can be done?

Now, Li Ran has drawn the good stuff, but the question arises, how to give it away?

The shock of this thing is simply greater than the shock of his exaggerated display of strength. It is impossible for him to show up. Once he does, it will be really unclear.

The key is not to find other people, there will be a lot of trouble.

"System, can you find a way to send this thing out to me safely and without being traced?" Li Ran asked.


"What if I sell it?" Li Ran asked tentatively again.

"What the host draws is the host's own. How to deal with it is up to the host. Once the delivery location is determined, the system will arrange for delivery. The host will never be found.

The system said.

"Great system, love you."

Li Ran smiled happily. This is the correct way to open the system, which can relieve the host's worries.

Rather than giving it away, it is better to sell it, and Li Ran also thought of a suitable buyer.

Four machine departments!

A magical department, an excellent department that can set up a branch in the Nishiyama Scenic Area of ​​Kyoto and also do business with foreigners.

The people in the department speak well and make money. They are really outstanding.

In the director's office.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open violently, startling the middle-aged man.

"Counsel Zhou, why did you come in without knocking?" the middle-aged man said with some dissatisfaction (aibd).

"Director, something big has happened." Zhou Xiaotong said with a serious face: "Our department's network has been invaded."

"Has it been invaded? Have you found out who did it? Inside or outside?" Upon hearing this, the middle-aged man's face immediately became serious. The network has been invaded, which is a big deal.

You know, there are many files stored in the archives. Although the top-secret files are kept on paper and are not stored on the server, it is a joke that the network of the Fourth Machinery Department has been invaded.

"It can't be found, but the other party doesn't seem to have any intention of stealing intelligence information." Zhou Xiaotong said.

"Not stealing intelligence? Then why did he invade? Does he still want to do business with us?"

"Yes, he just wants to do a business with us." Zhou Xiaotong said: "He has something he wants to sell to us."

"Huh? What?"

"He said it was a fighter jet engine."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said: "Damn it, not only did they invade, but they also made fun of us. Counselor Zhou, I told you that you are not a child anymore. Why do you believe such nonsense? You are obviously here. Just kidding us, who can sell us this thing?"

The middle-aged man thought this was a provocation. He knew that Longguo's technology was currently stuck, especially in terms of engines, but he still said such things.

Selling engines? Why don't you say selling rockets? Selling rockets is more realistic than selling engines.

If someone in China could produce a qualified fighter engine, this would have been a thing of the past. As for foreign countries, even if you had it, would you be able to transport it? You can't do it at all.

"Director, my intuition tells me that it's not a joke." Zhou Xiaotong said: "Because it's not necessary. If he didn't take the initiative to reveal his identity, we wouldn't have even noticed that he had invaded. If he had other purposes, there would be no way. It is necessary to talk nonsense with us, but this will risk me finding out his real IP address."

"Talk to him, and if he can really get the engine over, I'll give him any amount of money." The middle-aged man said, "Also, continue to track his IP address.


As a result, an emergency operation was immediately convened.

In the conference room.

The Fourth Machinery Department has recruited all the computer personnel, and has even applied for secondment from other units. After all, this kind of computer technical work is not what their Fourth Machinery Department is good at.

At the same time, Zhou Xiaotong was talking to the intruders.

"Can you send it over?"

"Of course, give me your shipping address and I will deliver it."

"Why did you sell it to us?"

"No nonsense, just tell me whether you want it or not?"

"How much does it cost?"

"One hundred thousand dollars."

This value confused everyone, including Zhou Xiaotong.

One hundred thousand US dollars? This number is not too much, but a little too little. For a fighter jet engine, tens of millions of US dollars are acceptable to Longguo, mainly because it cannot be obtained.

As a result, it only costs 100,000 US dollars now. This is what they are playing for.

"Do you know what your provocative behavior means?"

Zhou Xiaotong was angry. I bet her intuition was wrong. She really came to make fun of them, and she didn't take them seriously at all.

"Cash on delivery, give me a delivery address. When the goods arrive, if you are sure you want it, then call the money. This is my Ruijin bank account. You don't have to bother to check it. You can't check it."

Seeing this, Zhou Xiaotong was stunned. She didn't understand what it meant.

She looked at the middle-aged man aside. The middle-aged man nodded and said, "Give him the address and arrange it in area 07."


Area 07 is an operation area of ​​the Fourth Machinery Department. It is remote and can be controlled in time if any unexpected situation arises.

"Just wait for the harvest. After receiving the goods, remember to send me the money."

After these words were spoken, the contact between the two parties was completely interrupted.

(Please support with various data. There is no way. Without technology, the development of military science and technology cannot meet the requirements for establishing a mature information system force in advance. Please support!).

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