Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

203: Shocking! Li Ran Defeated Major General

Lu Yuan!

War game room.

Due to the third enlarged meeting held last night, at this time, the collective mentality of the mid-level military officers in the Army Academy has undergone earth-shaking changes, except of course, a certain lieutenant colonel.

Because the convener of the third enlarged conference has long been a man of great ambition and unswerving ambition.

Since last night, they have made the decision to become a determined master.

Although we lost for half a month, is it embarrassing to lose to the gods? It’s not embarrassing at all.

On the contrary, if you can compete with great masters, you will continue to improve.

"Who's going today? I'm young and volunteered, so I'll do it."

"Why are you here? I'm older than you, so I'll bear the pressure."

"Brothers, please stop arguing. If you lose 10,000 words once, I will be the one to bear the pain."

"I appreciate the kindness of the brothers, but leave this kind of thing to me. I'm best at writing letters of apology.

The mid-level officers started arguing over who should fight Li Ran.

Wang Hu, who was trapped in his bones, saw the scene in front of him and felt very happy in his heart.

Sure enough, mid-level officers cannot be defeated collectively, and constant defeats will only make them stronger.

Look at these people, none of them are shrouded in the shadow of failure, they all face the difficulties, and are not even afraid of the risk of writing a review. This positive attitude is very good.

At this time, Ji Ran appeared.

"Who's going to fight me today?" Li Ran said, completely uninterested and having been abused for half a month.

"I'll come, I'll come."

"Everyone said I'm coming."

"I'll fight you."

"Don't argue. I accept the kindness of brothers. It's up to me to resist this pressure. I am the first person. Now let's make a new beginning from me." Wang Hu took a step forward, looking righteous. Said like that.

After finishing speaking, he looked at Li Ran and said: "Although we lost for half a month, we will not be defeated, it will only make us stronger."

As he spoke, the lieutenant colonel straightened his body. In any case, they had an advantage in numbers and were full of momentum.

But the next second.

"Holy shit, what's going on? Hey, hey, hey, are you on the wrong team? Come back, how come you're on his side?"

Wang Hu was dumbfounded. He originally had great ambitions to stand on Li Ran's side, but now, everyone else has stood on Li Ran's side, leaving him alone.

"Old Wang, I'm sorry, I admit that the master is very strong, and I am now a master."

"Me too, the unwavering Great God Blowing."

"We are all God's people now."

"Damn it, a group of "traitors" have all turned "betray". It was in vain that he was pleased with everyone's positive attitude and deceived his feelings." The lieutenant colonel gritted his teeth and was very angry.

"Where are your pride as mid-level officers? Where are your principles and bottom line as mid-level officers?" Wang Hu asked from the soul.

For everyone who has made a decision and is determined to become a great master.

Pride? Principle? Bottom line? Does it have anything to do with them becoming great masters?

It doesn't matter at all. They have easily made the road wider, so why let them go? Impossible

"Okay, let me maintain the pride of a mid-level officer by myself." The lieutenant colonel made a decision in his mind.

At this time, a man walked in.

"They have been abused by you for half a month. There is no point in you continuing to fight them. Today I will be your opponent.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked.

Unexpectedly, the dean came. Not only did he come, he also wanted to be Li Ran's opponent.

Li Ran was also surprised, but more excited. It was interesting to see the major general as his opponent.

"Are you coming?" Fang Xingwu looked at his proud disciple and asked with a smile.

"Teacher, how about adding some bets?" Li Ran smiled.

As soon as these words came out, everyone around was shocked again.

The captain is so awesome. The major general is his opponent. It is something that many people only dream of getting. Who would have thought that the captain would raise the stakes and bet with the major general? He is really courageous.

"If you win, I will give you a special gift. If you lose, I don't want anything." The major general said very grandly.

Such unabashed pampering made everyone envious.

Sure enough, in the heart of the major general, the captain is just like his own son. No one else receives this kind of treatment.

"Thank you, teacher."

As soon as the news came out about the war game played by the captain and the major general, many people came to watch. Deans of several departments and the director of the Academic Affairs Office all came to act as the audience.

They had all heard the news that Li Ran had brutally tortured the mid-level officers in recent days and was invincible.

Therefore, they were very curious about how the captain and major general would play out in a war game.

You know, Fang Xingwu is a veteran major general. Although he is not young, he has been retiring to the second line and becoming the dean of the Armor Command Department of the Lu Academy. He likes to study when he has nothing to do. He has been learning and is completely up to date with the times.

For major generals, war games and confrontations are all leftovers from playing long ago.

Everything is ready, and the war game confrontation between the captain and the major general officially begins.

Type: Complex mountain armor group confrontation.

The major general commands the red side, and Li Ran commands the blue left side!

In the past half month, the Major General has read all the war game confrontation process reports between Li Ran and every player he played. Even with his eyes, he thought Li Ran's command was really beautiful.

That's why I came up with the idea of ​​fighting Li Ran in person.

"The dean took action personally. He will definitely lose this time." Wang Hu said very proudly. As expected, even the dean couldn't sit still and planned to personally take action to kill the captain's spirit.

"It's too early to speak. The battle hasn't reached the last moment and we don't know the outcome yet."

"That is, anything can happen to the goddess."

"Based on the great master's performance these days, I feel that his command quality is not weaker than that of any senior officer."

"Great God is invincible, I believe in Great God."

"Old Wang, shut up. Strength speaks for itself. Talking negatively only shows your weakness."

A group of mid-level officers who had firmly become great masters immediately expressed their support for Li Ran, even if the opponent was their dean, a veteran major general.

But at this time, the more they must show their firm stance and attitude to support the gods.

"You..." Wang Hu was stunned and speechless. He didn't know what kind of ecstasy drug these people had been fed.

He is worthy of being a veteran major general with very rich combat experience.

As soon as they came up, they immediately issued combat deployments, broke their heavy-armed troops into parts, and made full use of the advantages of the complex mountainous terrain to camouflage and hide.

As a qualified armor commander, you must be able to reasonably deploy troops according to the terrain.

Take advantage of the terrain as much as possible.

In the game with the Major General, Li Ran cherished this opportunity very much and did not plan to use any tactical traps. He planned to have a real head-on confrontation with the Major General.

After both sides deployed their troops, they all deployed their reconnaissance troops to investigate the enemy's main force.

He knew how to take advantage of the terrain and break up the heavily armed troops into parts. Li Ran also knew this and also adopted this method.


Ten minutes later, the main heavy-armed forces of both sides fought in the front, and all suffered considerable battle losses.

But the major general's side has a slight advantage.

The veteran major general has experienced motorization to semi-mechanization. Even though he has now begun to transform towards full mechanization, the major general has already understood the wisdom of mechanization.

In terms of the deployment and mobilization of some heavily armed troops, the methods are still more mature.

Although Li Ran is a cheater, until now, in a real sense, he has never experienced even a company-level command confrontation. Some of them are just command confrontations on the training ground. The feeling is different.

As for the command confrontation at the regiment level, there is no such thing!

The two sides were inseparable for a while, but this scene had already amazed the onlookers.

The captain was actually able to fight back and forth with the major general. Several times, the group charge organized by the major general shocked the audience who had a God's perspective.

If it were them, they would have been destroyed long ago.

As a result, at every critical moment, the captain cleverly came up with a way to block them all.

So much so that now, the two sides are in a stalemate.

"`"The Great God Bull Competition, it's a real bull competition. "

"It's an honor to be able to fight like this with the dean, even if we lose."

"For a captain to be able to force a major general to do this, he is so proud that he can brag about it wherever he goes.

"Sure enough, it is really not (Wang Li Zhao) ashamed to lose to the master."

Fans of Li Ran’s great fans made exclamations of admiration one after another.

"This kid, no wonder he can treat these mid-level officers like weak chickens. He is indeed very capable." The major general exclaimed inwardly.

He personally went into battle to fight Li Ran. As Li Ran's opponent, he knew how much pressure there was.

At Li Ran's level, even some senior military officers at the colonel level may not be able to defeat him. He does have a trick, and the major general knows that Li Ran is not using his full strength.

That’s why Li Ran is very good at tactics!

Until now, Li Ran has dealt with everything head-on and behaved. When faced with his own moves, Li Ran has always taken advantage of them without hiding at all. It is all about hard power.

With such strength, if Li Ran had added the tactics he was good at from the beginning, the situation would not be what it is now.

After the two sides were in a stalemate again for fifteen minutes, suddenly, the major general's face changed drastically as if he had thought of something, and he secretly said in his heart: "No!"

This bad sound means that the war game confrontation between the captain and the major general is about to come to an end.

In this war game confrontation, the major general was going to lose, and he still lost at the hands of a captain.

"Dean is going to lose."

The people watching with God's perspective couldn't help but be shocked in their hearts.

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